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Tenure security is one of the primary rights of households that its lack leads to economic, social, psychological and political challenges. In recent years, special attention has been given to tenure in security in improving informal settlements, in such a way that in 2003 and 2006 this has been on the main research pivots on informal settlements in UN-HABITAT. Thus, tenure security has become a deprivation index in settlements. Tenure in security is much more than simply examining legal title deeds, and now involves social, economic and life-quality indexes. In recent years, scientific and practical experience on tenure security index indicate that the expensive process of title deeds issuance has made the inhabitants reluctant to pursue the mentioned process due to their financial inability, and also because of powerful and influential forces in land market, land hoarding and speculation have come into existence. Indeed, de facto and supra legal and perceived indexes along with legal ones, hold sway on tenure security scale in informal settlements. In this research, relation of tenure security with habitant’s willingness for improving Koshtargah neighborhood in Urmia is examined. In examining this participation relation, 13 explanatory indexes of tenure security through factor analysis, in three following factors: de facto tenure security, legal and perceived tenure security factors have been used. In examining inhabitant’s willingness, three indexes namely significance of neighborhood problems, willingness for participation in problem – solving and cooperating with urban organizations of Urmia used. Research method is descriptive – analytical, and survey as well as questionnaire and factor analysis techniques, along with multiple regression and Pearson correlation coefficient for analyzing raw materials are utilized. Results show security of tenure in the Koshtargah neighborhood beside indexes such as type of ownership and title depends on indexes of extralegal and perceptual such term residence, access to employment opportunities, the correlation of local organizations, fear of discharge or likely discharge rate. Willingness of residents to participate in the improvement and organization of the neighborhood is too much moderate this indicates that residents are concerned with the problems in their neighborhood and the person or partnership with Urmia urban management institutions, are trying to reduce them. The relationship between the amount of security of tenure and willingness to participate in the organization of the area has shown that: no relation between legal tenure security (type of ownership and title deed) and inhabitant’s willingness for participation in Koshtargah neighborhood. Meanwhile, inhabitant’s motive for participation is largely depended on explanatory indexes in perceived tenure security. In a general conclusion it can be said that the title of the most basic indicators of the degree of security of tenure especially in societies such as Iran, but it was not meant to lack of security of tenure. In addition, other factors that are de facto aspects (supra legal) and had conception of reality in informal settlements have been effective in tenure security and the motivation of households living in these areas contribute to its location adds to reduce the problems are in their location.

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In the era of globalization and development of technologies and the mobility of capital, a new division of labor is possible in the world so that economic activities are in search of places with lower expenses and more production capability. This issue has made the phenomenon of cities’ competitiveness to be a fascinating subject for many scholars in various sciences. In globalization conditions and with the rush of investors to find attractive places for investment, cities are becoming the focal points for investors and the urban managers, who need to present a variety of attractions and incentives to draw financial capital and be able to compete with other cities. In these areas, in order to create attractiveness and increase their cities’ competitive strength, urban managers have taken steps toward entrepreneurialism that have resulted in city and urban space marketing. City marketing creates a brand for the city that introduces a new image of urban spaces to the people. In this process, under the pressure and requirements of the market, the urban space becomes a commodity in order to attract capital and its municipal managers see themselves as commercial managers of companies, who look at urban design as a tool to sell urban spaces.In other words in marketing conditions and in the framework of city competitiveness, city managers consider themselves as managing directors of commercial companies that must use the role of the market to raise funds for urban development. Role of urban managers is very crucial for protecting urban competitiveness in the world. The goal of this paper is to research the effect of the requirements of competitiveness among cities in the course of attracting private investment to urban spaces. In the era of globalization, cities are the center of attention for investors and urban managers, to offer various urban incentives, to draw capital and compete with other cities. Previous studies have tried to examine the mechanisms of economic and financial methods in the field of urban economic and urban management of city competitiveness, and from their point of view the relationship between managers and investors was ambiguous. On the other hand, urban planning and design sciences also does not have the necessary impact on the subject of the city competitiveness because it has paid little attention to the root causes of this issue. However, the lack of a coherent theoretical principle of the process of competitiveness in large scale for urban manager’s initiatives has caused the decline of cities competitive strength in local scale. In this study, based on the deductive method we have discussed the phenomenon of competitiveness factors that affect urban space manager’s initiatives. The results of this study show that in order to attract investment for implementing urban space projects, the incentives and expectations of managers should be considered in urban space planning and designing process through market-oriented approach. This study has strived to analyze methods that are used for incentives and expectations of urban spaces in the process of making the city attractive.

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The population of every urban community, especially in developing countries, has been growing more increasingly by immigration of rural population to cities rather than birth rate. This type of growth has led to an irregular outward trend in expansion of cities and, as a result, a horizontally dispersed urban development toward farmlands and annexation of surrounding countryside. On the other hand, considerable areas in downtown or early districts of the cities, however, are left undeveloped. Naturally, these undesirable conditions make Infill Development Strategies of high importance. Infill Development is one of the major methods applied to downtown development, improvement and compaction. Inside a city, there are a considerable amount of spaces, unused lands and abandoned workshop and factories with their urban infrastructures and installations, which Infill Development regards them as a wealth of opportunities for economic, social and environmental development. This method of development provides a thriving social interaction and retail trade through the increase of population existence and activity in the districts. It also enhances the community assets and improves the quality of neighborhoods by constructing parks, infrastructures, transportation network, art houses, and new shopping malls.Qazvin population has been continually increasing due to its geographical, political and economic situation. Meanwhile, natural and artificial barriers have drastically confined its development direction; therefore, it is especially crucial to consider Infill Development Strategies in its further development.In this research, initially, some useful indicators based on the principles of infill development have been introduced in order to evaluate the conformity between urban developments in Qazvin and infill development strategies. The indicators introduced areas of barren, disused, military and industrial lands in addition to population density, renewal of ruined areas, average number of floors, amount of licenses and capitation balance. Afterwards, the status of each indicator was studied between two comprehensive plans of Qazvin during 1369-1384, and then the effect of each indicator was analyzed and their capacity for utmost use of infill development was evaluated through conducting an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).The ideal value of any indicator is achieved regarding the nature of indicators which is approximately near to zero or to the suggestions of comprehensive plan in 1365 as the base of this study.Analytical Hierarchy Process is a flexible, powerful and easy model to make decisions in situations which conflicting decision criteria make it difficult to choose between the various rival options. The Analytical Hierarchy Process method can be used in these issues because of the simplicity, flexibility of its usage, and its ability to simultaneously use both qualitative and quantitative criteria and evaluate the consistency of judgments.The findings of research illustrate the remarkable capability of Qazvin for infill development. The capacity which has not been exploited efficiently until now and the city suffers from ineffectively implementation of infill development. Furthermore, it is shown that there are areas such as barren lands, military areas as well as abandoned-ruined areas and locations with disused or misused activities which are capable for application of infill development and urban regeneration.

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Creation of art and architecture without considering of knowledge will be an incomplete creation. The kind of understanding and cognition in every worldview forms the process of formation and sustainability of thought. Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit or explicit; it can be more or less formal or systematic. In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology; the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as “justified true belief.” However, no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists, though there are numerous theories to explain it.Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, communication, association and reasoning; while knowledge is also said to be related to the capacity of acknowledgment in human beings. The eventual demarcation of philosophy from science was made possible by the notion that philosophy’s core was “theory of knowledge,” a theory distinct from the sciences because it was their foundation. Without this idea of the “theory of knowledge,” it is hard to imagine what “philosophy” could have been in the age of modern science. Symbolic representations can be used to indicate meaning and can be thought of as a dynamic process. Hence the transfer of the symbolic representation can be viewed as one ascription process whereby knowledge can be transferred. Other forms of communication include observation, verbal exchange, and audio and video recordings. Philosophers of language and semioticians construct and analyze theories of knowledge (Arabic: علم, ilm) is given great significance. “The Knowing” (al-‘Alïm) is one of the 99 names reflecting distinct attributes of God. The Qur’an asserts that knowledge comes from God. Knowledge which comes from intuition may lead to true creation. In other hand, true artworks have a true thought or intuition in their background. Recognition of Islamic art and architecture shows that target of perception was intuition and the target of creation was durability in artwork. Muslim artist understood the truth via intuition not science and tried to form her/his thought by geometry which born in her/his imagination so her/his creation was in the direction of existence. Senses were necessary but inadequate in her/his cognition process so they were sufficient near the Greek thought. Greek artist focused on characters of phenomena instead of theirs existence. So in the creation process they tried to explore these characters in geometrical face than in modern era, artist limited the understanding in mental by replacing the concept instead of truth, he/she doesn’t attend senses and intuition. This research tries to show the position of truth and concept in the Islamic and modern art creation by cognition of Islamic epistemology and modern. Then it shows the reasons of sustainability of past Islamic works in different eras, and on the other hand, shows the reasons of modern variation thoughts and aims to consider the relation between object and subject via philosophy approach in every worldview.

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Since the 18th century, developments in science and technology, improvements in medicine and quality of health services cause an increase in average life expectancy and because of this, the population of elderly people have been increasing. This paper has paid attention to the elderly leisure conditions in Golestan Park of Tabriz as the most important for elderly people in city of Tabriz. However, elderly people like other social groups require leisure spaces, but they face with a lot of problems due to lack deficiency of facilities. The elderly, whether daily users or rare visitors of public space, are the most able to express their own needs; above all, they know precisely the obstacles and difficulties that they have to face daily in their territory. An involvement of older people in defining needs and consequently the objectives of a project is essential. This paper uses cross sectional survey-descriptive method for the analyses of 146 old people who have been selected randomly. The questionnaire and interview in a regular series of closed questions and check lists have been used to collecting data. In addition, physical and field observations and image provision from different places of the Park in a proper autumn weather are another part of collecting data. The descriptive and deductive statistics have been used in data analyze.The data collection tools included questionnaires about leisure spaces of elderly people consisting of 17 questions about individuals and social characteristics, and 28 questions with 4 specific aims (including social and cultural, traffic and access way, equipment and installation and at the end views and plant cover ingredients) to appointment the situation of elderly leisure Golestan Park of Tabriz spaces. The survey has been done by interviewing and answering to the five scales of Likret (quite proper, rather proper, proper, inappropriate and quite inappropriate). The scores which have been obtained from the analysis of descriptive statistics, and Speraman Ro correlation and Kendall tests were analyzed in SPSS 13 software.65.8% of the elderly people having 66 to 103 scores evaluated the quality of Golestan leisure space as half suitable and the remaining 22.6% giving the scores of 104 to 140 appraised the quality of these spaces as suitable. The mean of respondents’ scores and the standard deviation is respectively 2.1096 0.57683. Obtained results based on Spearman Ro and correlation and Kendall tests indicate that; there was a significant correlation between the scores of the sample individuals in terms of their response to questions relating to cultural and social dimensions, access to transportation, facilities, and finally the views and green spaces in Golestan elderly park of Tabriz (P<0.05). Thus, in order to enhance the attraction, and freshness of park expanding of social and cultural spaces of elderly people, the spread of views and landscapes, particularly the overview of transportation spaces is recommended. Moreover, to increase the variety of types of spaces, the feeling of ownership and the reinforcement of community sense, the development of parks in quality and quantity aspects should be taken into considerations.

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Today, a comprehensive discussion of development along with environmental and progressive issues increase can be considered. Quality thermal comprised of warm, cold, cool, radiation and comfortable which are significant qualities in experiences of space, not only on what people do in a space but also affects the feeling of space. So in this field thermal comfort issue is seriously raised.Today, the necessity for thermal comfort studies in the field of architecture and urban planning is important, but further studies in this area have been in the interiors, so the discussion of thermal comfort in residential outdoor (courtyard) was arisen. So in this research, Yazd houses due the specific climate have central courtyard houses which were studied. The main objective of this study is to determine the thermal comfort conditions in residential outdoor of Yazd and was based on the following questions:What are the factors of predicting thermal comfort in residential outdoor open spaces?What level of one’s environment comfort, is influenced by thermal comfort in the open spaces?What are the most suitable criteria for evaluating the thermal comfort in open spaces?How much is the Range of thermal comfort in residential outdoor spaces in Yazd?Is there any difference between the characteristics of predicted thermal comfort and the feeling of thermal comfort?Their living conditions, thermal comfort range of temperature and humidity ranges in which the body’s heat regulating mechanism is at its minimum as one of the requirements of the development of thermal comfort range should be illustrated for each area. In this article the range of thermal comfort in residential open space will be examined with regard to the location of most of the regions of Iran in hot and dry regions and the role of the yard in a selected set of split. The results of the evaluation findings based on personal relationships and environment variables that affect thermal comfort. The overall results show that on this basis, the amount of dry thermal comfort range of temperature based on comments and questions 24.23 and 25.42 centigrade degree among the participants in terms of relative humidity fitted 52.58 and 45.16. So factors that are affecting on the person’s thermal comfort in outdoor, correlations and degree of importance vary globally and the little difference between the predicted thermal comfort and the feeling of thermal comfort was evaluated based on indicators. Psychological factors, including expectations of thermal adaptation, rather than the underlying natural spaces, the experience of the space, time spent in space, the right to choose, the condition before participating in outdoor residential in feature of a thermal sensation of space can to be effective. Respect all the principles of desert houce architecture such as exposure, proper form, plant-based, shadows, wind comfort in all seasons in outdoor are important. Confirmed that the traditional Iranian architecture and Urbanism in desert regions where temperatures soar to 45 degrees Celsius in the central courtyard with pond and plants, is the perfect situation. No doubt, these strategies will be energy-saving climate.

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In this paper, the purpose is finding a way to convert a solid wall without window to the passive thermal energy source. So the discussion is about the optimization of parts of buildings, especially solid walls without windows that are in front of sunshine and their neighborhoods to get more energies. With construction technologies, any part of buildings like walls, floors, roofs and etc. can be used as a passive energy sources, so heating and cooling equipment in building can be used less. One of the most important sun energy collectors are windows in southwest, south and southeast directions passively.If a building does not have a window in sunshine directions, some parts of heating energies are missed. It is important in winter that sun radiations are big source of energy for heating the places. Purpose is enhancement of heating quality in fronts, that don’t have windows. This passive system can adopt in all climates with cold winter or where that people use heating equipment at some times. First, paper explains about direct and indirect gains and trombe walls, and then finds the concept of heating passive systems. Obviously, the all of passive systems have some deficiencies, for example direct gains limit the use of any kind of carpets inside the place and some times, more heating radiations make place hotter than comfort zone. Trombe walls sit in south directions (rotated 15 degrees to the east or west) where windows should be there and reduce saving the sun radiation. So in design of passive systems, this is important to find advantages and use of them in the best way that it is possible. Thermal energy of water trombe walls waste after the water temperature achieves to 74°C and other hand, control of temperature of pipes to gain the pleasant heating is hard too. Management of surplus thermal energy of water trombe wall and flow it in copper pipes, insert the thermal energy to the stone wall. Combining of water trombe wall and thermal mass of stone wall were created an expansible trombe wall through extending the heat in stone wall with hot water pipes. Thermal mass of stone wall can radiate the thermal energy to the inside of place during the night. A model with appropriate scale is the best way to simulate the operation of passive system that is designed, so it shows that this passive system works or not. Model of system built from five copper pipes that put in a wire box, and then filled with sands and pebbles. The hot water with 74°C temperature is poured in the copper pipes and was kept in them for 2 hours.As a result, combining the heating of trombe wall and stone wall help to save surplus heating energy of trombe wall in stone wall for night and improve the thermal efficiency and remove the deficiencies of trombe wall and minimize the waste of thermal energy and enhance stone walls from a buffer to suitable sources of thermal energy.

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Man during his life on Earth, from Adam till now, has known that nature is a life-giving and mysterious resource, andhas always tried to discover all of its dimensions, including the expression of nature in art. Nature has always beenone of the most important sources of human inspiration during the history; from the first art works remaining in cavesto present. Aristotle, the ancient philosopher, was one of the first people who wrote on nature as a great source of inspiration. Undoubtedly, some of the best pieces of classical music and paintings have been created according tothis method. Architects have also used their inspiration of nature in different ways in their architectural design process. Identifying the meaning of naturalism in architecture and the approach to nature in contemporary Iranian architecture works are the most important purposes of this research. In order to realize this purpose, process of inspiration from nature and interaction of architecture and the nature must be analyzed and topics, which can explain ways of inspiration from the nature and naturalism, particularly in contemporary architecture of Iran, must be expressed. The main questions of the research include: “What does naturalism and trend to the nature in architecture mean?” and “How does this interpretation have affected contemporary Iranian architecture works?” In other words, how can describe effective patterns of naturalistic design in contemporary Iranian architect’s works? According to the subject, it is tried to choose case studies from prominent works of contemporary Iranian architecture in different time periods up to now which naturalism appears in their descriptions and reviews. These works include: Avicenna’s Tomb, Nader Shah’s Tomb, Architect’s Villa, Jamshidieh Park, Dezful Cultural Center, Solar House, Iran Ambassador’s Residence in Seoul, Beheshti’s House, Musalla of Tehran, and Negarestan Cultural Center. Innovation of this research in comparison with the same issues is analyzing how to use theoretical principles of subject in contemporary Iranian architecture. In other words, significance of this research is its comparative approach in interaction between theory and practice.In research process descriptive techniques are used and required data are collected using archival methods and field studies. Research process and conclusion is based on analysis of samples, and extraction of architect’s comments. At first, a table with the subject of “Methods inspired by nature” based on theoretical framework of research is made and in the selected samples is examined. After completing the tables, the quantity and quality of considering nature and environment in these buildings are analyzed. Research achievements indicate that the use of natural materials, water, and natural forms has the most influence in quality of trends to the nature in contemporary architecture of Iran. Frequency of 41% and higher for all the studied samples indicates that naturalism has always been on the core attention in contemporary Iranian architects’ design process. Dezful Cultural Center, designed by Farhad Ahmadi, is the example of works which has done more effort for considering the nature in its design, as explained in the theoretical principles of the research.

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