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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Parent-child interrelations comprise one of the important discussions in psychology as well as social sciences with parenting styles as one of the critical topics of the mentioned areas (Bagherpoor Kamachali, 2007: 34). Undoubtedly, family is the most important organization and the bedrock of physical, mental, and social growth and welfare for a child, and the leading factor for their (physical, mental and, social) balance. Socializing and fraternizing with cultural laws, rules and values occurs naturally within the family, setting the stage for the child to turn into a social being through practicing preliminary intra-family interactions (Moosavi, 2003). In other words, each of the parents has their own share of responsibilities in seeing their child off and into a full-grown person, with most of the weight pertaining to child nurturing and positive influence falling on the mother. Maternal mental, physical and, social health as well as a healthy, well-defined identity, therefore, is crucial in raising healthy children, with the mother being an ever-present guide ever since the primary stages of a child’s life. To this end, in this study, the relation between parenting styles and aspects of social identity pertaining to Ilam city’s mothers has been brought under investigation. First, previous studies related to the area were reviewed and Giddens’s theory was selected as the framework for the investigation. As a next step, a total of six hypotheses were presented based on a theory riding on Giddens’s opinions. Material and Methods: In order to put said hypotheses to test, 400 Ilam city’s mothers were chosen through multistage random sampling. The investigative method through which the study has been carried out is one of survey and questionnaire. The produced results of ETA testing reveal a correlation between the two variables under study, namely ‘aspects of social identity’ and ‘parenting style’, with ‘maternal social identity’ and ‘authoritative parenting style’ being the most important among all other correlations.Discussion of results & Conclusions: Also the produced results at the logistic regression level and parental statistics reveal that 71.6, 76.1, 80, 74 percent (respectively) of the variables pertaining to the ‘authoritative’, ‘authoritarian’, ‘easy going’ and ‘permissive’  styles seem to be correctly predicted and classified. The results of the investigation confirm that there has been a significant decrease in the implementation of both ‘authoritarian’ and ‘permissive’ styles, in which the child is overlooked altogether whereas the two methods ‘authoritative’ and ‘easy going’ have been increasingly brought into use. The results further depict that an upgrade in maternal social identity brings about the ‘authoritative’ as the ideal style of choice in parenting by mothers. In fact, mothers with consistent identities tend to have a better understanding of their own abilities which in turn leads to a successful observation of both the ‘control’ and ‘affection’ aspects of parenting dynamics. A healthy growth of identity in mothers helps them establish warm, amicable relationships among family members (Steinberg, 2001). Results from the studies by Monadi (2010), Khabaz (2010), Marcia (2002)andLomeo (1999) are in line with one conducted here. In fact mothers who have already established a consistent sexual, national, ethnic and group identity, have implemented the ‘authoritative’ style in raising their children which represents the healthiest in intra-family relationships. On the contrary, identity crisis has led a second group to implement the ‘permissive’ style as the least appropriate way to raise children. In the end, the results from this study depict the consolidation of identity in Ilam city’s mothers and consequently, their best choice of style in parenting.

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    3 (63)
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Introduction: Intersections of two important institutions of family and work and its varried implications for married working women can be differentiated and compared in three historical periods. In the preindustrial era, the proximity of working place and family life and the availability of informal social supports such as greater children and grandmothers etc provided conditions for working women in which they could reconcile their duties of having two important familial and working roles without experiencing any kind of work- family conflict. With the arrival of industrialization, the   adjacent spheres of these institutions separated from each other, but severe gender role differentiation, the absence of women in the labor market and limitation of their roles to private and familial spaces, and allocation of the role of " breadwinner" to men exclusively prevented from or, at least, limited the conflicts arising from the interrelations of these two important institutions. In the post-industrial era, as a result of the massive entry of women into the labor market, the collapse of the male breadwinner model, and the emergence and increasing numbers of the dual- employment families, the relationship between work and family domains has found a specific quality that is usually referenced as work- family conflict. The conflict that as a worldwide phenomenon has been reported among married working women of all over the world. However, the quantity and quality of this conflict diversify according to societal cultural values, national policies, employment opportunities, family structures, and among different occupational groups and the individual characteristics of the working women themselves. The purpose of this article was to explore and analyze the modifying contexts of married women teachers with children’s experience of work – family conflict and to identify tactics they use for its managing.Material & Methods: The participants in the study were 19 married women teachers with children in Education of Delvar town, in Bushehr province of Iran, that selected on a no probable method, and purposeful, theoretical and maximum variation sampling strategies. Grounded theory methodology was used to analyze data collected via the in- depth and focus group interviews. The authenticity and validity of findings evaluated by combination of the well known criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirm ability.Discussion of Results& Conclusions: analysis of the interviews showed that  the lived experience of these women in respect of intensification or dilution of the work- family conflict and its individual management could be represented via the three axial categories of " social support"( specific and generic), " uncontrollability of  the children in the new media environment " , and " individual management tactics( instrumental, cognitive and emotional tactics), and one core category by the name of " socio- techno- individual being driven of work- family conflict phenomena". The axial and core categories reflect the situation in which interviewed women in proportion to the amount of their benefit or lack of familial social support have experienced more or little work – family conflict. However, all these women, as a result of extensiveness and at the same time uncontrollability of new  media technologies and their prevalent absences from the home, have been concerned about their children’s,  unreasonable and uncustomary uses of these media. Most of these women, according to their educational qualifications, educational level and financial resources, rather than passivity in the face of the pressures of their double exhausting roles, have used various tactics for managing and governance of their familial and mothering duties. It could be said that although all of the women as a result of living in relatively traditional town(Delvar) and transitional  and Islamic country(Iran) have had very much concerns about their housekeeping responsibilities, but the intensity Keywords: married women teachers, work- family conflict, Delvar city, grounded theory of the experienced concern and  negative outcomes for those varied according to their living in different contextual and intervening conditions that could intensify or reduce this conflict, conditions that include individual capabilities, familial conditions and the age and sex of their  children.

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The present study examines the relationship between state finances revenues and the quality of governance. Government revenue impact on the quality of governance is one of the most pivotal Fiscal Sociology Paradigm. The financial effects of the state ,particularly its impact on the quality of governance in recent decades, many researchers have proposed different approaches . Some believe the negative consequences of resource abundance on social -political structure, in point of contrast, opponents of the idea of a positive impact on improving the quality of governance and resource abundance have focused .The theoretical arguments Supporters and against have been proposed. The next step in the theoretical solution was derived hypotheses. Hepoteses was assesed by empirical internation data. in the methodology of This study is cross-national comparative,  and the unit of analysis is the country. The method analysis this paper uses fuzzy processing and analysis software is FSQCA. Consistency between the two sets of empirical findings observer with 0.83. This value indicates that 83 percent of the cases studied confirms the claim that unrent revenues state, a necessary condition, but not good enough to governance. Accordingly, it  claimed to be the definitive empirical evidence for causal reasoning that necessity unrent revenues stat  for the good governance, does not imply full support and complete subset of countries with good governance is unrent countries. But the ratio is larger than the norm (0.80), we can say that unrent revenues state is almost always necessary for good governance. Covrage ratio of good governance to unrent revenues state equal to 0.73, which indicates the importance of unrent revenues state for good governance.

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Introduction: Social participation is one of the important and constructive factors of Social capital. Social participation is defined as a kind of purposeful act during an interactional process between the actor and social environment for achieving the defined and predestinate aim. Despite the broad and in-depth discussions about social participation, it can be claimed that a general theory on all or most of variables related to participation remained to be developed. Obviously, it doesn't mean that no conceptual model can describe the participation. Although various theories have been proposed to explain the social participation, a model for predicting the different levels of social participation has not been represented yet. Furthermore, students are builders of the future for every society, and paying attention to them, in particular their participation, has great importance for themselves and their society. The present study compares the level of social participation between the students of state and non-profit high schools in Yazd as well as its related factors.Material & Methods: This survey study is practical in terms of content, cross-sectional, and extensive. In the current study, the population was all junior high school students who attend state schools and nonprofit schools in Yazd. According to the statistical outcome measured by the Department of Education of Yazd, 7421 students were in state schools, and 3290 were in nonprofit schools. The Sampling method which applied in this survey study is a sampling of 642 state and nonprofit school students in Yazd (310 students from state schools and 332 students from nonprofit schools) Owing to collecting the data, participants filled out a questionnaire. A combination of stratified sampling method and cluster sampling method was applied. Owing to collecting the data, participants filled out a questionnaire. The validity of the data collection tool was ensured through a content validity and its reliability through a Cronbach's alpha. The Cronbach's alpha measured for the main variable was 0.901, and it measured for independent variables as follows: 0.747 for using mass media, 0.810 for social trust, 0.833 for normative integration, 0.805 for religiousness, 0.703 for fatalism and 0.744 for social alienation. The gleaned data were analyzed by the statistical software's, namely SPSS 22.Discussion of Results & Conclusions: More than half of the participants were girls (51.4%) The average age of the participants was 16. In addition, of all the participants 34.9% in the first grade, 24.9% in second grade, 24.5% in third grade, and 15.7% in fourth grade were enrolled. The mean score was 63 for the main variable (social participation) Also, the score of social participation was mostly moderate. The mean score measured for the dependent variables as follows: using mass media = 16.71, social trust = 46.80, religiousness = 46.04, normative integration = 17.63, social alienation = 58.98 and fatalism = 19.36. Findings showed that there was a significant difference between social participation of nonprofit and state high school students. There was a significant and direct relationship between the variables including the level of mass media, social trust, religiousness, and normative Integration with social participation, however, there was a significant and reverse relationship between variables including socioeconomic status and social alienation with social participation. There was not any significant relationship between the variables of gender and fatalism with social participation. The results of multiple regression support the significant role of grade, socioeconomic status, mass media, social trust, religiousness, social alienation in social participation. Furthermore, through variance of the linear combination of the independent variables, 41 percent of the variance in social participation was explained.

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    3 (63)
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Introduction: In modern societies participation is considered as a pleasant phenomenon.  That can increase social trust, social solidarity and presence of social groups in public and political life in order to achieve sustainable development of society. So, in international level, comprehensive participation of people in social, economic, political and cultural affairs remembered as an indicator of development. Generally, public participation recognized as a fundamental element of a desired social planning. A comprehensive and desired plan is a plan to do with people, not for people (Zimmerman, 1996: 1). However in Iran, in the development and modernization project take less attention in creating mechanisms for public participation and the transfer of some decision-making authority to peoples. As well as destabilizing and dominating the state to the private sphere faced the life word of individuals with many problems. On the other hand, individualistic and hermitistic attitudes embedded in public culture reinforce this. As a result, it has become important to maintain private and individual interests and meantime considering to the collective interests and follow-up them has not been raised. In such circumstances, the exploring factors that influenced public participation to be seen as a vital and necessary principle to strengthen and expand public participation in society. In response to that need, this paper aims to study the effects of political satisfaction and social satisfaction on socio-political participation.Materials and method: Participation: Inspired by the theoretical and empirical literature can be said that the participation has certain components, for example, voluntary work, cooperate in community affairs, urban and rural, direct or indirect, simple membership in the local communities, charitable and business activities in these organizations, participate in the decision making process, the person engaging in the activity levels of the political system, being a social or political official, organized effort of citizens and  influencing political guidance of society. In terms of operational definition, in this paper the socio-political participation measured both subjective (attitudinal) and objective (behavioral) levels. Objective level combined from indicators such as; the spirit of participatory, the individual evaluation of effectiveness in participation and awareness. Also, the objective level combined from indicators such as; participatory membership (the regularity and amount of membership). This scale's stability estimated by Cronbach's alpha to 0.84.Social satisfaction:  The social satisfaction implies the amount of individual's satisfaction of society and community in which to live. This concept represents its own indicators that include personal satisfaction and the satisfaction of social conditions. This scale's stability estimated by Cronbach's alpha to 0.70.Political satisfaction: the concept of political satisfaction points to the level of satisfaction from political situation, institutions and political leaders and officials (Azimi, 2000). Indicators for this concept are satisfaction from officials and consent from governmental institutions' performances. This scale's stability estimated by Cronbach's alpha to 0.85.Method: In present paper survey used as method. Data gathered by administrating self-constructed questionnaire. The publication combined from all citizens of Karaj that had above 18 years and live in this city by 2011. Using random sampling method 400 citizens selected from mentioned above population for answering the questionnaire. In analyzing the data, the methods of descriptive statistics used for describing the features of sample in demographic and other variables. Also, the relationships between main variables analyzed by inferential statistics tests.Discotion: Description of demographic variables: 74.8% of respondents are men and rest women. The average mean of sample is 27 old year. 15% of respondents have Bachelor degree in science. 66.5% of respondents are single. Also, the average mean of respondents' income is 706 Tomman per month.Description of main variables: The mean of respondents' socio-political participation is 43.17, with 12.04 to standard deviation. This suggests that their participation level is mediocre and has very dispersion. In social satisfaction scale 23.8% of respondents have, 55.3% average and 9% high consent. Respectively similar to social in the case of political satisfaction, 62.3% respondents have low, 25.5% middle and 4% high consent. Also, 34.8% of respondents placed in low level, 48.8% in middle level and 11.8% in high level of socio-economic status scale.Analysis of relations between variables: In terms of two variables relations, the political satisfaction correlated positively and significantly with participation about 0.53. The correlation between social satisfaction and participation is 0.18 and this correlation is significant.  Also, the correlation between socio-economic status and participation is -0.065 that not significant statistically. In multiple relations the multiple liner regression analysis showed that the political satisfaction had the most significant effect in the estimation of distribution of participation. Totally, the independent variables could explain up to 30% of variance of socio-political participation.Conclusion: In this study it was observed that the socio-political participation among citizens of Karaj on average, and even lower-middle. As well as, social and political satisfaction among them is lower than expected. These facts suggest the existence of major problems, which must be carefully explored. In this way, and in the framework of this paper can be point to the effect of political and social satisfaction in contributing to the social and political dimensions. The results showed that along with satisfaction increase (particularly in term of political satisfaction), the participation of individuals will increase dramatically. This fact implies that attraction of people's participation does not only accomplish in condition which is empty from satisfaction but also requires a positive opinion of the current social and political conditions to make it to the experience of participation.  These results support the conceptual implications of theories such as the theory of Kinder and Kyvyt and even Inglehart's theory that emphasis the effect of satisfaction from political and social situation of society on the public participation. In this study it was observed that the socio-economic base not significant effect on participation. This fining is not coordinate with some conceptual implications (such as Denis Heily, 1997 and Almond and Powel, 2000) and even with some research in Iran (Like: Hoseini, 2005 and Taghvaei, 2009). Perhaps this could be referred to the substantive difference in the communities which studied and citation of previous researchers to characters of Iran society and strongly and especially to the unique features of observed population. Totally, the results of this study showed that increasing citizens' participation in political and social affairs, regardless of the level of satisfaction, that implies the how meet their needs and expectations of the social, economic and political state of society is not possible. Therefore, public authorities at various levels should regard to this issue as great.

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Introduction: Behavioral disorders, are the most common and debilitating diseases that affect a variety of functions, especially on children's school performance, and create many problems for teachers, parents and children, and have negative effects on their learning, communication, and social performance. These disorders can be observed in the early years of primary school and between the ages of 8 and 15 years to reach their peak. Previous studies on the behavioral problems in Iran, reported the prevalence of these disorders is very high among elementary school students and about 10 to 31%. This study examines four types of behavioral disorders such as, conduct disorder, delinquent tendencies, restlessness, and distraction. Etiology of behavioral disorder is very complex. One of the risk factors in incidence and prevalence of behavioral disorders, which has attracted much attention in recent years, is the use of computer games. However, few studies have been done on the social and psychological effects of video games on Iran, little research has been conducted on the effects of video games on the incidence of behavioral disorders in children. This study aimed to determine the relationship between computer games and behavioral disorders such as conduct disorder, delinquent tendencies, restlessness, and distraction.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional case-control study. Data were collected from 314 primary school students in the academic year 2013 and 2014 in Yazd city. These students were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling method. Measuring tools were: questionnaire of doing computer games, and behavioral disorder appraisal test. Data were analyzed by using of MANOVA method.Discussion of Results and Conclusions: Three hundred and fourteen students from third grade to sixth grade studied. Students were distributed: 27.1% in the third grade, 28.4% in fourth grade, 23.2%t in fifth grade and 21.2% in the sixth grade of primary school. Most students (95.2%) have computer at home. There was significant difference between students interested in computer games sports for delinquent tendencies. The prevalence of delinquent tendencies were more common among students who play sports. Also, the prevalence of conduct disorder was higher among students who play adventure computer games, cars and motorcycles. Our results showed that the prevalence of restless disorder was higher in students who were doing war computer games. Also, there was significant difference between students interested in computer games events, cars and motorcycles regarding to conduct disorder. Our results showed a significant difference between students with different levels of computer games regarding to many behavioral disorders. Behavioral problems among students was significantly associated with the duration of the computer game. There was significant difference between students with different levels of computer games, regarding to conduct disorder, restlessness disorder, and distraction disorder. About the mechanism of the effect of computer games on behavioral disorders, there are three basic hypotheses. Arousal hypothesis holds, monitor of electronic media, may be less attractive other activities, such as work or school. Depersonalized theory, believes that the use of computer games could be depersonalization process. During this process, the child is affected by the excitement of the game, trying to destroy his rival, forget itself, and does not pay attention to what others do not even hear them. This process can lead to impaired attention deficit, distraction, emotional and anxiety, and conduct disorders in children and adolescents. According to the theory of displacement, time spent on the computer and video games may simply replace the time that is spent on other activities, that are activities that control growth of abnormal behavior and behavior to provide impulse control. Due to the growing use of computer games, easy access to the games in our society can be one of the causes of behavioral disorders in children. Therefore, it is necessary, parents prevent children from engaging in too much computer games and make them aware of the negative consequences of excessive use of computer games.

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To follow the social regulations and adapt them with expectations of social role for social consistency whether in the same aged groups or in a family is important ,and such skills, absence can have a great affect on people. the main purpose of this study is  to clarify and predict social-economic factors related to generous and shahed youths social responsibility in province of Kermanshah. nowadays  In the community, among most of generous and shahed off springs the commitment and faithfulness matter to duties  and morals and also the martyrdom value in most of them have been degraded and even many of them don't feel responsibility toward this phenomenon .the data through structural questionnaire gathered for 500 randomly selected generous and shahed youths. for dynamic and lasting of tool meter ,the alpha statistical methods of Chronbach, for testing hypotheses ,the Pearson solidarity coefficient, for evaluating the comparison of averages and regression and path analysis for research model evaluation were used .based on research findings there is a meaningful relation between age (r=0.19),tyrannical offspring bringing up style (r=-0.259), easy-oriented offspring bringing up style (r=-0.180), self-estimate (r=0.207), religious orientation (r=o.464)and social investment (r=0.344)with youths social responsibility. Regression results show that the dependence variable is directly influenced by social investment (Beta =0.45), religious attitudes (Beta =o.23), self - respect (Beta =0.14) ,social identity (Beta =o.19), offspring bringing up style (Beta =-0.18)and people membership in agencies variables (Beta =0.14) and totally these six variables could predict 35% (percent) (r2 =0.35)of changes regarding dependent variable.

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Introduction: All over the world, the population of the elderly is growing and the situation in Iran, in this regard, is not an exception. The prediction of an “elderly explosion” in the near future is not far-fetched. This concept will probably stimulate many debates in terms of its dimensions and consequences for the society. In this regard, the concept “dynamic aging” will also be raised. One of the most effective formulations and conceptualization in this regard is the concept of lifestyle. Nevertheless, studies relating to the lifestyles of the elderly in this country are very much limited and usually closely relate only to physical health and quality of life and are also just limited to periodic studies. Identifying elderly lifestyles by qualitative methods and entering into the experiences of the elderly to explore the effects of aging on lifestyle, identifying consumption patterns, the motivations, and reactions of people to lifestyle changes are what this study aims at. Following that, in order to establish the framework of the study, stimulate theoretical sensitivity, extract and interpret the relevant concepts, the utilized approaches are offered as the “rational consumer” and the “craft consumer”. The rational choice approach which indirectly involves rationality in choosing social events enables the consumer to measure his/her emotions. The perspective of craft consumer assumes that people are active in fulfilling their aims towards goods consumption. It means that consumers separate goods from their common uses by recontextualization, giving new meanings or significations to goods. Of course, it’s not claimed that all consumers, even the elderly, are skillful consumers. There are unskillful options for consumption as well and sometimes, due to financial and physical conditions, consumption is imposed on consumers. However, the significance of all functions of skillful consumption doesn’t involve high levels of investment or high expenses. Since the required cultural capital is easily gained through the various forms of the media, increasing skillful consumption among people, including the elderly, is also observed. Nevertheless, part of this increasing skillful consumption relates to the issue of modernization. In this regard, the influence of Giddens is easily seen. He considers modern societies to be “de-traditionalized “and sees one of the most important aspects of consumption as a protection mechanism and continuation of ontological security which refers to protection and continuance of the quality of daily life.Methods and Materials: This study was carried out in 2014 with a qualitative and phenomenological method. The sampling technique was based on purposive sampling with 21 participants. The data was gatered through in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The data analysis method was the seven-step Colizzi method. The criteria of participating in this study was being over the age 60, living in the family, having no fixed mental problems, having no physical problems that can disrupt daily activities, willingness to participate in the study, and being able to talk about experiences.Conclusion of Results and Discussion Te experiences of the elderly show that they had their especial lived-experiences of this issue. Their experiences constitute a continuum that that extends from consumption based on structural elements (compulsions, environmental and physical conditions) to consumption based on symbols. Findings showed that the elderly, on the one hand, under the effects of structural elements, don’t have the freedom and choices available to other age groups, since their positions, consumption habits and their choices in different areas, such as diet, is dependent on their status and age. At the other end of the continuum were experiences that show that consumption is mostly a “symbolic act”. Some of the elderly tended to be inclined towards ways through which they can show their especial language, status style, definitions and the fulfillment of their identity. Some of the experiences of the elderly were in the “intermediate position” or “intermediate experience”. The elderly of this study showed their understanding and awareness of events, expectations and social tendencies by buying and wearing new clothes. On the whole, this study showed that the field of consumption and consumption acts are reflective of cultural changes in the society and analyzing them for exploring those change is an inevitable necessity. Consumption manners of the participants, in this study, showed some trends of cultural changes. As a result, cultural planning for the elderly, like any other planning, requires understanding of their values and inclinations.

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Introduction: Fundamental rights include members of the community is making this declaration that enables it to rely on setting up against the government, to resist the Fundamental rights barrier against totalitarianism and government allows one to deliberate interference in their social lives.Fundamental rights in the definition of "fundamental rights in the main means of the organization and the creation of peaceful coexistence between factors of power and freedom in any political community". But what creator of this ability among members of the community is not it as a series of laws passed under the guise of the constitution, but it is the awareness. So what is important, the people of the community of these rights because what led to the Fundamental rights, awareness of the people's rights. The basic premise of awareness and the realization of the rights of the basis of the real action. Lack of awareness members of society, the rights of agents of backwardness society and underlies the dictatorship and repression of a nation and the people of the community as a result of being caught in a cycle of poverty, ignorance and violence. But we must note that this vacuum in the form of a variety of variables and theorists as the Creator and enhancing awareness of the introduction of rights: A group of theorists, social capital due to the fact that a large amount of information with low - cost in control is a factor affecting the awareness of the law. Parsons believes extremist public attitudes in the fields of politics and religion is conducive to the spread of the world's nose. Presence in the public domain as well as lead to a person familiar with the views of others. The use of mass communication through the concepts of finding hidden training as a person.Material & Methods: The purpose of this study, the survey method, the first step in the level of awareness of the fundamental human rights and in the next step is to identify factors affecting. Demographic research, all male and female students at the University of Ferdowsi Mashhad. Sample volume with the formula of sampling Cochrane 400 people.In this study, political, social capital variables tolerance, religious tolerance in the public domain, media, education in the underlying variables age, gender, marital status, socio - economic base and levels of education, as the independent variables. To measure the awareness of the Fundamental rights, citing the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with the questionnaire: indicators of human dignity, justice, equality, freedoms, citizenship rights and duties ruler.Discussion of Results & Conclusions: The results awareness of the fundamental rights represents an unaware of their basic rights, particularly in connection with the government, which is represented by the power of the people. Awareness of basic rights in the community, lack proper conditions is an average of 37 of the100; but it must be factors underlie and affecting search awareness: Social capital, the most influential factor has been identified in central extent, with a view to that of a structural equation in that social capital increase to raise awareness of rights, and on the other hand, an average of this variable in Central limit, from the fact that one of the reasons for the low level of awareness of the fundamental rights, the displeasure of social capital. Two other variables affecting also aware of the rights of religious tolerance and political as well as social capital lacks the desirability and are necessary to possess an average of 45 of the 100 for religious tolerance and 57 of the 100 for political tolerance, in the middle. The situation for the presence of two variables in the public domain and the use of the media is another and these two variables with an average of 38 and 39 of the 100, among the lowest average variables are investigated. So low awareness of the basic rights in inappropriate and the lack of independent variables affecting the amenities. Among the most important results of this study, there is a difference between the awareness of basic rights dimensions. Among the six dimensions, a rift exists: on the one hand, of human dignity, social justice and equality, all of the above average of 100 and 45 are on the other side of the dimensions of civil rights and freedoms, the governor's duties, all with an average of 100 near 30. The situation is two points: 1. the downfall combination awareness of the fundamental human rights due to be the second dimension.2. The second dimension and more people are living in the dark and inappropriate these dimensions to lack of proper relationship with the ruling power.If we want use dual open society - closed society, in which feature open society that awareness and political freedoms of its bodies, and the government is accountable, and that closed society in which human individuality with hanging concepts such as national unity is ignored and the government does not need to transparency, should the results of this research align perfectly with a closed society in this society even basic rights and the rule of law and not to support the members of society and limiting the circle of the government's performance, but as a pretext to limit the behavior of citizens and the raising of totalitarianism, the government is used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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  • Volume: 

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    3 (63)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Validity is the most important feature of a measure and this feature is the only permission for using the result of study. When research is on topics such as religion, the validity will be even more important. Such concepts like religion are complex, invisible and very hard to know. In addition, measuring the religiosity has its own conceptual and methodological requirements that distinguish it from measuring simple and objective concepts. Due to this complexity and invisibility, these issues are more vulnerable to methodological hazards. Therefore should be increase carefully to decrease the probability of error in these studies. Despite this, it seems that most religiosity measurement studies in Iran do not pay enough attention about validity of their measures. This inattention has happened in two ways, first, not checking or completely checking the validity of measure, and two, not giving an accurate and appropriate report about it. While checking the validity is important for researcher to ensuring the result, the reporting of validity is important for audience for accepting the result. Evaluation and verification of this claim requires re-reviewing religiosity measurement surveys in Iran with this consideration.Material and Methods: In this research after describing features of triple kinds of validity, content validity, criterion validity and construct validity and insufficiencies and problems of each one, have been pointed to usage of them in religiosity measurement studies and essentials and defects of this usage. Theoretical and empirical evaluations showed that most appropriate type of validity for religiosity surveys is content validity. Based on these consideration and other considerations about survey, questionnaire, definition and model of religiosity, most important religiosity measurement surveys in Iran have been evaluated and criticized. First focused on definition and model of religiosity in these studies, then evaluated validities in each study evaluated and criticized and finally, content validity of measure of each study, that mainly has been questionnaire, completely evaluated. We do not have a special method for this research. Our way is review, criticize and compare. But we have some criterion to choose the most important surveys about religiosity measurement. First is amount of people were involving in the survey and second is the background of the person who conducts the survey.Discussion of Results and Conclusions: This research shows important defects in evaluating and reporting validity in most of these studies. Despite the claim of the researcher of evaluating the validity in their studies, most of them do not pay appropriate attention to this important feature. Our research shows that the criterion and construct validity are not enough for validity of that measure. For this reason the studies that just using these validity are not valid in this perspective. Some studies use and evaluate content validity but evaluating the content validity has some preparations and requirements that they do not provide and therefore their validity is not complete and sufficient. Inappropriate evaluating or not evaluating of content validity has a serious effect on the measure and especially on the items of the measure such as questionnaire that all of the reviewed surveys shows that effect. Most of these defects can be corrected if the researchers pay more attention to the validity and reporting it in their studies. Because these studies are the most important studies in field of religiosity measurement and because other works typically have been done with adoption and reference of them, one can guess that weakness of validity in religiosity measurement surveys in Iran is a general illness. Therefore, their results should be used with more caution.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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