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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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From building design point of view a basic aim of low energy architecture is to create a thermally comfortable internal environment for building occupants whilst consuming the least possible amount of energy. Thus, thermal comfort study has an important impact on energy saving. Achieving comfort conditions requires an understanding of the interaction between three groups of factors, namely physiological and psychological parameters joint with behavior of occupants, design of the building and the outdoor environment. The definition of thermal comfort for a person, in agreement with ASHRAE standard 55 [1992] is "that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment". By and large, it is known that there are heat transfers between human body and its environment, and a thermal balance between the two, which is simplified as the condition of thermal comfort. There are, also, two main methods of determining thermal comfort Le. Through climate chamber experiments or through field studies. Climate chamber experiments are performed in laboratory conditions, while field studies are carried, out anywhere as long as the right instruments are available. The comfort temperatures determined from various studies in real world vary notably from one to another and are sometimes difficult to reconcile with the temperatures calculated from the climatic chamber experiments. Concern of these phenomena led to viewing thermal comfort as part of a self- regulating system which has become generally known as the adaptive model. This model has been supported by many studies in thermal comfort. The adaptive model recognizes that a person is not a passive receiver of sense impressions but is an active participant in dynamic equilibrium with the thermal environment. In fact comfort and discomfort are dynamic in character and it is, therefore, unlikely that a comfort zone can be adequately described by means of temperature intervals alone; the time-dimension will also need to be incorporated into its definition. This paper investigated thermal comfort for naturally ventilated buildings in Iran with special reference to Tehran. An important aim was to establish the neutral temperature and the acceptable range of environmental conditions for people in their buildings. The methodology used for this aim was field studies. These studies were divided into two parts- one in the hot season and the other in the cool season. The results showed a good relationship between neutral temperature and mean outdoor temperature. The indoor comfort temperature (Tn), which is, dependent on outdoor temperature (To), could be found from this equation: (Tn =12.8+0.555 To). The findings of the study revealed that the people could achieve comfort at higher indoor air temperatures compared with the recommendations by international standards like ISO 7730. The results also, showed the strong relationship between prevailing temperatures and neutral temperature which is in good agreement with adaptive model. The results suggested that an appropriate passive strategy for building design can be enough for desirable indoor condition in Tehran. It cannot be questioned that thermal comfort has been recognised by people in different ways according to different insights and different expectations of life.

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During the Islamic period of Iran except for public complexes including buildings as Bazaar, reservoir, Caravansary, etc. there were burial complexes that occupy a special place in the architecture of the epoch. These complexes were first built as the burial ground of a famous political or religious figure and along the time other buildings such as mosque, Madreseh (school), monastery, Caravansary, pilgrimage house ... were added to them. In a general typology, we can divide these complexes in two religious and political types. The king's complexes are from political types and Sufis or Shiite complexes are from religious types. Religious types are probably the first burial complexes that were made in Islamic period of Iran. These complexes have always been noteworthy to people as the shrines and have developed during centuries from single tombs to magnificent complexes. Imam Reza complex in Mashhad and saint Masoomeh complex in the city of Ghom are the best examples of this type. Sufis complexes made by devotees, are less important than Shiite ones, and in the past centuries were regarded as social services institutes that provided food and resort for poor people. Sheikh Abdolsamad Isfahani complex in the city of Natanz and Bayazid Bastami complex in the city of Bastam are examples of this kind. An important point about these complexes is their fundamental effect on the establishment and later expansion of many Iranian cities throughout this period. The fundamental role of these complexes in the development of architecture in Islamic period necessitates research into the fundamental beliefs, which influenced their emergence and development. The history of construction of the complexes and the effective factors in their appearance in the Islamic architecture of Iran are questions with no exact answers so far. Innumerous attacks to Iran in the Islamic period during which many buildings were destroyed, is one of the most important factors which have resulted in this condition. Process of shaping of burial complexes has not been steady during the Islamic period of Iran and a diverse political period has had vicissitude. According to relics of Islamic period, the oldest complexes belong to the late Saljughid period and accordingly we must search in Saljughid and pre Saljughid periods about factors of shaping of these complexes. The present paper tries to identify the factors which were influenced the establishment and later development of these complexes through surveying literary and historic books. The book surveyed in this paper is Asrar Altovhid, an essay by Mohammad Ibn Monavvar from 6th century Hijrah that describes the biography of Abusaeed Abilkheir, the great Sufi scholar of the 4th and 5th centuries ater Hijrah. According to the findings of the research, the beginning of these complexes in Iran, from Saljughid period, is likely related with Sufism and especially with the mystic views of Abusaeed Abilkheir. Due to the key role of mysticism in the development of this innovative architectural form in Iran, different aspects of the relationship between mysticism and the emergence of burial complexes has also been touched upon.

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This article has conducted to examine different methods of selecting students in order to improve the quality of learning in Architecture. The main question is to identify a series of appropriate criteria to examine and select qualified applicants for entering into the schools of Architecture. This article tries to find a practical way for selecting students to study architecture. The nature of the field of Architecture has encouraged the educational administrators in Iran to classify it under the discipline of arts in their categorization of higher educational programs. Therefore, it appears to be most appropriate to require the mass population of the applicants to go through some specific examinations, in order to enter into the schools of architecture. But the students for this field are chosen from high school graduates have mathematics and physics diploma. Students' selection criteria are the sciences that have learned through the high school lessons in the current way. The contradiction between these criteria and the artistic nature of architecture can't provide prerequisites to study architecture. So, the best students that have enough prerequisites can't enter to university. Since 1993 the special exam has omitted and it caused many problems in educating architecture, so universities' programmers provided some prerequisites courses in the first semester to compensate these problems. We can't find many researches on the subject students' selection criteria in architecture. Izadi (2002) and Mahmoodi (2001) studied this subject, but they didn't pay attention to prerequisite courses and the influence of don't preparing these on the quality of education. The influences of current method of students' selection on the quality of architectural education rarely have been the subject of researches. This article at first reviews the problems that guide the planners to omit the special exam. Then the educational program of architecture and prerequisites are scrutinized, and it shows that the prerequisites courses can't compensate the problems. On the second part of this article, traditional and modern point of views about the method of selection is inspected, and a systematic educational approach is selected as the theoretical framework. The highly regarded proposal of the “Institutional Learning Theory” introduced by Bloom was selected as the educational model within a "Systematic Educational" approach in this research. This theory emphasis on three parts: cognitive entry behaviors, educational system, and the efficiency of education. This research through a case study shows traditional point of view about the method of selection has caused many problems for architectural education. By using the case study method in research, performance of the entrant students has been examined within some specific courses during the first two years of their education in architecture. It shows that there isn't any relation between students' selection criteria and their ability or ingenuity in studying architecture. By using the systemic approach and studying different kinds of learning theories a model is suggested to draw a new method of selecting architectural students. The model has been developed to examine the characteristics of the applicants for entering their artistic qualifications as well as their scientific knowledge.

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Place is not only a shelter for human activities but also a phenomena that he interacts with it. Furthermore, through this interaction, human gives meaning to the place, attaches to it and sometimes even identifies him by it. In addition, human's need to the emotional interaction with the place in which he lives, "place attachment"; is one of the most important principles that architects, urban designers and planners should take into consideration. Place attachment is an affective bond or link between people and specific places based on cognition and affect. This term has been defined as a positive emotional bond with a particular place. There is already a vast compilation of research and theory describing individuals' and groups' connections and interactions within a physical environment. Most of the studies are explicitly or implicitly tied to environmental psychology which emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These studies explore the association between individuals and their immediate environment as well as the impact of environmental quality on human health. The psychology of place assumes that individuals require an adequate environment in order to form an emotional bond to this environment. In this regard, this article attempts to present definitions, investigate different aspects and categorize key factors of place attachment through reviewing its related literature. Finally, a model of place attachment and its elements and formation process are illustrated. Theorists have tried to categorize place attachment. A review of literature about place attachment shows that there are two main ideas categorizing different dimensions of place attachment. The first idea described the dimensions of place attachment to emotional bonds and place dependence. The second idea described place attachment as place identity and place dependence. By combining these two ideas, we can categorize dimensions of place attachment to emotional (attachment to place and social networks in place), functional and cognitive bonds. Most of these aspects refer to the process of forming place attachment. However, we added the dimension of behavioral bonds which are the result of place attachment in the form of responsible behavior. Based on these results it can be claimed place attachment consists of different aspects: affective, cognitive, functional and behavioral. 1) Affective aspect refers to emotional bonds with place. 2) Cognitive bond can be described with evaluating place quality based on individual's beliefs, preferences, feelings, values, goals and behavioral tendencies and skills relevant to this environment. 3) Functional bond refers to place dependence which is associated with the capacity or potential of a place to support the needs, goals, or intended activities of a person. 4) Behavioral bond is responsible behavior in a place. This quality derives from the interaction between five key elements including: human, place, participating in design process, how human and place interact and time. In addition, Place attachment has different levels. These levels extent from functional dependence, positive evaluation about place, continuity of desirable interaction among human and place, place meaning, identification with place, emotional attachment and responsible behavior.

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The interaction between Architecture and culture, defined in human and built-environment relationships, challenges both theoretical and practical fields of architecture. To have an affective confrontation to this challenge, it is more important to re-define both sides of this interaction, culture and architecture. Cultural context should represent in architecture. There are some movements in the world that support sustainable cultural identity instead of modern standardization. Architects, confront to alien cultural contexts from the perspective of regionalism. The purpose of this article is to provide a basic knowledge which analyses this relationship. Regionalism is an important cultural approach because of consisting many challenges and antitheses which are basis of multi-globalization viewpoint. Multi- globalization accepts cultural diversity and considers particular regional way of confronting globalization in opposite to dogmatic approaches which interpret globalization as product of western imperialism. Regionalism and architectural identity are topical issues these days and while it seems crucial to pay enough attention to their meanings, it is also needed to consider their perspectives and limits of action in a changing world full of diver’s exchanges and discoveries. The main question of this article is which architectural concepts could guaranty the desirability of non- local architect’s works to presence of other design productive (client, user, legislator). Analyzing expert Architects' works in cultural special context like Islamic countries of Persian Gulf states, clears that there are seven design oriented keywords that could be organized as basic concepts of design. Namely: modern technology representation, metaphoric formal design, active adaptation with climate, attention to site characteristics, attention to Islamic architecture's principals, using local details, materials and motives and inspiration of regional specific concepts. These keywords examined in sixteen famous projects in pointed region as a subscription point of regionalism and architectural experiences in alien context. The research method is case study. Just as traditionalism is a reaction against loss of continuity, so regionalism is a restorative philosophy in favor of supposed spatial harmony between people, their artifacts, mores and customs, and ultimately through nature. The results of study show that technically metaphoric expression of local shapes is the main pragmatically method of architectural design. Also in prosperous examples, interaction between architect and design context is more important. To link with new world, Technology should create social infrastructures in these contexts in addition to experience formally. The results focus on this reality that we have to reconsider the real pattern of potential of our country for reaching expressive translations of abstract essential meanings of what an appropriated culture-linked form can be. The endeavor, which is certainly, an urgent contextual essential philosophy of pattern design, can be revealed through commitments and profound researches of inner deeper layered zones of structures and languages in search for certain core universality. A critical re-examination of the present situation in reflecting types of architecture referring to climate, patterns of use, structure, and the abstraction of devices issued from some metaphysical tradition can lead to create precedents of design where a touched wisdom is foreseen and still visible through the architectural heritage.

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One of the primary stages of climatic architectural design is the knowledge of the environmental conditions and meteorology data analyzing according to human thermal comfort and usage of building material. Nowadays access to meteorology data of all Iran meteorology stations is available on the website of the Iran meteorology organization. Therefore every architect who feels himself/herself responsible for the effect of design on environment and energy demand can easily analyze the data if he/she has reliable awareness of how to do it and how to convert it to architectural principles. This article introduces the methodology of analyzing meteorology data for architectural needs. How to choose the meteorology station for a site design is the first step of this process. It is important to pay attention to the four climatic layers that are macroclimate, mesoclimate, local climate and microclimate. The feature of the topography of the site and its neighborhood help architect to find out the microclimate changes comparing to the meteorology data. Choosing the meaningful period of the yearly data for the meteorology station is the second step. The effect of the global warming on the site design will be observed on the graph of the yearly temperature changes in different years. The graph of the heating and cooling degree days in the all yearly data of the station will show the heating and cooling needs changes in recent years. If the global warming has affected the place, it is better to choose ten to fifteen recent years data for analyzing process instead of a long term period (even if the station has more than 30 to 50 years data). After choosing the station and the period of the time, it is necessary to draw the important graphs of the climatic phenomena that will affect the design decisions. Relationship between temperature and humidity is very important on the thermal sensation of human body. There are several indices prepared for this requirement. One of the best indices that will show this effect on human body and the recommended design considerations simultaneously is "Building Bioclimatic Chart" proposed by Givoni. Besides it is one of the most reliable building thermal comfort indices. Therefore this index and the method of how to use it is introduced here. Using temperature and relative humidity, thermal condition in the building is analyzed by this index. At the next stage the drawing method of "climatic needs calendar" and "wind calendar" for a period of a sample year is introduced as a conclusion of the thermal condition in the building. How to analyze these two calendars to achieve design strategies is introduced here. Being familiar with these calendars and the way of their analyzing is a simplified and fast method of extracting the design principles without being involved with difficult calculations of thermal comfort formulas. At the end the method of grasping the complimentary design strategies according to other meteorology data-such as precipitation, freezing, dew point, heating degree days and cooling degree days, sunshine hours and sky condition – would be explained. It is hopeful that this information will give a reliable method to architects for making better decisions in climatic design concepts.

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In this paper with the purpose of presenting a design approach of interventions for conservation of historic districts of cities, the city of Ardebil is discussed as a case study. With the complexity of cultural relations in the contemporary world, it has a great importance to protect human connections and also urban historic spaces in which these cultural relations had been presented for long time. The city of Ardebil has attracted attentions since past centuries because of having historic records, being important regarding its functional- structural urban changes and also being connected to a specific religious thought (Sma branch of Islam).As the oldest evidence the name of the city was found on 5000 years old Sumerian clay tablets as "Erta" which means sacred and the relation of the city with "Kianian" era shows its mythological history. By studying the historic structural changes of the city, it is concluded that during Safavid era, Ardebil had reached to its maximum civil growth and it was a monolithic and coherent body. The main part of the city structure was bazaar with its central location and its southwest to north-east direction. This bazaar connects two poles of the old city ("Sheikh Safi" sanctuary and "Jome Masjed" hill) and regarding the social and structural characteristics of each area the passages starting from this backbone leads to district centers and also minor districts. In the city of Ardebil traditional ceremonies and mourning’s have a long history and among all of them the mourning of the month "Moharram" is too important for the habitants: By studying the paths of mourning groups specially in main districts it is possible it find out the pedestrian walkways of the Ardebil, design for historical, center of district, mosque Joma hill, Sanctuary of “Sheikh Safi", bazaar  old city which are obvious in the mourning’s even now that the district system has changed and this fact is a good instance of the effects of social behavior on the structure of city spaces. But by the construction of modern streets, the solidarity of city spaces, bazaar and the districts was lost. This unbalance which was caused by ignoring the right place of important spaces like squares, bazaar and etc and also disappearing of the district system made authorities to find a solution by studying the wrong way of past and trying to preserve and restore the old city. Finally the goal of the design process for old city of Ardebil was proposed in 3 steps: Reconstruct the old structure of the city from "Jome Masjed" hill to "Sheikh Safi" sanctuary along the bazaar. 2) Restore the 'districts by emphasis on the old system of district centers. 3) Presenting laws and manuals to achieve a harmonious urban view in old districts. The model suggested in this paper can present appropriate solutions for the design process like: trying to preserve the old structure of the cities and equip them with technologies of the new life; creating urban spaces which can be accepted by habitant and are suitable for traditional events of sorrow or happiness; paying attention to the history and character of architectural monuments of the old districts and trying to preserve and restore them in an accepted way; identifying and using the results of old communication system; presenting architectural and urban laws which guarantee the construction of the designs.

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This article is an attempt to study the development compatibility between pedestrian spaces of Bazaar and Tarbiat pedestrian malls in Tabriz. The importance of this issue is due to the subject that today following the discussions on human development and environmental conditions, pedestrian spaces have been taken into consideration by planners and designers as one of the important strategies of urban space and traffic development. Therefore, the comparative study of pedestrian spaces of traditional Bazaar as the outcome of previous era and Tarbiat shopping mall as the designing product of modern epoch can help us recognize the existing weak and strong points and the orientation of future developments in commercial and recreational spaces. It is believed that in order to attract people to the city center there is a necessitate for the provision of immune, favorable, and satisfactory pedestrian. This study is of a descriptive-analytic type and its sampling method has been goal-oriented on the base of questionnaires. The questionnaires in addition to the demographic information included the following sections: 1) social and economic conditions, 2) the access and traffic, 3) the physical situations, old spaces of pedestrians in old Bazaar and Tarbiat Street (each containing 10 questions) in point view of the respondents. The data was qualititative, quantitative, and continues, and the scale of measurement was Lickert Spectrum, and based on the the number of research groups, it was single- group. 244 referring people, who were owing the conditions of the sample size, have been selected. For the purpose of analysis, we used the descriptive statistics such as absolute and relative frequency, mean, standard deviation, and the application of conceptual statistics e.g., the T-test. The estimations were carried out using SPSS software. The T-test analysis of the present data in 95% confidence level indicates that there was a significant mean difference among the scores relating to the socio-economic variables, the access to the traffic system, the physical variables of old Bazaar pedestrian spaces with those of Tarbiat Street. If the old Bazaar is more favorable for middle income people, Tarbiat Street is more attractive for the upper middle income people. Pedestrian spaces of the Tarbiat Street compared to the old Bazaar will have a better future, despite the fact that old pedestrian spaces of Bazaar have architectural and historical durations. Through reaching many social and arbitrary activities of the people, they can communicate with others in addiction to their shopping and spend leisure time. Because the old Bazaar and its pedestrians act as the guiding element of the urban areas added to the social and economic identity. Thereofere, beside the correction of existing trend, and the shift from the measuem approach with the traditional Bazaar, the historical identity of such spaces should be wholly revised, so that the commercial and recreational functions of these spaces can also be taken into consideration.

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Modernity and its impacts on urbanism and the change of the concept and the nature of the city which began in Qajar era, stands in a sensitive level in Pahlavi's government (1920-1940). In this stage the concept of modernism can be seen as a pattern in cities (Tehran in particular) which affects all economic, social, cultural, physical, management and urban planning aspects. The main question here is discovering concealed points in evolution and change in a city; points which can put forward the posture of Iranian modernity and modernism throughout these years; points which are seen in novels, poems or short stories. In this period, literary script, either that which have been written by authors against the government, or the ones which have been written by devotees of the government or neutral authors, can express parts of the fact of city metamorphose? If accepted that: "literature is a mirror of all events and incidents, and history of nations" (Akbari Sholdarrei, 2003, 11), what has been written through these years, can be considered as a field for analyzing and explicating the city. This paper is a study based on the above issues. The paper has focused on one of those are written in this period and searches the tale of city, modernity and Iranian modernism: the long poem of "Se Tablo" ("the three pictures") by Mohammad Reza M. Eshqi. During the first years of the formation of Pahlavi's government, Farajollah Bahrami, the minister of war, invited the elites to take part in a competition to express their approaches and views in describing their utopia. Because of the chaos that had surrounded Iran at the end of Qajar period, after the coup detats of 1920, many elites hopped that an authoritative government whold be developed. Therefore, holding such a competition could have been considered propaganda for the government of Pahlavi. Later, Eshqi said" it should be known that in 1924, Farajollah Bahrami asked all Iranian scholars to describe their ideal in a competition called "important competition" and said that it will be published in the newspaper of Sahafaq-e-Sorkh which was the most creditable press of the time. As it was guessed, his aim was for authors to describe their ideal for the formation of an authoritative government by Sardar Sepah (Reza Pahlavi), and later what seen in Shafaq-e-Sorkh had these themes. I was also requested this and I made the ideal pictures that are presented below and of course you will approve that my ideal disagrees with their purpose. All authors wrote in text, but I comp9sed a poem which was polished in Shafaq-e-Sorkh" (Eshqi. 1971, 172). As it is discussed in this paper, Eshqi's utopia was a suggestion for the demolition of the process of demolition. It is in the flow of these continuous demolitions that the concept of modernity and modernism appears, and the city is put in the procedure of nonstop demolition and renovation.

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The urban open space is the context in which the human activities and behavior takes place and the socio-cultural relations of people happen in it. Public spaces are places responding to the daily needs and public life in cities. These spaces throughout time and based on the socio-cultural and economic conditions would transform. Urban spaces also are places for various activities. In a simple classification, the outdoor activities in public spaces are classified into three categories. These are the necessary activities, the optional activities and the social activities. Use and fittingness of public spaces is an important issue that must be undertaken in any study considering the everyday life of both men and women in cities. The need of presence in urban space and facilitating this presence for all groups regardless of gender, age, occupation and income level, is unquestionable. The present article investigates the factor limiting the presence of women in urban spaces. The pre hypothesis of this article is the necessity of women's presence as a social group having equal civil rights in the society. In other words, presence of women in urban spaces as a citizen is an issue which must be considered in all design and planning of urban spaces. In this perspective, urban open spaces must also provide the possibility of women's presence as a prerequisite in a civil society. It is possible to examine the limitations of women's presence in Iranian open spaces related to the socio-cultural norms. These norms consider the house and its intermediate vicinity as the women's prototype space, in a way that the protected zone for women in the past and even now in some more traditional Iranian cities, are the private domain of home, the semi-private domain of few neighboring housing units, as well as the semi-public domain of cui de sacs' and dead end allies surrounding the home. In some Arabian Muslim countries, this space segregation is even more prominent. In these countries, women's presence is limited and they cannot claim their own rights without the presence of a male relative. This issue was also seen in the western world, in which prior to the industrial revolution, despite the need of all groups for presence at urban spaces and enjoying its milieu, due to some traditional viewpoints women were mainly related to home or its neighborhood. But today, it is well accepted that in order to respond to the needs of women for socialization and participation in civil society, a level of equity must be considered in spatial planning and design of public spaces. This article studies the restricting factors including limitations through design and planning of urban spaces as I well as limitations imposed through socio-cultural I norms which decrease the presence of women in urban spaces. At the end some recommendations are proposed to create flexibility between home and urban space domains in order to increase the presence of women in urban spaces.

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The term sprawl has entered into urban planning literature since the middle of 20th century and nowadays it's one of the main subjects of concern in many countries. Although the research on sprawl originated in the studies of the American cities, but it has been used in many different countries with various natures, indexes and results. The trend of expansion of cities and metropolitan areas has many positive and negative results and it depends on different geographic, economic, social and political characteristics of cities and metropolitan areas. Although our cities had experienced slow expansion long ago, but the concept of sprawl has entered into our planning literature now. Zanjan is one of the cities in our country that have had a rapid expansion in recent years and vast areas of the city have been built up recently. Findings show that the initial expansion of the city has been due to its physical position and its natural population growth, but over the time, the expansion of the city has been affected by various factors such as economy, urban development plans, policies and different groups that have brought about the sprawl phenomenon to the this city. In order to examine the sprawl phenomenon in Zanjan, based on Ewings findings his study of the American Metropolitan Areas, we chose ten variables that could depict the sprawl phenomenon in Zanjan city setting. Factor analysis was applied to these selected 10 variables to find the underlying dimensions of sprawl in the Zanjan city. Four factors were extracted, namely: density, mixture of land uses, centeredness and accessibility. The results of the factor analysis were transformed into maps using GIS software. The findings indicate that areas in the central parts of the city have the least rating of sprawl and it gets aggravated by moving away from the center, so that the most sprawls is seen in eastern, northeastern and western parts of the city. In addition, comparing sprawl and expansion process of the city in different years show that the central zones that had formed in the initial period, have low level of sprawl and the zones that have been built in recent years, tend to have sprawled most. It was seen that in recent years many causes have led to the sprawl in Zanjan City. Initial growth of the city was because of the geographic location of the city and the communication network that Zanjan is part of it and the icural growth of population. This growth obeyed natural and climatic characteristics, but over the time, the growth of the city was affected by some other factors such as economic affairs, policies, plans and various groups. Findings of this research support Ewing's viewpoints and show that by considering sprawl characteristics and surveying the extracted factors and taking into consideration the elements that affect sprawl, we can control of the city growth in the future in similar instances by using appropriated policies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Emerging of the industrial revolution caused the dominance of machine in man's life. At the beginning, man was fascinated by machine; by its order, automation, and its efficiency. Then he tried to adapt this mechanistic order to his life and create a completely ordered, clean and predictable environment. Thus modern urbanism appeared. In comparison with dark, airless and contaminated industrial environment, modernistic urbanism promised a hygienic, safe and just one. However, man gradually felt that this clean and neat environment is artificial, insincere, and even threatening. Man himself was transforming to a knot which had to act as a small part of a huge machine named modern city. Alliance was the first product of this environment, which looked doubtfully to man's uniqueness and demanded him only similarity. Frantz Kafka in his deliberately unfinished novel, The Castle, questions the need to K as an expert. K can stay in town only if he ignores his unique abilities as a surveyor and become similar to the others. The description of the town with its endless roads and boring houses can be compared with modernistic suburbs. Kafka also in his dialogue with his friend Gustave Yanush, in spite of an unpleasant description of Josefov, his childhood place in Prague; does not agree with what was replaced with it after reconstruction. He believes that old place had something real and genuine that new hygienic one does not have. Sadegh Hedayat, the famous conyemporary Iranian writer also describes a city which undoubtedly is not Tehran in 1950 decade. He, who educated and then lived in Paris for many years, has tried to show his conception of physical appearance of a changing industrial city and his negative feelings about it. Jean Paul Sarire in Nausea writes about his fictitious city Bouveill and its residents. By likening Bouveill residents to objects he tries to describe the mechanistic order of modernistic urbanism and the life of a completely predictable environment. Thus man, as the resident of modern city, struggling with alliance, boredom and loneliness; in a protesting reflection started to admire non-equilibrium, discord and ugliness. Ugliness gradually lost its meaning and thus, the aesthetic of ugliness emerged. This article seeks the effects and results of modernistic urbanism; first in contemporary literature and second in its urbanism, and traces the solution in the late twentieth century's styles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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