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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Grapes with the scientific name (Vitis vinifera L. ) belong to the Vitaceae family. Detection, selection and use of grape varieties with drought stress is one of the most important issues in breeding programs and grape production. Therefore, identification, studying and evaluation of physiological and morphological reactions of Iranian grape varieties under drought stress is of great importance in grapevine research. Considering the dispersal of most of Iran's grapes in arid and semi-arid regions, as well as the cultivation of this plant as rainfed farming in some provinces of the country such as Kurdistan, Fars, etc., grape plants in part of their annual growth that is, during the summer when excessive evapotranspiration is strongly affected by drought stress and water scarcity, causing problems such as shortening the growth period, reducing flowering and physiological aging and ultimately leading to reduced yield and The plant disappears. This study carry out in order to evaluation the physiological and biochemical response of three Iranian cultivars grapevine to drought stress. Materials and Methods: To investigate the effect of soil water potential changes on some physiological and biochemical of grape seedlings, an experiment carry out as factorial arranged in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications on three cultivar including ‘ Bidane sefid’ , ‘ Chafte’ and ‘ Yaghooti’ and four drought stress level including-0. 3,-0. 6,-1 and-1. 5 MP soil water potential. After planting seedlings in pots, and reaching soil water potential to target level, Electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, Lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme activity, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) enzyme activity, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activities and total phenols accumulation levels were measured in leaves. Results: The results showed that under-1. 5 MP soil water potentials ‘ Bidane sefid’ had highest levels of electrolyte leakage (31. 63%) but ‘ Chafte’ and ‘ Yaghooti’ had the lowest electrolyte leakage, 24. 10 and 25. 88%, respectively. The activity of PAL enzyme under-1 and-1. 5 MP soil water potentials in ‘ Chafte’ and ‘ Yaghooti’ was increased significantly, (under-1. 5 MP soil water potentials exhibited highest enzyme activity, 2. 45 and 1. 97 μ mol cinnamic acid. h-1, respectively). However, under drought stress levels from-0. 3 to-1. 5 MP soil water potentials, ‘ Bidane sefid’ cultivar had not significantly change in PAL enzyme activity. Under-1. 5 MP soil water potentials, ‘ Bidane sefid’ exhibited highest PPO enzyme activity (2. 78 U. mg-1 protein), but ‘ Chafte’ has not significantly change in their PPO enzyme activity. In the ‘ Yaghooti’ cultivar, PPO enzyme activity significantly increased from levels-0. 6 to-1 MP soil water potentials. Conclusion: Our results indicated that the ‘ Chafte’ cultivar under-1. 5 Mpa and ‘ Yaghooti’ cultivar under-1 Mp cultivars had higher tolerance to drought conditions as compared with ‘ Bidane sefid‘ .

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Background and Objectives: Junipers of Iran are indigenous, beautiful and resistant plants with various usages in horticulture and forestry. These plants are found in natural resources places naturally; unfortunately they are getting extinct because of annihilation of natural habitats and also atmospheric changes. So, researches on propagation and protection of them are so important. One of the effective materials on asexual propagation of this plant, cutting, that is really efficient is coconut juice. The aim of the study was to evaluate the season of cutting, substrate and coconut juice on the rooting of Maymars juniper cuttings. Material and Methods: To introduce natural materials instead chemical hormones for rooting Maymars cuttings and also to select the best season and substrate, recent experiment was done with 5 levels of coconut juice (0, 25%, 50%, 75% & 100%) in 4 substrates contained, perlite, perlite-cocopite (1: 1), Pumice and rooting substrate (combination of sand, perlite, cocopeat, vermicompost and peat moss) and 4 seasons of year on Maymars cuttings with length 15 cm. The experiment was done in 3 replications and each one contained 9 cuttings. The aim of the experiment was finding the best season, substrate and natural treatment to propagate this plant. At the end of each season, rooting percentage, root length, root numbers, fresh and dry weight of roots were registered in each substrate and treatment. Results: The result showed that the best season for rooting the Maymars cuttings is spring. The best rooting between all treatments was related to level 25% coconut juice in perlit-cocopeat (1: 1) substrate with more than 30% rooting. In winter no rooting was seen in none of substrates and treatments. Highest amount of roots was seen in fall and also perlit-cocopeat (1: 1) substrate. Maximum root length was recorded in spring and minimum of that was seen in summer. Also maximum root length was shown in pumice substrate. Highest amount of root fresh and dry weight was resulted in spring. And also the highest amount of root fresh weight was found in perlite substrate and there was not different in amount of root dry weight in all substrates equally. Generally, it can be concluded that coconut juice causes rooting percentage increase in cuttings, because of containing auxin. And it is advised to use them instead chemical materials. To propagate Maymars junipers via cutting it is found that spring is the best season to propagate this species and other seasons are not proper and acceptable to propagate this plant. Conclusion: Generally, in can be concluded that coconut juice increases the rooting of Maymars cuttings as containing natural auxin and the best level is 25%. The best rooting between all treatments was related to level 25% coconut juice in perlit-cocopeat (1: 1) substrate with more than 30% rooting.

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Background and Objectives: Almond (Prunus dulcis) is one of the most important crops consumed as dry fruit and mainly adapted to arid and semiarid regions mostly suffering from salinity stress. Soils with low humidity regime are dominant in Iran and in the world and the mostly include regions with more evaporation than precipitation and this in turn leads to increased salinity of the soil. Based on the available reports, roughly 12. 5% of land areas in Iran are saline. Therefore, using rootstocks and cultivars tolerant to salinity is one of the influenced tolerance factors to salinity of planted fruit trees including almond. Despite the presence of information about the effect of salinity on morphological, physiological and concentration of nutrition elements in almond genotypes leaves, more rootstocks and cultivars for tolerance to salinity should be investigated and finally, the most tolerant rootstocks and cultivars to salinity be introduced. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of NaCl stress on growth characteristics and concentration of nutrition elements in selected almond genotypes leaves and introducing most tolerant genotypes to it. Materials and Methods: To evaluate the effect of salinity stress on morphological and physiological traits as well as concentration of nutrition elements of almond leaves, an experiment was carried out based on completely randomized design (CRD), with two factors; genotype and irrigation water salinity with three replications. Studied genotypes were Rabie, Perless, Super Nova, D99, 1-16 and 8-24 and irrigation water salinity were 0. 5, 1. 5, 3, 4. 5 and 6 ds/m, respectively). Morphological traits such as branch height, branch diameter, number of total leaves, percentage of green leaves, percentage of necrotic leaves, percentage of downfall leaves, aerial organs fresh and dry weight, aerial organs dry weight to aerial organs fresh weight ratio physiological traits such as SPAD, relative humidity content, relative ionic percentage, minimum fluorescence (FO), maximum fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and Fv to Fm ratio and nutrition elements such as K+, Na+ and Na+ to K+ ratio, were investigated in selected almond genotypes leaves after performing salinity stress. Results: The results showed that type of genotype and level of salinity affected growth characteristics and concentration of leaves element nutrient. In all of the studied genotypes, branch height, branch diameter, number of total leaves, green leaves percentage, aerial organs fresh and dry weight, relative humidity percentage, SPAD, maximum fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and K+ percentage reduced. But, necrotic leaves percentage, downfall leaves percentage, aerial organs dry weight to aerial organs fresh weight ratio, relative ionic percentage Na+ percentage, Na+ to K+ ratio, minimum fluorescence (FO) and Fv to Fm ratio increased by increase in the levels of salinity. Conclusion: Overall, The results showed that type of genotype were effective in tolerance to salinity. D99 genotype was recognized as the most tolerant to salinity stress. This genotype could tolerate salinity of 4. 5 ds/m by keeping its growth traits and absorption of more K+ against Na+.

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and Objectives: One of the most important requirements in planning production and processing of medicinal plants in order to obtain high yield and high-quality is the initial assessment of the soil physical and chemical properties, which can reduce the production cost by avoiding the use of unnecessary soil analysis. Summer savory (Satureja hortensis L. ) is one the most widely used medicinal plants that quality index of plant is related to the quantity and the constituent of its essential oil content. Understanding the relations between the quantity and quality of medicinal plants with the several physical and chemical properties of soil is very complex and the estimation of parameters changes of medicinal plants affect by soil quality characteristics is more difficult. Today, with the introduction of multivariable regression models and artificial network models in the research, many complex relationships found in nature is understandable. Hence the need for estimation of the essential oil yield of savory using fast, cheap and acceptable accuracy methods is necessary. Materials and Methods: The present study was performed as pot experiment based on completely randomized design with 3 replications. Fifty three soil samples were collected from different parts of Nishabur and easily available soil properties including sand, silt and clay percentage, organic matter, pH, salinity, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and carbon contents of the soil samples were measured at laboratory and the primary results were obtained. Approximately 90 days after seed planting in mentioned soil samples, the sampling of plants was done based on the treatments. Samples were placed for 24 hours in an oven at 40 ° C, for drying. Finally, the relationship between the essential oil yield and easily available soil parameters was determined using artificial neural network by Matlab7. 9 software. To obtain the most sensitive parameters, sensitivity analysis was calculated by using sensitivity coefficient without dimension method. So that, if the parameter value is more than 0. 1, then that parameter is considered as the sensitive parameter of the model. Results: An artificial neural network is simulated from a human neural network model, which, after training, estimates the output parameters by applying the input parameters. In this research, the perceptron neural network structure was used with Marcoat Levenberg training algorithm to estimate the essential oil yield from easily available soil parameters such as soil texture, organic matter and macro elements. The high R2 values and the low RMSE values indicate that predictive data are close to the measurement data and high accuracy of the model in the estimation of summer savory essential oil yield. Based on this, soil texture parameters (sand, silt and clay percentages) and organic carbon, organic matter, salinity, potassium and soil acidity were selected as the most sensitive parameters, respectively. High values of R2 and low levels of RMSE mentioned the proximity of the forecast data with measurement data and high accuracy of the model in summer savory essential oil yield estimation. Accordingly, the parameters of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, potassium, pH, salinity, clay, silt and sand respectively were selected as the most sensitive parameters. Conclusion: The results showed that the created neural models were not able to estimate the essential oil yield of summer savory with a maximum accuracy (R2 = 0. 50). Among the 8 fitted models, a model based on independent variables EC + texture + carbon + organic matter + potassium + pH was better than the other, but the high number of input factors of this model is considered to be a limitation. Since the present study is an initial assessment of the essential oil yield of medicinal plants, it is recommended to continue the research in this regard as well as to predict the performance of other medicinal herbs.

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Background and Objectives: Garlic has the second rank in Allium species in the case of highly used plant species after onion with high nutritional and medicinal values. Garlic is a vegetative product and is contaminated by many pathogens and viruses. Meristem culture is an in vitro bulblet production method for removing the viral diseases. The purpose of this study is to evaluate effect of growth regulators on micropropagation and bulblet formatiom in local clones of garlic in Hamedan province by meristem culture. Materials and Methods: This research was done as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with ten clones and four growth regulators including: MS, MS+1μ M BA, MS+1μ M BA+1μ M NAA and MS+10μ M BA+5μ M NAA. After the first stage and plantlet production, a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 10 clones and 4 hormonal treatments was used in MS medium containing 6% sucrose with three replications. The cultured samples were placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 º C for four months and then transferred to the growth chamber with 25 º C temperature and photoperiod of 16/8 h (day/night). A month later, take notes of samples. In order to normalize the data logarithmic transformation and uniformity test of variances were used and then Data were analyzed by SAS software and the meanings were compared using Duncan's test. Results: In the first experiment, the use of growth regulators in the culture medium causes significant changes in the production seedling growth characteristics. MS + 1μ M BA medium produced the highest seedling weight and leaf length. Garlic clones significant difference in the number of leaves, leaf length and weight of seedling showed. Sheverin clone highest number of leaves, leaf length and the maximum weight the seedlings produced. Interaction between hormonal treatments in clones was not significant for any of the studied traits. In the second stage of the experiment, the interaction of clones in hormonal treatments was significant at 1% level for all traits (plantlet weight, Bulblet weight, Bulblet number, Root weight and Leaf weight). Sheverin clones in MS + 10μ M BA + 5μ M NAA had the highest values in all studied traits. Conclusion: Totally, the results of this research showed that we can identify the responces of the top clones of the garlic province of Hamedan in meristem culture. Also, we achieved the suitable concentration and combination of plant growth regulators on regeneration of different clone garlic in vitro conditions. As a result, a better protocoles were introduced for micropropagation and bulblet formatiom of the garlic in tissue culture.

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Background and Objectives: Crops cannot be sustainably produced by the exclusive use of chemical fertilizers nor can higher crop yield be obtained by using organic manure alone. Sustainable crop production is possible through some approaches such as suitable crop sequence and also the integrated use of organic manure and chemical fertilizers. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the effect of crop sequence as double cropping system and integrated chemical and biological fertilizer application on quantity and quality of yield of wheat along with its soil chemical nutrients. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted at 2015-2016 in research field of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Experimental design was split plot based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. Main plot was 5 double cropping systems including 1: sunflower-wheat, 2: millet – wheat, 3: maize – wheat, 4: sesame – wheat, 5: mung bean – wheat. Also, sub-plot was 3 fertilizer managements including 1: full chemical fertilizer, 2: full biological fertilizer, 3: integrated biological and chemical fertilizer. Grain yield and yield components of wheat was measured. Biological fertilizers were used in this experiment named as Super nitroplus for N, Barvar-2 for phosphorous, Bio sulfur for sulfur and Alkan organic fertilizer which mixed of composted manure with Tiubasilus bacteria. The SAS software was used to analyses the results and Duncan methods for comparison of means. Results: Both parameters of main spike weight (1. 96 gr) and number of grain in spike (31. 7) were obtained in planting mung bean before wheat. But, planting of sesame before wheat had lowest main spike weight (1. 63 gr). Also, planting millet before wheat had lowest number of spike /m2 (443. 6 spike/m2). In addition, characters that basically formed at spikely growth stage of wheat (e. g. number of spike per m2) had mostly affected by type of crop in rotation in compared than characters which formed at middle of growth stage (e. g. number of grain in spike). Present of mung bean as a legume crop caused a highest main spike weight due to highest grain per spike (31. 7 grain/ear). Highest and lowest of all yield components (exception for number of spike per m2) were obtained in full chemical and full biological fertilizer management, respectively, which showed that relaying on full biological fertilizer management will not enough for obtaining the maximum crop yield. In most cases, straw yield had not affected by type of crop which planted before wheat. However, millet – wheat double cropping system had a lowest straw yield (6. 22 t/ha). Also, the highest (7. 57 t/ha) and lowest (6. 61 t/ha) of straw yield was belonged to full chemical and biological fertilizer management, respectively. In addition, the highest (0. 1%) and lowest (0. 073%) soil nitrogen was belonged to sequence of sunflower – wheat and sesame – wheat which treated by integrated fertilizer management. Also, present of sunflower, millet, maize and mung bean crops before wheat, caused by higher soil phosphorus in full biological fertilizer management than other fertilizer systems. Conclusion: Both treatments including type of crops before wheat and fertilizer management had significant effect on wheat grain yield and yield components. Effect of previous crop in double cropping system had changed with change in fertilizer management from chemical to biological form. But, in short period, effect of fertilizer management was more effective than crop rotation. Highest wheat grain yield was obtained in mung bean – wheat double cropping system with and without integrated fertilizer management (i. e. 7. 1 and 5. 9 t/ha). Also, millet – wheat double cropping system had a lowest (0. 051%) soil nitrogen. Therefore, we concluded that in rotation with legume crops, integrated fertilizer management will better than both full chemical and full biological fertilizer managements.

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Background and Objectives: Prediction of development periods of crops by mathematical models, especially, time to growth ending is so important in every region. Therefore, considering importance of prediction of phenology, leaf area and time to leaf growth ending, this research performed to introduce and test of Phenology MMS model in environmental conditions of Saqez, also, prediction of leaf appearance rate, phyllochron in stress condition of drought and to correct coefficient of allometric equations of predicting of leaf area of wheat (cv. Sardari). Materials and Methods: In this research, Phenology MMS evaluated using field data for wheat. Then time and thermal time needed to leaf growth ending and phyllochron (degree day per leaf) obtained using segmented model in different stress levels. Then, the best algometric model selected for describing of relation between leaf area and leaf number. Results: Results showed that the model can predicted wheat development periods as well as and it was capable to estimate day and thermal time needed to each special development period in three state: day after sowing, day after emergence and day after vernalization. Also, results released that time to leaf growth ending will occur after reception of 1716 degree day which equal to 238. 8 day after emergence. On other hands, a leaf will include to plant 16. 6 day after emergence. By increasing in stress, the slope of regression line of leaf number versus thermal time, decreased and reached to 0. 0029 leaf per degree day in sever tension. But, phyllochron upgraded by increasing in stress and it changed from 133. 3 (medium tension) to 339. 1 degree day per leaf (sever tension). Results of predicting leaf area using exponential segmented models showed that segmented model was better than exponential models in predicting of leaf area. Conclusion: As for being acceptable of results of phonological model for prediction of thermal time, leaf number and phyllochron, we advise using of this model in modeling and agronomical studies. So, drought stress can effect on leaf appearance rate and phyllochron value. The best model to estimate leaf area was segmented model. Because, this model was simple and capable to develop based on physiological meanings that can indicate clear introducing of leaf area variations.

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Backgrounds and Objectives: Biochar as a soil amendment improves soil physical and chemical properties, increase nutrient availability, decrease greenhouse gases, reduce nutrient leaching and ultimately increase crop production. Drought stress is one of the most important factors that limit plants growth. Arid lands have a little organic matter and because of high pH, micronutrients deficiency was observed in these soils. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of rice husk biochar and water stress on the growth and micronutrients concentration of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L. ). Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted in a factorial 3×3 arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of three soil moisture levels (100 (blank), 75 and 55% of field capacity) and three rice husk biochar levels (0, 2 and 4% W). 10 holy basil seeds were sown in each pot and thinned to six uniform seedlings per pot after 3 weeks. Then, moisture levels applied by weighting the pot every day at growing period. 12 weeks after emergence, SPAD values, shoots height, number of inflorescences and number of branches and micronutrients concentration in aerial part of plant was determined. Results: Results showed that 75% of field capacity (FC) did not have a significant effect on dry weight of holy basil plant but shoot dry weight in 55% FC significantly decreased by about 39. 7%. Water stresses (55% of FC) also reduced wet weight, shoot height, number of inflorescences and number of branches by 49. 5, 29. 5, 38. 9 and 17. 8% as compared to the control, respectively, but increased SPAD values. In 55% of FC, the average of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentration significantly decrease by 43. 31 and 39. 5%, respectively; but the average of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) concentration significantly increased by 29. 72 and 28. 2%, in plant shoots. Generally, application of rice husk biochar significantly reduced the average of shoots zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentration while it increased manganese (Mn) concentration but did not have a significant effect on dry and wet weight of holly basil. Conclusion: Results indicated that 75% of field capacity (FC) did not have a significant effect on dry weight of holy basil plant. Therefore, deficit irrigation can be considered as a suitable strategy in water limited conditions. Also application of rice husk biochar significantly increase the average of shoots manganese (Mn) concentration but had no effects on dry weight probably due to short term of plant growth, type of biochar and biochor levels. More investigation using another biochar at other different levels is recommended.

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Backgrounds and Objectives: Salinity has considerable adverse impacts on productivity of agricultural plants. Soil salinity, resulting from natural processes or from crop irrigation with saline water, occurs in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world like Iran. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L. ) is one of the pedalitic families (Pedaliaceae) and one of the long-standing cultivated plants. Cultivation areas of sesame in Iran and the world is about 6500 and 42 thousand hectares, respectively. Since our country is located in the dry and semi-arid region of the world, soil salinity and irrigation water are the major problems in the country's agriculture. Another factor limiting the production of the product in warm and dry areas is the warming of the air which is a global phenomenon that results from prolonged greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide gas and the consequence of rising fossil fuels, the destruction of forests and some of the activities that lead to the development of human life. Considering the increasing greenhouse gas emissions and the importance of planting sesame in stressful conditions, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the tolerance of sesame plants under salinity conditions and increase of carbon dioxide. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the effect of different CO2 concentration and salinity on growth and yield of sesame, a trial was arranged as factorial experiment with four replications based on complete randomized design at Agrotron growth chamber in agronomy and plant breeding Dept. of Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan. The growth media was the soil with the amount of 2 Kg per pot. Treatments were included CO2 concentration at two levels as ambient (380 ppm) and elevated (700 ppm) and salinity stress including 0, 4 and 8 ds/m. Results: Results indicated that leaf proline content and soluble sugar content significantly affected by CO2 concentration which is decreased from 0. 28 Mmol/gr FW to 0. 08 Mmol/gr FW with elevated CO2 concentration from 380 to 700 ppm. The peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonialaze enzymes were also affected by the interaction of salinity and carbon dioxide. Sodium content significantly decreased in 700 ppm CO2 concentration compare with 380 ppm. In both of CO2 concentrations, K shoot content significantly increased with increased salinity level. Conclusions: The results showed that increasing of carbon dioxide under salinity stress caused a significant decrease in root Na content. The proline and soluble sugar content significantly decreased higher CO2 concentration. Although increased salinity stress showed increased activity of peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonilase, high salinity reduced the shoot potassium content of in the shoot. In general, the results of this study indicate that sesame plant reacts to different levels of carbon dioxide and that these parameters and relationships can be obtained to predict experiments at higher carbon monoxide concentration.

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Background and Objectives: Mung bean is a warm seasonal annual legume, grown mostly as a rotational crop with cereals like wheat. The crop’ s main advantages are that, as a legume and that it has a short growth cycle (75-90 days), requires less water and fits easily into crop rotations with cereals. It grows well under most adverse arid and semiarid conditions. Drought stress disrupts photosynthetic pigments and reduces the gas exchange leading to a reduction in plant growth and productivity. Salicylic acid (SA) influences various physiological and biochemical functions in plants. It can act as an important signaling molecule and has diverse effects on tolerance to stresses. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of salicylic acid (include two method of seed priming and foliar application) on two cultivars of mung bean, under drought stress. Materials and Methods: In order to study the effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on yield an physiological characteristic of two mung bean cultivars under drought stress an experiment was conducted as a split-split plots based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in agricultural research farm of Karezan of Ilam province in 2017. Treatments were 2 levels of irrigations (irrigation after 60 and 110 mm evaporation from the evaporation pan) as main plots and 2 mung bean cultivars (Gohar and Mehr) as first sub plots and 3 levels of salicylic application (control, seed priming and foliar application) as second sub plots. Salicylic acid was sprayed in two steps: 1-Two weeks after emergence and five days before applying the stress, 2-Early flowering stage. Physiological characteristic were measured at flowering stage. Yield and yield components measured for each treatment separately in the physiological maturity time. Results: Analyze of variance showed that the effect of interaction of cultivar, drought stress and salicylic application on the grain yield, biological yield, number of pod in plant and number of seed in plant were significant. The highest value of grain yield (1894 kg. ha-1) and biological yield (4997 kg. ha-1) were obtained in Gohar cultivar under without stress and foliar application of salisylic acid. Also, the application of salicylic acid, especially in drought stress conditions, increased the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid. The highest (96%) and lowest (71%) relative water content were observed in non-stress treatment with salicylic acid application and stress treatment without salicylic acid, respectively. Conclusion: Exogenous application of salicylic acid improved the drought tolerance of mung bean by enhancing photosynthetic pigments, carotenoid and relative water content which ultimately increased the yield of mung bean. Under drought stress and non-stress conditions, the yield of Gouhar cultivar was higher than that of Mehr cultivar. But the difference between control treatment and application of salicylic acid treatment was higher, under drought stress condition. Application of salicylic acid was increased 70 percent of Mehr cultivar yield under drought stress condition.

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Background and Objectives: Procedure of selection for several traits to maximizing the economic value always has been considered by plant breeders. So, detailed knowledge on genetic behavior and identification of genomic loci linked to economic traits will help to improve plant cultivars. In this investigation, relation and linkage between of ISSR markers with some of pomological traits such as yield and quality-related traits in West Azarbaijan Province grape cultivars was evaluated through MLM association models in Structure and TASSEL software. Materials and Methods: 45 grape cultivars from West Azarbaijan agricultural and natural resources research germplasm bank were investigated. Berry quality traits were evaluated over three consecutive years onto 10 replications per cultivar. Genomic DNA was extracted following the Doyle and Doyle method (1987) and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with 17 ISSR primers. Scoring of amplified fragments was performed according to present (1) or absence (0) of each band marker and the produced binary data were served for statistical analysis. The Bayesian approach in the software package structure was used for estimating the population structure. Also, identification of genomic loci linked to these traits were done with mixed linear model (MLM) in TASSEL software. Results: Based on the 17 ISSR markers used in this study, population genetic structure subdivided into two subpopulations (K=2). Based on results in Barplot 20 cultivars (44. 44%) of the studied cultivars were assigned to P1 group and 17 cultivars (37. 78%) assigned to P2 group and the remaining ones (17. 78%) were categorized into the mixed group. In this investigation, of 2775 ISSR markers pairs, 0. 72% showed a significant level of LD (P≤ 0. 01). Results showed the significant association (P≤ 0. 01) of 12 ISSR markers with genomic region controlling the studied traits. 1 locus (UBC825-4) was identified for TSS, 1 locus (UBC890-2) was identified for pH, 2 loci (UBC817-2 and UBC825-5) were identified for seed weight, 2 loci (UBC836-7 and UBC855-2) were identified for seed number, 3 loci (UBC812-3, UBC817-4 and UBC864-2) were identified for cluster width, 2 loci (UBC817-4 and UBC864-2) were identified for cluster weight and 1 locus (UBC826-4) was identified for fruit set in controlled pollination. Conclusion: Our results suggest the importance the power and precision of MLM association mapping in grapevine. Some loci were common for more than one trait. The common markers are useful in plant improvements program because they augment efficiency of marker selection through concurrent selection for several characters. These ISSR loci identified in this study associated to quality traits may be applied in marker-assisted breeding programs for improving some important traits in grape.

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Background and Objectives: Drought stress is the most common abiotic factor which reduces the plant growth and development more than other factors. Thus, identification of the effective factors to increase drought tolerance of plants is necessary. The plants increase antioxidant compounds to overcome the oxidative stress. Polyamines as growth regulators play important roles in maintaining cell membrane stability and reducing ROS generation under drought stress. Carthamus tinctorius is an industrial, medicinal and oil crop from Asteraceae family. Many studies on other plants showed that polyamines increase plants tolerance to environmental stresses, but response of safflower to different concentrations of putrscine+spermine under drought stress is not clear. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the effect of these polyamines on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants activities, lipid peroxidation and membrane stability of safflower. Materials and Methods: This experiment was carried out as a factorial arrangement based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in a greenhouse at the University of Tabriz in 2016-2017. In this research, the effect of different putrescine+spermine concentrations (0 + 0, 40 + 40, 40 + 60 and 60 + 40 μ M) on the activities of antioxidant enzymes (APX, CAT, SOD and POX), MDA and H2O2 contents and electrolyte leakage, non-enzyme antioxidants (phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins) in safflower were studied under well-watering (100% field capacity) and limited-watering (40% field capacity). The plants were harvested at 6-7 leaves stage for different measurements. Results: Irrigation and foliar application of polyamines had significant effects on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, MDA, H2O2 contents and electrolyte leakage. Interaction of these factors was significant for all traits. Activities of enzymes such as CAT, POX and SOD, total flavonoid of leaves and anthocyanins of shoots were significantly increased in stressed than in non-stressed plants. Moreover, spray of 40+60 μ M and 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine, significantly enhanced the activity of CAT and SOD and anthocyanins contents in stressedplants. Drought stress increased malondialdehyde, H2O2 and electrolyte leakage in leaves. MDA and electrolyte leakage significantly diminished as a result of putrescine+spermine application. Conclusion: Water deficit had a negative effect on the growth of safflower via induction of oxidative stress. In general, the application of 40+60 μ M and 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine were effective in reducing ROS caused by water deficit. Foliar spray of 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine reduced lipid peroxidation, electrolyte leakage and H2O2 content through increasing antioxidant capacity and flavonoids and anthocyanins, leading to improve drought tolerance of safflower. The results of this study showed that foliar application of 40+60 μ M and 60+40 μ M putrescine+spermine can be used to mitigate harmful effects of drought stress at early stages of plant growth.

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Background and Objectives: For the production of various species of oyster mushroom a wide range of different lignocellulosic materials can be used, but to biological convert of lignocellulosic waste of industrial and agricultural and transport more food from substrate to fruiting body depends to the amount of available foodstuffs in substrate (type culture medium) as well as the power of mycelium degrading agents. There was not localizing technical information on the production of edible mushrooms and also non-suitable formulation substrate are main problems in the commercial and industrial production of oyster mushroom in Iran, Thus, first step in the development of this mushroom is finding a suitable substrate for production of golden oyster mushroom. This research was conducted to investigate the optimization of different substrate on some quantitative and qualititative atributies of golden oyster mushroom. Materials and Methods: In this experiment, different agricultural and industrial products wastes includ: sawdust, wheat straw, date palm leaf wastes, the combination of sawdust with wheat straw (in equal proportion), combination of sawdust with date palm leaf wastes (in equal proportions), combination wheat straw and date palm leaf wastes (in equivalent ratio) as well as chemical supplements of urea (10 g per liter in per kg of substrate based on fresh weight of substrate), manganese sulfate (7 μ g. kg based on dry matter substrate), ammonium phosphate (15 g in liter per kilogram of substrate, based on fresh weight of substrate) and bio additives supplement mycorrhizal (one milliliter of Glomus mosseae inoculum per kg of spawn) and vermicompost (6% fresh weight of substrate) was used. After preparing and adjusting the humidity, the substrate was sterilized with using boiling water. In this experiment, some physiological and biochemical traits, vegetative growth and yield of golden oyster mushroom were evaluated. Results: The results showed that nitrogen contents of fruit bodies produced on date palm leaf wastes substrate that enrichment with mycorrhizal bio-supplementation were 8. 21%, as well as the nitrogen contents of fruit bodies produced on substrate wheat straw that enrichment with ammonium phosphate recorded 4. 51%. The completion of the growth stage of mycelium (spawn run) of oyster mushroom in the non-mixed substrate sawdust that enrichment with the mycorrhizal and also in substrate date palm leaf wastes that enrichment with mycorrhiza lasted for 14/60 days and this stage (spawn run) was 9 days for substrate wheat straw that supplemented with manganese sulfate. Also, the highest (2079. 00 g) and lowest (813. 20 g) total yield (fresh weight) of fruit bodies were recorded in wheat straw substrate that enrichment with manganese sulfate and date palm leaf wastes that enrichment with mycorrhiza, respectively. Conclusion: In this study, the weight and quality of fruit produced from wheat straw substrate that enrichment with chemical supplement of manganese sulfate (7 μ g/kg based on dry matter substrate) were statistically superior then other mixed and non-mixed substrates that were enriched.

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Background and Objectives: Papaver and Glaucium are important genera of the family papaveraceae and commonly used in traditional medicine due to the various alkaloids; however, few studies have been carried out on physiological and phytochemicals of these genuses in Iran. This study was conducted to determine the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant potential in fruit, root and aerial parts (stem and leaf) of genus Papaver and Glaucium collected from different geographical regions of Iran. Materials and Methods: Eight provinces of Iran (Tehran, Alborz, West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Lorestan, Hamadan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari) as the centers of origin for many species of family papaveraceae were chosen for sampling. After species identification (P. tenuifolium, P. dubium, P. bracteatum, P. orientale, P. arenarium, P. lacerum, G. mathiolifolium, G. pulchrum, G. integrrima, G. elegans, G. pulchrum), extraction of samples was conducted using ultrasonic device. Total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant potential of fruit, root and aerial parts (stem and leaf) organs were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu assays, aluminum chloride method and DPPH assay, respectively. Results: The results showed that amounts of total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity were significantly variable both among species and in different plant organs. The amount of total phenolic was ranging from 23. 89 to 77. 6 mg GAE/g dry weight plant. Total phenolic content was in its highest value (77. 6 mg GAE/g DW) in Ardebil sample (P. bracteatum), whereas the lowest level (23. 89 mg GAE/g DW) was found in Saridareh-Germi (P. arenarium). The amount of total flavonoid content was ranging from 1. 34 to 5. 55 mg Que/g dry weight plant. Total flavonoid content was in its highest value (5. 55 mg Que/g DW) in Sin-Sorkhehesar sample (G. mathiolifolium), whereas the lowest level (1. 34 mg Que/g DW) was found in Malard-Tehran sample (P. tenuifolium). Furthermore, amount of antioxidant activity was ranging from 20. 29 to 87. 5%. Antioxidant activity was in its highest value (87. 5%) in Hir-Ardebil sample (P. dubium), whereas the lowest level (20. 29%) was found in Irdmousa sample (P. dubium). Conclusion: In terms of total phenol, aerial parts of P. bracteatum species; total flavonoid, aerial parts of G. mathiolifolium species and antioxidant potential and root of P. dubium, were better organs and species. These results showed that different genus of papaveraceae family (especially Papaver genus) are promising sources of natural antioxidants and could supply precious data for screening genotypes with high bioactive contents for producing natural antioxidants and other phytochemical compounds valuable for pharma industries.

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Background and Objectives: Optimal seed germination guarantees the plant stability, establishment and yield. Uniform and rapid germination and emergence of seeds under various environmental conditions play a significant role in achieving suitable yield. Nowadays, there are several ways to improve seed characteristics, and one of the most commonly used ones is seed priming. Priming can increase the percentage, rate and uniformity of seed germination and emergence. These in turn results in the establishment of vigorous plant especially under environmental stresses and lead to success in production. In addition, knowledge on the physiological responses of primed seeds to different environmental conditions, including temperature stress, can increase the effectiveness of this technique. Therefore in this study, the germination reaction of primed seeds of canola cultivars to temperature was investigated. Materials and Methods: The canola cultivars used in this study included DK-xpower, Traper and Hayola50. Hydropriming and osmopriming methods were used as the priming treatments. Germination tests in primed and non-primed seeds were carried out at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 37 and 40 ° C. Then the response of germination rate and germination percentage to temperature was investigated. Results: The germination percentages of canola seeds were different in cultivars in response to temperature and priming treatments, and each cultivar had a distinct behavior. The effects of priming on germination percentage were significant at low temperatures in Hayola50 and Traper cultivars. In addition, priming in all the studied cultivars could significantly increase the germination percentages at high temperatures. Germination rates were also affected by priming treatments and temperature. At each temperature, the germination rates of primed seeds were higher than non-primed ones. In all three canola cultivars, priming reduced the base temperature (from 0. 4 to 1. 5 ° C). The optimum temperature was also strongly affected by priming treatments, especially in the Traper and Hayola50 cultivars. Moreover, ceiling temperatures in primed seeds increased compared with control seeds (by about 1 to 5 ° C). Under various temperatures, hydropriming was more effective than osmopriming. Conclusion: Priming treatments were generally able to improve seed germination of canola cultivars at different temperatures. In addition, priming by either removing the secondary dormancy at low temperatures and/or improved germination under high temperatures was able to improve germination indices at treated temperatures. Finally, priming could reduce the sensitivity of seed germination to the temperature and increase its tolerance to high temperatures.

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Background and Objectives: Low temperature storage is widely used as a postharvest treatment to delay senescence in vegetables and ornamentals and ripening in fruits and thereby maintaining their postharvest quality. However, Anthurium flowers are sensitive to chilling injury, a physiopathy affecting these crops when subjected to temperatures below 12 ° C but above the freezing point. The main symptom of chilling injury in anthurium flowers under low temperature storage is spadix wilting and spathe browning. The objective of this experiment is enhancing tolerance of anthurium cut flowers to postharvest chilling injury by salicylic acid (SA) treatment via enhancing GABA shunt pathway activity. Materials and Methods: In this experiment, the impact of 0, 1, 2 and 4 mM salicylic acid (SA) treatment applied by postharvest stem-end dipping (15 min at 20 ˚ C) on GABA shunt pathway activity of anthurium cut flowers (cv. Sirion) during storage at 4 ˚ C for 21 days were investigated. Results: Chilling injury in anthurium cut flowers was associated spathe browning accompanying by higher electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation. SA treatment at 2 mM delayed spathe browning and retards electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) increase. The anthurium cut flowers in response to 2 mM SA treatment displayed significantly higher GABA transaminase (GABA-T) activity during storage at 4 ˚ C for 21 days, which coincided with lower GABA content, leading to flowers with lower spathe browning. SA treatment enhanced GABA shunt pathway activity, by enhancing GABAT activity, during storage at 4 ˚ C, lead to consumption of GABA for providing higher ATP content associated with lower H2O2 content. Conclusion: These findings showed that SA treatment at 2 mM can be applied as an effective procedure for improving anthurium cut flowers tolerance to postharvest chilling stress.

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