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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    2 (42)
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Purpose in this research, the relationship between social capital and collective identity in 18-29 years old students of Allameh TabaTabaee. This study is a survey implemented on 334 students – 18-29 years old of Allameh TabaTabaee social sciences University including 253 women and 81men selected with group random sampling method. Collection of data in this research was based on questionnaire. In order to analyze data descriptive statistics and Pierson's correlation coefficient and R. square coefficient of determination has been used to predict the rate of independent and dependant variables. Finding of the research showed that: 1- The orginal hypothesis was affirmed based on relationship between social capital and collective identity 2- Affirmation of hypothesis where variables of ethno identity and national identity are dependant variable 3- The hypothesis that variable of para national identity was independent variable is refused.The results show that in general social capital has a direct and meaningful effect on collection identity. These results generally can be deduced in such a way that the studied students relatively have the three kinds of ethno, national and global identity that doesn't have distinguished opposition against the other and also doesn't refuse each other but they lie in returnable mood.

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    2 (42)
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The main aim of this article is theoretical and empirical explanation of an analytical model in which religiousness is specified as an exogenous variable and social capital is defined as endogenous variable. Definition of each specified parameters in the model has a theoretical foundation. Theoretical frame is prepared on the basis of some key theorists including Durkheim, Weber, Berger, Malinovski, Asliner, Fokoyama, Coleman and Putnam. Weight composition of observed variables, in order to definition of latent constructs, was conducted by second-order factor analysis. Research method has been survey and the technique of data gathering was questionnaire which its validity and reliability have been acceptable theoretically and statistically. The population was all citizens who have been 15 years old and over and dwelling in the city of Isfahan. Sample size was 384 cases who were selected based on a quota sampling design by age-group, gender and the city region of residency. The results shown that levels of religiousness and social capital, for the majority in the population, has been around average and high on the defined scales and just a few proportion of the studied population are located on the low level of the scale. Hypothesis testing showed that there is a significant effect of religiousness on social capital. (R-Squared=0.14, Sig<0.05). Among different dimensions of religiousness, religious beliefs or ideological dimension had has the strongest effect on social capital (R-Squared=0.09), while other aspects consist of ritualistic (R-Squared=0.08), consequential (R-Squared=0.06) and experimental (R-Squared=0.05) had have weaker effects respectively. The effects were statistically significance with at least 95% confidence level.

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    2 (42)
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Migration is one of the social problems, especially in third world countries, with different consequences. Many studies have been done in Iran concentrating on negative consequences of migration. In spite of taking some actions for reducing migration because of affecting development programs, however, it is going on due to some of its functions. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of migrants can be one of the indicators to find out positive or negative functions of migration. This study’s aim is to find out how much migrants to Nourabad city in Mamassany District are satisfied with their migration and what is the relationship between this satisfaction with other social, economic and demographic factors. In a survey research on a sample of 258 migrants the correlation of satisfaction with 12 factors (age, marriage, period of residence, distance between departure and destination, education, joining kinship, welcoming migrants, hygienic facilities in destination, educational facilities of destination, accommodation in origin, job in departure, and income) has been analyzed. The relationship between all variables, except age, marriage, and education, with dependent variable has been approved. In multi-variable regression analysis, five variables, including joining kinship, educational facilities, hygienic facilities, income, and welcoming behavior affected dependent variable. These variables represent 59 percent of the variance of the dependent variable.

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    2 (42)
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In this article, we try scientfically to response that what the relationship is between national identity and relative deprivation? To investigate the relationship, we have survey concept of national identity and have explained the causes of ambiguity in the definition of national identity. In present article, national identity is as a social identity, therefore in the view the spher of community and nation are conformed. Therefore in order to explain of national identity have used the Social Identity Perspective. Social Identity Perspective is conceptualized by Tajfel, and is the individual’s knowledge that he belongs to certain social group stogether with some emotional and value significance to him of this group membership. much of social identity can be seen as an attempt to articulate some of the social psychological processes which are responsible for the genesis and functioning of relative deprivation. Social identity and relative deprivation are interrupted. Then we are explained a integrated perspective, in this paper integrates social identity theory with relative deprivation theory so as to specify the social psychological conditions under which individuals form strong intentions to engage in collective protest actions in order to achieve social change. It is considered that this research has been carried out through a survey using questionnaire distributed among students from Isfahan university in the academic year of 1398-89. In the first stage of the research, stratified sampling and in the second stage, quota sampling were used. Some 490 subjects were selected as the sample. the basic hypothese is that there is relationship the attitude of students to national identity and relative deprivation. The experimental findings confirms the basic hypotheses in the Statistical society and shows that there is inverse correlation and relatively streng between relative deprivation and tendency to national identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (42)
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The article sought to demonstrate the relation between several types of religiosity and social capital. Now the problem is that what is the relation between different types of religiosity and social capital.The cause of attention to this matter is the emphasis on being religion as one the most important sources of social capital in different approaches of social sciences. According to this fact there has been a growing interest in religion, its changes and its consequences in the recent years. Despite of descularism has been rejected by "Berger" and he has known individual compass safe from influence of secularer power, but the aim of this research is the cognition of consequences that will appear if religion put away from social science. This matter is ignored with consideration of individual religiosity powerful. The article apply ' Fukuyama' and ' Putnam' theory and noting to social capital dimension (trust, solidarity and participation), through the survey study, it try to study the relation between known types of religiosity (informal religiosity, Juridical-political religiosity, Committal- dependency religiosity, ritual religiosity, Pluralism religiosity, Combinational religiosity, immediacy religiosity) and social capital in statistical universe. In this research we consider our statistical universe as Kashan city through which quota sampling and Cochran formula selected 383 subjects as a sample size from the whole of city. The results show that the types of religiosity that include collective traits have positive relation with social capital and those include individual traits has negative relation with it

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  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
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The purpose of this article is representation a model of organizational culture in an industrial company with contextual approach in diagnostic of present and desire organizational culture and suggestions about organizational culture change for obtain desire culture. For this purpose, three questions designed and in based on, the model of cultural management represented. For gathering data observation, semi structure interview and researcher designed questionnaire were used.Observation and semi structure interview were used for diagnostic of basic variables of present organizational culture and confirm of initial variables of organizational culture. Questionnaire was used for testing and diagnosing of the initial variables of organizational culture and diagnosing of desired organizational culture. For testing the present and desire organizational culture, 116 people selected with Cochran’s formula as a sample and all questionnaire distributed feed backed. Result obtained showed that there is a gap between present and desire organizational culture that based on, model of organizational culture management designed and represented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (42)
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One of the new fields of sociology that is well developed during recent three decades is Emotional theory. Emotion is a process by which actors evaluate real or imaginary positions and interact toward them. In this field emotion is not against rationality, but it is a source of energy that facilitates the process of interaction. Theorizers of this field emphasize on the way of entering emotion in personal and structuration of interaction. There is another group who tries connecting this field to macro level of society. Sociology of emotion is one of the most diversified field of sociology, because the participating theorizers are from different disciplines. In this article we reviewed Turner's analytical theory, Kemper's power- status theory and Lawler's theory of social exchange. Then we proposed some weaknesses and strong points of this theory in researches related to Iranian society.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
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Present research is about effective factors social – economic of factors on alienation of work. This research data with survey method is a350 members sample of personels in petrochemistry company of Bandar-e - Mahshar. This data has been selected with random sampling case. In this research the related variant is the alienation of work and its relation ship with independent variants in cluding, sex, kind of job, record employme, social- economic status, job satisfaction, job participation, job security organization justice which all of them have been earned from opinions of viewerse such as, Parson, Kurt lewin group dynamic theory and Adams equity theory, examined its. The results of this research indicate a significant rlationship among all of the above variant with alienation of work, while there isnot a relation between, record, kind of job, and employment and relative privation with alienation of work.The result of the regression model of the relationship between the independent variables in elination of work shows that R square is R2=0/62.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

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With change of social and cultural structure of Iran society and development of using of communication technology like Internet and Satellite, in particular by young people in recent decades due to some challenges in relation between generation of Iran. This paper with emphasis on important of Culture in generation relationship focuses on the study of situation of generation in culture context. This paper is a survey study by control of terms, is a broaden study by extended and is a cutting study by time (in the second half of 1388). The population is the entire person that has 18- 29 and 40 to up years old in Sanandaj city. The sample size based on kockran formula is 360. The questionnaires with suitable structures validity (based on Kronbagh’s coefficient of Alfa) in the ratio of age, sex in deferent areas have been distributed. Results show that there are meaningful difference between two generation in Ritual and Consequently dimension and religiosity Index and also there is not any meaningful different between two generation in Confidence Dimension. Results also represent that there is meaningful difference between two generation in Modernism and Martial / post martial Values.

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