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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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سلامت اجتماعی می تواند به عنوان ارزیابی افراد از روابط اجتماعی شان، چگونگی واکنش دیگران به آن ها و چگونگی تعامل آن ها با نهاد های اجتماعی و اجتماع تعریف گردد. از سوی دیگر، کلان شهر ها با انبوهی از مشکلات و مسایل اجتماعی مرتبط با سلامت اجتماعی روبرو هستند که نیازمند توجه بیشتر به این موضوع است. با توجه به اهمیت روزافزون موضوع سلامت اجتماعی، پژوهش حاضر درصدد است ضمن بررسی این موضوع مهم، اقدام به واکاوی تعیین کننده های اجتماعی موثر بر سلامت اجتماعی نماید. این پژوهش در بین 400 نفر از شهروندان ساکن در منطقه 12 تهران انجام شد و برای تبیین نظری موضوع از دیدگاه نظری«کوری کییز و شاپیرو» استفاده شد. در بخش روش نیز با استفاده از روش پیمایش و ابزار سنجش پرسشنامه و روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای اقدام به تکمیل پرسشنامه گردید. نتایج نشان داد که چهار متغیر حمایت اجتماعی، کیفیت زندگی، امنیت اجتماعی و پایگاه اجتماعی-اقتصادی همگی با متغیر وابسته سلامت اجتماعی (در جایگاه متغیر وابسته) رابطه دارند و متغیر های مستقل برشمرده شده قادر به پیش بینی متغیر سلامت اجتماعی نیز بوده اند. بر این مبنا بیشترین میزان پیش بینی کنندگی مربوط به متغیر حمایت اجتماعی (با ضریب بتای 0.50) و پس از آن به ترتیب مربوط به متغیر های کیفیت زندگی (با ضریب بتای 0.24)، امنیت اجتماعی (با ضریب بتای 0.22) و پایگاه اجتماعی-اقتصادی (با ضریب بتای 0.10) بوده است. مهم ترین نتیجه تحقیق حاضر این است که مهم ترین نتیجه ای که می توان از پژوهش حاضر گرفت این است که سلامت اجتماعی بیشتر از آن که ناشی از بهبود شرایط فردی باشد، ناشی از بهبود شرایط اجتماعی است و هر چقدر میزان بهبود و اصلاح شرایط ساختاری جامعه افزایش یابد می توان انتظار داشت که سطح سلامت اجتماعی جامعه هم ارتقا یابد. در واقع، ارتقای سلامت اجتماعی وابستگی زیادی به ارتقای سطح کیفیت زندگی، حمایت اجتماعی، پایگاه اجتماعی-اقتصادی و امنیت اجتماعی دارد.

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In recent years, especially after the financial crisis of 2008, the dangers and changes in the economic field have affected other areas, such as the political, environmental, and especially social spheres, and have increased the magnitude of the damage and social crisis. On this basis, discussions on social strengthening and resilience have been proposed alongside the other theories and ideas; and they have been met important positions in theoretical and academic principles. In fact, the social resilience debate says that once a social system is able to absorb temporary or permanent risks and can adapt itself to rapidly changing circumstances, it is resilient. This paper, based on documentary method tries to review the valid scientific papers and books, published in recent years, in order to introduce the definitions of social resilience and the indicators for measuring this concept. Awareness of the discussions, experiences and efforts of other countries in this field and also evaluation of them can be useful and effective in policy-making, planning, and even administrative actions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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With the advent of technology and mass media in the families, the social values of families have been affected and have led to changes in the young generation communication and behaviors. Today the virtual social networks are the most significant of those technologies which have the special role in our world that life cannot be imagined without them. The expansion of this space has caused several damages in the family environment such as lifestyle changes, breaking the boundaries of beliefs and values especially among our young girls and women. The group which is supposed to be breeder of the next generations and any change in their identity can cause destruction of Iranian generation identity. The West and the virtual space rulers have widespread plans to achieve such a goal. This research examines the impact of social networks on the family identity with an emphasis on the four main components (The interactive environment, the intimate atmosphere, satisfaction of the groups and the virtual communities, the content and production of social networks resulting from these networks). This research is quantitative and descriptive-analytic one which applies survey technique. The results of the research revealed that there is a significant relationship between virtual social networks and the identity of the family institution. So that some of the features of virtual social networks such as the interactive environment, intimate atmosphere and satisfaction, groups, and virtual communities, and the production of social media networks have an undeniable impact on the identity of the family institution and the value of this holy institution.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting public participation in organizing urban waste falls in the 3rd zone of Zahedan. The research method is descriptive-analytic and its type is applied. Data collection was done by documentary and survey method (questionnaire) The statistical population was the worn out area of Zahedan district 3, consisting 61304 people and the sample was 325 according to Cochran formula. Analysis was performed using SPSS software, Factor analysis, Pearson and Kruskal Wallis tests. The results of factor analysis show that the first factor alone identifies 27.76% of the variance, and the second factor is 15.199%, the third factor is 10.10, the fourth factor is 7.61, the fifth factor is 56.6, the factor 6 is 12 / 4, factor VII, 74.4, factor eighth, calculates 17.4 percent of the variance. Also, the results of Pearson's test showed that there is a significant relationship between the amount of public participation in the management of the worn out texture with the components of the amount of facilities and services and trust and confidence. Finally, the results of Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that the neighborhoods of salt factory and Gharib Abad were ranked at 136.59, 73.39 in the best and worst conditions, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of environmental design is the creation of places. But in the meantime, "out of places" is also important. With this starting point, questions are asked about the definition, recognition, foundation, and location of places and outside them, so that identifying and explaining the imagination of the place would be at the top of the affair. Are only "places" booming, or "out of places" are also dynamic and refreshing? In this study in order to find an answer, the two seemingly distinct concept of "place" and "out of place" in the city are compared in a comparative perspective of environmental psychology. In this context, the physical image, activities and meanings are raw materials of the place identity and the dialectics between them is the structural relationship between this identity, which is sometimes felt to occur in "out of places." In this research, applying qualitative content analysis methods and by through analyzing the data extracted by the field studies method, the concept of place in the city is discussed in order to identify its constituent criteria. These criteria are used to evaluate "out of place" in the city to answer the question why "out of places" in the city are sometimes as important as "places". The results of this study, which are mainly based on the qualitative content analysis method, show that efforts to remove "out-of-place" phenomena in cities are not completely positive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to numerous studies that show different effects of religiosity and gender attitudes on the childbearing intention and gender differences in this area, this study aims to assess the impact of religiosity and gender attitudes on the number of children intended. Survey statistical population, was married people in Tehran and using cochran formula and suitable design effect has been selected 1272 married men and women so that age of women in their family was 15 to 49 years. The multi-stage cluster sampling method and questionnaire were used and Pearson correlation and path analysis were used to analyze the data. Survey was conducted through multi-stage cluster sampling and questionnaire instrument while Pearson Correlation and Path analysis were employed for data analysis. The findings indicate that tendency of people toward religion is relatively high and gender equality attitudes are widely seen. Women are more religious and egalitarian than men, so that about 60 percent of men and 70 percent of women have modest and higher religiosity and about 50 percent of men and 70 percent of women report high-level gender equality attitudes. The results of path analysis indicate that the number of children descended in both sexes is influenced by religiosity and gender attitudes, and religiosity has an impact on the number of children being targeted more than gender attitudes. the same pattern were observed in the influence of religiosity and gender attitudes on childbearing intention and gender differences were also observed. Research results suggest that adopting appropriate policies can be helpful in achieving the desired population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Providing public social welfare, entitled "Social Policies," is one of the major goals of political systems, which is usually set up based on the root basics and dominant paradigm. In this research, a strategic focus is on the thoughts of Imam Khomeini in the field of public welfare, which, by negating the socialist and liberal materialism paradigm to institutionalize religious democracy can be used as a pillar of the strategic public welfare policy for new generation and future management of the country as well as other Islamic countries. By using open, axial and selective coding in MAXQDA software. The statistical population includes all the upstream documents related to Imam Khomeini's thoughts, views, ideas, guidelines, and measures to reach directional pillars of strategic patterns (doctrine, goals and policies) being investigated by theoretical sampling in the area of public welfare. In the articulation of Imam Khomeini's discourse, the central concept which affects other concepts and themes, is the establishment of justice in various field. Other elements of the discourse associated with the central concept are providing the material and spiritual needs of the public, preparing the use of social capacities and the avoidance of unnecessary government intervention, developing public welfare through the implementation of Islamic financial program and processing the foundation of internal capacities System.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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