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today, the conflict between tradition and modernity is the inclusive and controversial dialogue in educational and professional circles of Iranian architecture. Perhaps many of those participated in these debates do not yet have a clear definition of tradition and modernity. Sometimes the meaning of tradition is positive and good and is a sign of identity, authenticity and cultural richness; and sometimes it means old, outdated and obsolete. The first step is to define and interpret term tradition in three directions: 1. The sacred (divine) tradition: sunnat Allah (God’s tradition) mentioned in Qur’an representing the way of salvation to human. This tradition has not changed and transformed.2- The experienced tradition: a tradition created by human’s experience, trial and error and make them needless of repeating the trails of their predecessors. This tradition can change and evolve over time.3- Legendary (mythical) tradition: a tradition arising from unmet needs and demands of the people. Since they have not been realized, they have been considered unattainable, eternal and sacred. In the following, such questions arise: 1. How long has emerged traditionalism? How do traditionalists think about it? And what do they think about architecture. 2. Is traditionalists’ tradition the case discussed in traditional architecture that many architects are willing to survive it? 3. Is traditionalists’ tradition in line with Iran’s cultural tradition and continuation thereof? Can it recreate the original Iranian architecture. In response, this paper considers traditionalism as a modern adventure and raises traditionalists’ tradition a cross-time, cross-location and cross-culture tradition, which claims universality and includes all the tribes of the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Muslim. Traditional man is drowned in a sea of traditions and traditionally had born, traditionally lived and traditionally would die, while traditionalists look outward to tradition. Traditionalism began during the early twentieth century with Rene Guenon’s ideas, and continued by thinkers such as Coomaraswamy, Schuon, Burckhardt and Nasr. The paper then analyzes and criticizes a work of traditional architecture that is Iran Center for Management Studies in Tehran, designed by well-known Iranian architect, Nader Ardalan, who is one of theorists of traditionalism in architecture. This criticism concludes that traditionalists’ architecture does not go beyond praise and emulation of traditional architecture and it does not have an up to date response for Iran’s present architecture even in its most worthy form. The final section of the paper addresses to describing Iran’s traditional architecture rather traditionalist architecture. In traditional architecture, the architect is a scholar and theologian man that receives teachings, facts and heavenly (sacred- divine) advices and applies them to make sense to architectural and professional achievements. An Iranian architect tries to give honor and dignity to his architectural and professional achievements. This paper concludes that architecture has two aspects: material and spiritual. Master of Traditional Iranian Architecture taught the spiritual aspect of architecture to students along with material aspect. In today's architecture training, if failed to teach spiritual aspect along with its material aspect, we have to suffice a pale imitation of architecturey after being as the capital of the province.

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urban public spaces are the most important instruments to strengthen the participation of civil society as an arena of all groups both men and women. Women as half of the public spaces users should use urban public spaces as well as men easily and they must feel comfortable in these kinds of places. However, experiences and also the result of researches have shown that women do not benefit equally from urban public spaces with men and some limitations diminish their presence in public spaces. As one of the women's concerns for using public spaces is having access to suitable and secure spaces. Considering that men and women's behavior patterns and their understandings of environments are different, their needs and expectations of the public spaces are different. Lack of the attention to these differences leads women to reducing the presence of these groups of society in urban public spaces. Creating special spaces for women (with an emphasis on women's park) in Tehran city and some of the big cities in Iran, is a new approach for making women feel satisfied and secure in urban public spaces. By separating of men and women in public spaces and making facilities and dedicated services tries to meet the needs and reducing limitations of women. Whereas, the creation of spaces for women has much social and economic costs, investigating these spaces are necessary to figure out how these special places meet the women's needs and evaluations in comparison with other inclusive public spaces. Also investigating how women use these places in comparison with the other public spaces helps to access accurate results to answer the research' s questions. For achieving this goal, after studying of the concepts of successful public spaces, the needs and constraints of women in urban public spaces, some different criteria of successful public spaces with compatibility with women's need has been assessed. For measurement of these criteria one woman only space (Behesht –e-Madaran Park) and one normal public space (Ab – o Atash Park) has been studied. For achieving the best results, the qualitative and quantitative analysis (using SPSS and EXCEL software) is being used. The results indicate that despite the stated goals of creating these environments and the regional role of Behesht – e Madaran Park, this park has acted in local scale and has decreased to a functional space for sports and health activities for women with free covering. Also, due to women' s constraints in social and voluntary activities, (because of ethic of care of women) their use of Specific public space for women reduces their presence in the other public spaces and diminishes their role in the city. So, it seems that Specific public spaces for women have covered some part of women's needs (exercises and physical activities). However, it has been faced with difficulties and restrictions in women's social needs interaction with different age and gender. Thus, creation of proper facilities for women in inclusive public spaces may be a better approach for women to participate in urban public space.

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The neighborhood is a major factor in urbanism where habitation is characterized. In Iranian traditional cities, the concept of neighborhood demonstrates the values of well-being, identity and sociability. Neighborhoods can be approached into the following ways: external view that includes official boundaries, issues related to urban development and urban management. Internal view that is based on the opinions of those who are living or commuting there regularly. Modality of habitation and the relationship between individuals and neighborhood come in many forms, depending on individual characteristics, social group, generation and his life story. With urban transformations and lifestyles changes, neighborhoods have experienced major mutations especially in Tehran as capital. Oudlajan is one of five old neighborhoods that formed the city of Tehran in the Safavid era. During the Qajar era until the first decades of the Pahlavi era, this neighborhood that was near the government center and the Grand Bazar had an important residential function. It was most attractive neighborhood of the city and the place of residence of noble families. From the 1950s, signs population displacement appeared. With the expansion of the city and the design of new neighborhoods, the original residents of Oudlajan moved to other areas by up to low-income population, including immigrants and workpeople. Many residential buildings in the neighborhood were transformed into the bazaar serving areas, such as warehouses and workshops. Consequently the neighborhood has seen great changes in all the physical, social, demographic and economic aspects. The objective of this research is to recognize the habitation method in Oudlajan and the factors that influence it. Our studies show that the habitation method is influenced by the perception of the neighborhood in the spirit of the population. This perception depends on one side to the personal characteristics of the individual such as age, sex, ethnicity, culture and socio-economic profile and on the other side to the external factors such as physical characteristics of the place, the approaches of the society towards the neighborhood and urban policies. Replacing the original population by immigrant groups, as well as the penetration of economic and industrial activities in the neighborhood has transformed the image of the area permanently and profoundly. Interviews with residents allowed us to gather information about their socio-economic profile, their relationship with the neighborhood, their perception of the neighborhood and their sense of attachment to place. We have found that most of the residents have chosen Oudlajan because of lack of economic capacity to live somewhere else and the short distance between the home and workplace. We did not see any sense of attachment to the place among residents. They have their residence in the neighborhood but without “appropriating space”. Our studies show a lack of interest towards historical buildings and places among the inhabitants. They tend to live in a modern building and neighborhood. This lack of interest derives one side from the problems that exist in the ancient buildings and places and on the other side from the perception of the inhabitants towards this neighborhood.

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balancing development with conservation is a matter of long-running debate within the domain of urban literature, Since the beginning of the modern movement, different theories have been developed on urban conservation and development, Concomitantly, a broad spectrum of approaches have emerged to relief this challenge, One underlying trend is based on the conflict between conservation and development, From this perspective, within the context of a city a dichotomy exists between the conservation of the old parts and the need for development, Two controversial points of view get involved in this school of thought, From the first point of view, development is the necessity, while conservation is considered as a great and insurmountable barrier to urban development; from the other viewpoint the primary concern is conservation, addressing the worrying trend of urban development toward removing the cultural and traditional values from our living environment, However more recently a new and balanced approach is adopted, emphasizing on the integration of urban conservation and development as a prerequisite for the survival of a city, yet it has not represented practical solutions to the issue. City as a living environment is subjected to development, thus effective and workable solutions to meet the challenge between development and conservation can be provided by considering a well-tested model of development in terms of the interaction between conservation measures and development strategies, A well- experimented and effective development model, concerning conservation, is going to be analyzed, as a case study, with reference to the historic city of Yazd with its long-term survival from 11 to 19 century, An interpretive-historical method has been adopted, Data were collected by field observation and literature review, then discussed thorough logical argument, From this scrutinizing study, the conservation characteristics of Yazd development model have emerged. Six main steps could be recognized in Yazd physical development model, from 11 to 19 century, occurring in the inner and outer parts of the city, The model involves four intervention categories: 1- Preservation and restoration of the old buildings, 2- Rehabilitation of the old fabric, 3- Construction of new buildings in the inner part, and 4, New attachments to the city in the outer part, The first 3 steps are in direct relationship with the concept of conservation as an operation to prolong the life of the city, In fact, These interventions turn the challenges to interaction opportunities. Based on the adopted developmental measures, the main and distinguishing characteristics of Yazd development model have been revealed as follows: 1- Enhancing the active role of the old part, 2- Providing an essential change opportunity, 3- Decreasing the extra loads on the old part, 4- Centrality of the old part in the city development, and 5- Creating a relationship between the old and new part, Yazd development model can be considered as a conservation-oriented development, In this development model, conservation is adopted as the main and effective development strategy, which not only contributes largely to upgrading environmental quality and physical improvement but also serves as a fundamental catalyst for change.

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the relationship between public health and urban planning is an innovative and important issue that it has prominent position in future urban planning. In this context, adverse air quality condition and air pollutant concentrations higher than the permitted limit set by the World Health Organization is considered as a threat to the health of citizens in big cities. According to result of air pollution monitoring (conducted in the Tehran Air Quality Control Company), Tehran air quality have deteriorated in recent years. In this regard, according to the World Bank estimates the annual economic value of losses of life and damage caused by air pollution in Iran is totaled $ 1.8 billion and pursuant to figures, Tehran residents’ lifetime has been averagely shorter by 5 years. Tehran metropolitan due to the special geographical condition (topography and meteorology), social (population distribution and traffic), culture (level of culture and related education) and urban development, is faced with the dilemma of air pollution. It’s necessary to mention, motor-vehicle emissions are the primary source of most fine and ultra-fine particles in Tehran (More than 70 percent of Tehran's air pollution is related to motor-vehicle emissions). Planning and subsequently design of built environment feature could have various effect on urban life style and public health, modality of mobility and urban transportation are sobering instance of this effectiveness. Promoting walk ability and reduce reliance on motor vehicles can play an effective role in improving urban air quality. According to that, The main goal of this article is the analysis of the built environment impacts on urban air quality by examination of built environment variable and concentrations of air pollutants in surrounding areas of fourteen air quality monitoring stations in Tehran. In this regard, built environment indicators in reducing reliance on motorized transport and promoting walk ability, reducing heat Islands and increasing urban respiratory lung derived from the theoretical literature were analyzed in Arc Map software. Then the relationship between these indicators and the mean annual concentrations of NO, CO, NO2, O3 and PM10 were examined in 2010. We use regression analysis to explain the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and confirmatory factor analysis to determine the main factors of built environment indicators. The results suggest that indicators of distance from the main arterials, distance from city centers, block areas, intersection density and area of open and green urban spaces have the highest correlation with concentration of pollutants. Additionally, the different behavior of pollutants based on primary and secondary air pollutants were determined by using spatial analysis about distance from downtown. This issue is well understood in the context of O3 and PM10 pollutants. So that Primary pollutant PM10 increase by approaching to downtown and secondary pollutant O3 increase by getting away from the downtown. Also in connection with the built environment indicators, results showed that population density, intersection density, retail density and green space area decrease with distance from the city center.

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generally an important part of changes in architectural constructions are represented by convertible structures. These kinds of structures are composed typically of hard or soft materials or combination of both, which avoid independent structural deformations and need additional elements such as hinges, rollers or other similar components. Development of new construction materials like Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) provides new opportunities for application of pliable elements in new convertible structures. Deformation of these pliable elements is an active bending one. It means bending of these structures is influenced by residual stress in their load bearing capacity and behavior. In comparison to the traditional convertible structures, the application of these new materials deforms the structures with less or even no hinge or other additional elements. Other important advantages of these structures are: reversibility, simplicity and lightness. The novelty of these structures has caused some uncertainties and questions that should be solved through new research projects. The most important questions are related to the material properties, appropriate deformation mechanisms and shape variation capabilities of these pliable convertible structures. This paper represents a bionics approach for design of some new deformation mechanisms inspired by natural role models for these structures. Due to limited information about pliable structures, the first part of the paper introduces a background and basic information about these structures. Then the main reasons for development of pliable convertible structures will be represented. At the beginning of the main part of the paper the process sequences in biomimetic research (Bottom-up and Top-down process) are described. The technical problem about deformation mechanism of pliable convertible structures and its boundary conditions are defined at the first step of Top-down process sequence. In the second step seventh of best biological role models from our screening process between plants and animals in macro and micro scale are rendered. Two body deformations of the most promising biological role models are selected in the third step. Jellyfish and snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) are the selected ones. Each one of these natural examples has particular mechanism principle for body deformation. Jellyfish moves through the water by radially expanding and contracting their umbrella. Muscles are used for the contraction of the body and expansion is by an elastic part of their body (mesoglea) which releases the energy stored from the contraction. But deformation of snapdragon caused by an external pressure. The bottom petal of snapdragon bends down by the pressure on both sides of it. This is caused by curved-line folding of this petal. In the fourth step of Top-down process the biological mechanisms are abstracted by two different methods. Body deformation mechanism of jellyfish is abstracted by geometrical models (abstract formal patterns) and petal deformation mechanism of snapdragon is abstracted by physical models (folded paper models). Abstracted biological principles with minor modification are applied in two architectural examples for pliable convertible structures in the final step. The technical prototyping, optimization, potential for implementation and industrial development are issues that need specialized research and practical examination and can be followed in the future trends.

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the issue of tourist accommodation especially in the cities with a high density of visitors has always been a challenge for urban planners and managers. Accommodation is the most important component of the tourism plans. Poor tourism plans and ignoring barriers in relation to their implementations will severely impact on urban systems as well as the satisfaction of visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the gap between planning and implementation in planning for tourism accommodation. The aim of this research is to analysis the gap between planning and implementation of tourism accommodation programs. To discover the problems in this matter, the approved plan of "Establishment and rehabilitant of appropriate places for low- income pilgrims in Mashhad" has been selected as the case study. This plan commenced in 2009 based on the results of a study titled “the Spatial-Physical Patterns of Accommodation of Low-income Groups around the Holy Shrine in Mashhad”, as a part of the detailed plan of the area. This study focuses on the implementation of this plan in a 3 year period to provide an analysis of the reasons for its ineffectiveness. The main questions are: 1) What are the key components of a tourism plan in order to provide an analysis of the gap between its plan and implementation? 2) How many of the recommended action plans of the case under study have been put into operation in the period between 2009-2012; and 3) Which factors contributed to the infectiveness of the plan and prevented its completion? To provide a logical analysis of the gap between planning and implementation of the case study, the methodology of Pearce (2000) has been used. The data have been sourced through study of the relevant documentation of the accommodation plan for pilgrims in Mashhad, interviews with the planners and managers of the plan, and observation of the various parts of the plan which are under operation. The outcome of the study reveals some of the key factors in the dissatisfaction of both users and the client include inaccurate prediction of the planners, lack of adequate information about appropriate needs of pilgrimages such as ease accessibility to the Shrine, ineffective management, insufficient commitment of management contractor for the implementation of the approved plan, and failure in attracting private investment. These factors have resulted in sequential delays in the implementation of the plan and ultimately its abandonment. To overcome the problems and shortcomings of the accommodation plan for Mashhad pilgrimages, it is thus necessary to review the plan and establish new strategies according to base tourism model. Since the managers in practice understand the challenges of the plan, a dynamic strategic management system can be adopted to keep the link between planners and operational managers. The process should be controlled in different stages to ensure the correct implementation and to cope with unpredicted situations. A multiple choice planning methodology is recommended to be used to overcome unexpected hurdles to help project managers to understand when and how unexpected hurdles can be prevented.

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this paper classifies the amount and mechanisms in which the quality and desirability of walking experience in the urban shopping malls and centres. Thus, a literature review can classify the cases in 6 categories of social spatial factor, Attraction, convenience and comfort, a sense of security, access and permeability, way finding and legibility and social interactions. Collecting data was carried out in Kurdistan commercial complex located in Pasadaran Street of Sanandaj, which is also welcomed by both street strollers and a range of users. Due to unprecedented different spatial configuration of this shopping complex in the city, it can be considered as a new shopping centers. However, due to lack of well-known brands, due to the lack of a free and competitive economy, as well as considering other services and entertainment aspects, and the lack of defined standards of anchor stores, flow, it stands away from defined standard shopping centres and global wealth. However, organizing space and its form make it possible for behavioural settings interspersed with wandering around and pastime to form around. In the case study, the data related to 6 listed factors are mixed together with synthetic methods, and finally with the help of SPSS software, the interpretation of the results is provided with more documentation. In this regard, questionnaires were distributed among 110. Deep interviews were carried out with the respondents and behavioral settings and movement routes were designated through the acquisition of behavior maps, tracking, daily note-taking and photography. The main finding in this study is that the location of shopping centres and malls along the routes of circulation and urban strollers. In addition to considering the needs of individuals with shopping intention, wanderers should be paid attention to through designing their forms and functions supporting desirable behaviour. The findings stresses that this category of users, take advantage of the shopping centre and events as social and public places in order to experience a city walk, and less affected by the economic logic resulting from commodity relations in shopping malls and commodity relationships. Thus, with a focus on the behaviour of strollers, it is possible to improve the quality of social spatial centres as semi-public spaces, and on the other hand, to imagine them as future goals for shopping in shopping malls, a new door can be opened to design and management. Therefore, spatial configuration and geometry of the distribution and clustering compatible attractive functions and diversity of form and function in the outer shell are of high in making these types of shopping malls to places in which socialization and celebrations are allowed. Legible and specific permeability of the entrance, in the outer shell, paying attention to the clear connection of internal and external routes supporting the desired behaviours of strollers and their choices in space as well as the appropriate width of paths and routes without obstacles, connection between internal and external paths with urban pedestrians adjacent to site, are effective in the movement of users and their use of spaces.

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