Background and Objectives: Almond (Prunus dulcis) is one of the most important crops consumed as dry fruit and mainly adapted to arid and semiarid regions mostly suffering from salinity stress. Soils with low humidity regime are dominant in Iran and in the world and the mostly include regions with more evaporation than precipitation and this in turn leads to increased salinity of the soil. Based on the available reports, roughly 12. 5% of land areas in Iran are saline. Therefore, using rootstocks and cultivars tolerant to salinity is one of the influenced tolerance factors to salinity of planted fruit trees including almond. Despite the presence of information about the effect of salinity on morphological, physiological and concentration of nutrition elements in almond genotypes leaves, more rootstocks and cultivars for tolerance to salinity should be investigated and finally, the most tolerant rootstocks and cultivars to salinity be introduced. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of NaCl stress on growth characteristics and concentration of nutrition elements in selected almond genotypes leaves and introducing most tolerant genotypes to it. Materials and Methods: To evaluate the effect of salinity stress on morphological and physiological traits as well as concentration of nutrition elements of almond leaves, an experiment was carried out based on completely randomized design (CRD), with two factors; genotype and irrigation water salinity with three replications. Studied genotypes were Rabie, Perless, Super Nova, D99, 1-16 and 8-24 and irrigation water salinity were 0. 5, 1. 5, 3, 4. 5 and 6 ds/m, respectively). Morphological traits such as branch height, branch diameter, number of total leaves, percentage of green leaves, percentage of necrotic leaves, percentage of downfall leaves, aerial organs fresh and dry weight, aerial organs dry weight to aerial organs fresh weight ratio physiological traits such as SPAD, relative humidity content, relative ionic percentage, minimum fluorescence (FO), maximum fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and Fv to Fm ratio and nutrition elements such as K+, Na+ and Na+ to K+ ratio, were investigated in selected almond genotypes leaves after performing salinity stress. Results: The results showed that type of genotype and level of salinity affected growth characteristics and concentration of leaves element nutrient. In all of the studied genotypes, branch height, branch diameter, number of total leaves, green leaves percentage, aerial organs fresh and dry weight, relative humidity percentage, SPAD, maximum fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and K+ percentage reduced. But, necrotic leaves percentage, downfall leaves percentage, aerial organs dry weight to aerial organs fresh weight ratio, relative ionic percentage Na+ percentage, Na+ to K+ ratio, minimum fluorescence (FO) and Fv to Fm ratio increased by increase in the levels of salinity. Conclusion: Overall, The results showed that type of genotype were effective in tolerance to salinity. D99 genotype was recognized as the most tolerant to salinity stress. This genotype could tolerate salinity of 4. 5 ds/m by keeping its growth traits and absorption of more K+ against Na+.