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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Designation of a certain place as the capital has always been related to the numerous political and geographical factors. In fourth century AH in Islamic world, there were many capitals belonged to various dynasties had selected their capitals due to specific reasons. After the conquest of Syria by Sayf al-dawlah Hamdani in 333 AH (912), Halab was selected as the capital. The results of this study have indicated that the factors such as the history of settlement of Bani Taghleb the ancestor of Hamdanids in Halab, the importance of Halab as the ethnic origins and cultural mainstay for Sayf al-dawlah, the ecological and geographical situations such as the access to domestic and international transport ways, the strategic and defensive location of Halab and especially the strategies of Naser al-dawlah Hamadani -the governor of the branch of Hamdanids in Mosul- to protect his government and possessions in Jazireh have been effective in locating the Halab as a capital. The total allocations and facilities in this city, as the capital, led to flourish the sciences and literature at the time of Hamdanids especially in Sayf al-dawlah reign.

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This article studies the community of scholars in the field of rational sciences throughout the Seljuk’s era. The authors seek to answer questions regarding with the statistical development of the society of scholars in the Seljuk’s era, and the meaning and reasoning behind such historical trend. In order to respond those questions, the Seljuk’s era has been divided into three periods. The statistical society of each period taking into consideration and has been exhibited in different tables and charts. Analyzing the data of those tables and charts, it is concluded that the percentage of the scholars of rational sciences in the Seljuk’s era not only had not been diminished, but also considerably increased throughout the second period despite the weaknesses of the central Government and also in the third period, despite having a destabilized and scattered governing system. Indeed, the overall numerical analysis shows an increasing historical development of the scholars and academics of rational sciences in Seljuk’s era.

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Writing and accomplishing Local histories in Syria, that was commenced since the third century AH, reached to a peak under the local states and so a number of local histories were provided particularly about two grand cities, Damascus and Aleppo. Tārīkh-i Dimashq(History of Damascus)by Ibn Qalānisī (d. 555 AH) is one of the prominent local history about Damascus which includes the events between 363 and 555 AH and focused primarily on Damascus and then Syria. Ibn Qalanisi described the developments inside and around Damascus as well as the relationships and conflicts of Muslim states such as Hamdanids, Fatimids and Seljuks together and also with Byzantium and the Crusaders. This book is one of the few sources about Damascus in the Fatimid, the Seljuks and the Crusaders era, and so significant for the study of Damascus and Syria in the fifth and sixth centuries AH. Ibn Qalānisī method in historiography is traditional and official, based on a fatalistic attitude and elitist insight without any kind of critical approach.

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Using water in architecture, along with providing the facility, had a great impact on the architectural design and beauty. In belvedere gardens of Andalus water used in different shapes such as pools, fountains and rivers with exquisite designs. During 10th to 15th century particular styles of fountains are used that were operational as well as decorative. This research studies and compares the aesthetics changes of the patterns and elements of belvedere gardens that were constructed during the period.

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Rab’-i- Rashidi was the largest medical center with a great religious endowment in Ilkhanids era. It was a hospital, for admitting and treating patients and a place for teaching medicine as well as preparing various drugs. The present paper investigates the Rab’-i-Rashidi’s management structure, financial system, medical and scholarly functions via an analytic-descriptive study. The results show that, with the financial backing Rab’-i-Rashidi has had many functions as the modern hospitals. Using theoretical and clinical teaching methods simultaneously and also connecting to the educational centers worldwide, particularly China and India, Rab’-i- Rashidi tried to transform the scientific accomplishments to Iran.

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During the Islamic medieval period many festivals were held in various occasions. In Ottoman Empire festivals were carried out into the largest detail and then a literary sub-genre has been emerged as Surname (Fest book). Besides the texts, various miniatures in these works contain ample information about the steps and procedures of the Ottoman court or popular celebrations. In fact the surnames could be considered as a rich source for studying the social, cultural and economic history of Ottoman Empire, along with their artistic importance. Two most famous surnames are Surname-i-Humayun and surname-i-wahbi, that the present paper will study their social historical facts as well as their information about performing arts such as scene performance and field performance.

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The process of designing and producing the lighting devices continues, almost uniform, from Ancient Persia to the Islamic era and the artists tried to take advantage of the earlier generations experience, in terms of creating more improvement equipment in design and decoration. Qajar era was the last period of using the traditional lighting equipment before the development of modern technologies and also a turning point in the evolution and development of these devices as a result of encountering Iranian traditional society to the industrial aspect of the West. Eventually, with the arrival of gas and electricity in the late thirteenth century AH, most of these items were either supplanted or were transformed into decorative tool. Based on the primary sources, the present paper studies the types of lighting equipment since ancient time and their survival and development during the Qajar period as well as the customs and crafts associated with them, by exploring the Astan-i-Quds and Astan-i-Qum treasuries.

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