In the complex and dynamic world of today, without enough attention to organizational entrepreneurship, we can not achieve to growth and development indicators in the economic realm. Because organizational entrepreneurship is a strategic and acquiring process that organizations by choosing the right model, lead to its sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to explain the indicators and select the appropriate entrepreneurship model. The research method is descriptive survey and the statistical population is the managers of rural cooperatives in South Khorasan province. Data gathering tool: library studies and a questionnaire that has been done through Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP). Expert Choice software (EC) is used to analyze the collected data. The results of this research show that the ranking of indices are: behavioral, culture, entrepreneurial, structural, Background, individual characteristics and entrepreneurial skills and the patterns are respectively Sahlman, Antonic & Hisrich, Bulut & Alpkan, Lampkin & Dess, Echols & Neck, Ahmad Pour Dariani and Kooratko & others.