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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (مسلسل 20)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ناظم فتاح

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    4 (مسلسل 20)
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هدف اساسی پژوهش حاضر، بررسی سلامت سازمانی مناطق مختلف دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را تمام کارمندان واحدهای دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی تشکیل می دهند. با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی مرحله ای و طبقه بندی تعداد 558 نفر از کارمندان واحدهای مختلف دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی انتخاب شدند. ابزار سنجش عبارت از پرسشنامه سلامت سازمانی OHI است که روی کارکنان اجرا شد. نتایج تحلیل واریانس یکطرفه و آزمون پیگردی LSD نشان داد که: 1- بین سلامت سازمانی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی به تفکیک منطقه تفاوت معنی دار وجود دارد، 2- نتایج آزمون پیگردیLSD نیز حاکی از این است که میانگین نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 3 از منطقه 2 بزرگتر است. برعکس نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 2 به همان اندازه از منطقه 3 کوچکتر است. میانگین نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 4 از مناطق 5، 6، 7، 9، 10 و12 بزرگتر است و برعکس نمره سلامت سازمانی سایر مناطق ذکر شده به همان اندازه از نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 4 کوچکتر است. میانگین نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 8 از مناطق 2، 3، 5، 6، 7،9 ،10و 12 بزرگتر است و برعکس نمره سلامت سازمانی سایر مناطق ذکر شده به همان اندازه از نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 8 کوچکتر است. میانگین نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 11 از مناطق 5، 6، 7، 9، 10 و12 بزرگتر است و برعکس نمره سلامت سازمانی سایر مناطق ذکر شده به همان اندازه از نمره سلامت سازمانی منطقه 11 کوچکتر است.

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    4 (20)
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The main purpose of the present research is to study the philosophical mindedness of managers in Islamic Azad University (IAU). The population of the study included all the IAU managers in different zones.558 managers were randomly selected as the sample group. The research instrument was the researcher-made questionnaire of philosophical mindedness. The results of one-way ANOVA and Post Hoc LSD test indicated that 1) there is a significant difference between philosophical mindedness of the managers in IAU in different zones, 2) The philosophical mindedness mean index of the managers in zone 8 is larger than that among managers in zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12 while this index among managers in other zones is lower than zone 8. The philosophical mindedness mean index of the managers in zone 9 is larger than that among managers in zones while this index among managers in zone 12 is lower than that in zone 9. The philosophical mindedness mean index of the managers in zone 11 is larger than those in zones 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12 while this index among managers in other zones is lower than that in zone 11.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (20)
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This research carried out with the aim of investigating the role of academic ethics, educational justice and injustice among university student’s education/citizenship behaviors. From among the students in faculty of psychology and education as the population, 396 students were selected using convenience random sampling. Research instruments were three questionnaires including academic ethics survey (with 8 items), educational justice (with 28 items) and education/citizenship behaviors (with 21 items). Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and mediation regression analysis. Results showed that 1) academic ethics has significant relations with educational justice, educational injustice and rules involvement (a subscale of educational citizenship behaviors). Educational justice also has significant relation with rules involvement and sincere relationships (another subscale of educational citizenship behaviors). The educational injustice has negative significant relation with rules involvement and helping and social participation (P<0.01), 2) The result of mediation regression analysis showed that only academic ethics plays a partial mediator role for relation between educational injustice with rules involvement. That is, part of the effects of educational injustice on rules involvement is indirectly exerted as a result of academic ethics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2988

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    4 (20)
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Textbooks are regarded as important elements in learning and curriculum which should be valid in terms of content. This study aims at investigating the readability levels of “socio-economic skills” textbook which is designed for bradyphrenic students. The study was conducted by both descriptive and content analysis methods. The population of this study consisted of the bradyphrenic students and their teachers. The sampling method for the textbook was purposeful for the content and systematic for the pictures. All the items, students and their teachers were used as samples. The materials were cloze test, teacher’s attitude survey, pictures and items list. In order to analyze the data from readability tests, one-way analysis of variance and Post Hoc tests were used. The results showed that the amount of text and pictures coefficient of readability is 50.09% and 53% respectively. The order of items is appropriate with regard to the order of paragraphs so they cause better learning. The items continuation is 4.86% so it is less than appropriate level. All of the texts, pictures and items are designed appropriately and the differences among the teacher’s ideas about the level of readability are statistically significant (P=0.01). In sum, the texts and pictures readability is suitable but the items require more corrections.

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    4 (20)
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The main purpose of the research has been to investigate the cost of education and the scientific qualifications of graduates using foreign scholarship in comparison with their counterparts inside the country in the first, second, and third developing plans. The research methodology is descriptive (documental and survey type). The research population consisted of all members of faculty (totally 13649) with at least the academic status of assistant professor in all universities of Iran. The research sample (totally 386) was selected randomly out of the given population using multi-step cluster random sampling. The research tools were two researcher-made questionnaires whose validity was obtained by applying the experts' feedback, project reader and counsellor. The reliability of the tools was extracted by administering them to a sample of 30 subjects as pilot study and the obtained index was 0.75 for Chronbach's Alpha. While the researcher followed the procedure of descriptive analysis, the obtained data resulting from administering the research tools based on the different items of the questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical methods of the test of Variance Analysis, Kroskal Valis. The results showed that the cost of education in well–established foreign universities in three developing plans is more than that in local universities and non–state universities (Azad Islamic University) in Iran. There is no such difference between students inside and outside regarding their educational–scientific qualifications. In comparison with the academic members graduated from state and non-state local universities in the same level, those graduated from foreign countries are more qualified in the scientific, executive, and research fields.

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    4 (20)
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This study is a quasi experimental research with the purpose of studying the effect of enhancing statistical skills such as hypothesis testing and output interpretation, using SPSS software, on student's attitude toward research. The population was comprised of all the students of social science at Payam Noor University in Abadan. The attitude of 40 random students who had registered for the course of "computer application for social science" in the first semester of academic year 2009-10 was studied before and after the course. For this purpose, the Attitude Toward Research (ATR) scale was chosen. This scale includes five subscales of usefulness of research, anxiety, positive feelings about research, life relevancy of research, and difficulty of research. Paired sample t-test was used to answer research questions. The results indicated significant increasing positive attitude for usefulness of research, positive feelings about research, life relevancy of research subscales, and total attitude toward research scale, while the attitude was not significantly positive for anxiety and difficulty subscales before and after instruction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1458

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    4 (20)
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This research aims at studying perceived stress among university students with various attribution styles and the relation between these variables. For this purpose, 414 students were selected using cluster sampling method and the data gathered by attribution Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSS) were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA test. The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference regarding perceived stress among students with internal attribution style and those with external attribution style in general and positive events, and the students with internal attribution style attain higher score. Also, there is a significant difference regarding perceived stress among students with uncontrollable attribution style and those with controllable attribution style in general, negative and personal events, and the students with uncontrollable attribution style attain higher scores. Furthermore, the results show that perceived stress among female subjects is higher than that among the male subjects. In addition, it was shown that the only significant difference in attribution styles in male and female subjects at general-specific level is in negative events, and at controllable-uncontrollable level is in negative, personal and general events.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (20)
  • Pages: 

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This study aimed at investigating Tehran citizens’ perspective toward school mission among male and female university graduates. The population was all teachers' and students in Tehran in the academic year of 2008-09 out of whom 494 were selected as sample. Research tool was Manavipour’s School Mission Scale. Results showed that people with varying educational levels have statistically different viewpoints regarding school mission in individual, social, political and economic factors, but do not have statistically significant differences in religious and moral factors. There is also a significant difference between women’s and men’s view regarding school mission except in political factor.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1092

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (20)
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This research compares motivational structure and tolerance of ambiguity with high and low socio-economic condition among girl students in Tehran. The motivational structure is the persons’ goals and the ways to follow them and is measured by PCI test. The tolerance of ambiguity is the perception and reaction of people to ambiguous conditions and stimuli which is measured by ATS-I test. the sample of this research included sixty students, thirty high school girl students with high socio-economic condition and thirty high school girl students with low socio-economic condition in Tehran. These students were selected by cluster sampling method. Students filled out the PCI and ATS-I questionnaires. The Cronbach α for PCI and ATS-I were 0.81 and 0.77 respectively. The results of t-test showed that there are significant differences between 1) the students’ control to achieve their goals 2) the students’ happiness if they achieve their goals, 3) the students’ unhappiness if they do not achieve their goals, and 4) the students’ tolerance of ambiguity in two groups. However, there are no differences regarding 1) the importance of goals, 2) the possibility of achieving them, 3) students’ awareness of what steps are to be taken to achieve their goals, 4) students’ commitment to achieve goals, 5) the amount of time needed to achieve their goals, 6) their freedom to select their goals, 7) the importance of each goal over the other goals, and 8) the number of their goals. This study also indicated that the adolescents with low socio-economic condition have more control over stressful situations and they experience more joy if they achieve their goals and are more unhappy if they do not achieve them.

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