Designation of a certain place as the capital has always been related to the numerous political and geographical factors. In fourth century AH in Islamic world, there were many capitals belonged to various dynasties had selected their capitals due to specific reasons. After the conquest of Syria by Sayf al-dawlah Hamdani in 333 AH (912), Halab was selected as the capital. The results of this study have indicated that the factors such as the history of settlement of Bani Taghleb the ancestor of Hamdanids in Halab, the importance of Halab as the ethnic origins and cultural mainstay for Sayf al-dawlah, the ecological and geographical situations such as the access to domestic and international transport ways, the strategic and defensive location of Halab and especially the strategies of Naser al-dawlah Hamadani -the governor of the branch of Hamdanids in Mosul- to protect his government and possessions in Jazireh have been effective in locating the Halab as a capital. The total allocations and facilities in this city, as the capital, led to flourish the sciences and literature at the time of Hamdanids especially in Sayf al-dawlah reign.