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Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) and deviation from optimum percentage (DOP) index can be used as efficient methods to interpret the results of plant analysis and the nutritional diagnosis in crops and fruit trees. To establish DRIS norms in seedless grape (Sultana, cv) and compare them with DOP index, leaf samples were collected from 129 vineyards and analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B concentrations. The sugar content (brix) of the grape juice was measured as a criterion of yield. On the basis of sugar content, the vineyards were divided into two groups of low and high yielding populations. Standard DRIS norms were established for the different nutrient ratios. DRIS indices were calculated to evaluate nutrients balances and order of nutrients requirements. Sufficiency ranges of macro and micro nutrients were derived by DRIS technique. Means of nutrients concentrations in the high yielding population (high sugar content) were used as reference values for calculating DOP indices. DRIS-derived sufficiency ranges were 2.0-2.8, 0.20-0.27, 1.2-1.7, 1.5-2.1% for, respectively, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, and 55-138, 40-127, 30-100, 10-20, 30-187 mg/kg for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B, respectively. DRIS indices showed that, among the macro and micro nutrients in all low yielding vineyards, magnesium and zinc had the most negative index values, respectively. The nutritional balance index (NBI) of DRIS and of DOP (SDOP) were much more than zero in all low-yielding vineyards, indicating that there was imbalance between the absorbed nutrients by grape vines. Comparison of the DRIS indices for the macro and micro nutrients with the DOP indices revealed that Mg and Zn were the most deficient elements in all low-yielding vineyards showing that both methods provide similar information in the interpretation of the results of leaf analysis. To validate DRIS norms and verify the efficiency of DRIS and DOP as methods for improving the interpretation of analysis results of grape leaf, fertilizer experiments should be conducted on seedless grape in a low-yielding vineyard.

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To examine the effect of slow-release nitrogen fertilizers and its comparison with urea, several experiments were conducted in Khorasan Province during two years. In the first year, the eight fertilizer treatments included two-stage application of 140 and 200 kg N. ha-1 (equal to 70% and 100% of the recommended level) from urea source, one-stage application of 140 and 200 kg N. ha-1 from urea form (before cultivation), one-stage application of 140 and 200 kg N. ha-1 from methylene urea before cultivation, application of 100 kg N. ha-1 from urea form before cultivation followed by 40 kg N. ha-1 as top dressed from urea, and application of 100 kg N. ha-1 from methylene urea (before cultivation) followed by 40 kg N. ha-1 as top dressed from urea source. The experiment had a Randomize Complete Block Design and was replicated 3 times. In the second year, the effects of seven fertilizer treatments consisting of 150, 200, and 250 kg N.ha-1 from urea (at three stages) and urea-form (at one stage) with a control plot (without nitrogen application). The treatments were conducted in two soils with different textures (loam and sandy loam) as a Randomized Complete Block Design, replicated three times. The results of the first year showed that application of nitrogen fertilizers had a significant effect (a=1%) on tuber yield, and nitrogen concentration in leaves. The maximum tuber yield (54.66 ton.ha-1) was produced by applying 200 kg N.ha-1 from methelen urea, which had a slight difference with the same amount of nitrogen from urea formaldehyde source. The economical evaluation of different treatments in the first year showed that, in spite of the maximum economic net profits obtained through application of 200 kg N.ha-1 as urea formaldehyde and/or methelene urea, the maximum economic efficiency was obtained by the application of 140 kg N.ha-1 from methelene urea source (equal to 70% of the control plot). The results of the second year experiment showed that, in both soils under study, the maximum tuber yield was obtained through the application of 250 kg N.ha-1 (25% more than the nitrogen recommended level) from urea form source. The leaf and soil analysis of different treatments showed that there was no difference among the treatments concerning leaf N concentration and soil N at different stages of the crop growth. This indicates the ability of ureaform in slow releasing of nitrogen, since in all stages of sampling; the concentration of nitrogen in leaf and soil of the urea form treatments was even more than the corresponding values in the urea treatments. On the whole, it can be concluded that, in similar conditions, using slow release nitrogen fertilizers (urea form and methylene urea) in potato farming is economically feasible and increases nitrogen use efficiency.

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View 1941

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Boron is an essential element for plant growth. Soluble and adsorbed boron are short- and long-time sources of B for plants. Adsorbed B controls equilibrium concentration and its deficiency and toxicity in soils. Considering the importance of adsorption and desorption reactions in B behavior in soils, boron adsorption isotherms were measured in five soils differed in calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE 0-80%). Experimental data were described with linear and non-linear forms of the Langmuir, Freundlich, Toth, and Langmuir-Freundlich equations. Analysis of the model descriptions revealed that the Langmuir equation was the best equation for prediction of the exerimental data. The latter data and the predictions by the Langmuir equation showed that boron was weakly adsorbed in soils when compared with other oxyanions. Boron adsorption maximum (Tmax) was calculated between 1 to 3 mmol /g soil. Correlating boron adsorption maximum with soil properties revealed that the amount of adsorbed B was not a simple function of the soil properties, rather, it reflected the effect of different soil properties such as pH, texture, carbonates and oxides contents. Among soil properties, active CCE showed a direct relationship with boron adsorption maximum. Removing calcium carbonates from a soil sample (18% CCE and pH 7.4) reduced boron adsorption maximum by 35%. In addition, the effect of three levels of ionic strength i.e.0.01, 0.1 and 0.5 M NaCl, was measured in a soil sample. The results revealed that B adsorption maximum increased by 24 and 71% with increasing ionic strength from 0.01 to 0.1 and 0.5 M. This could be due to an increase in pH-dependent surface charges and/or a decrease in the thickness of the double layer.

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To study the effects of irrigation and nitrogen treatments on rapeseed (option 500 variety), an experiment was conducted at agricultural research station of Gonbad during 2003-2005.The station is located at 5 km east of Gonbad at an altitude of 45 meters above sea level and has Xerothermo Mediterranean climate.The experiment was carried out as factorial form in RCBD with 3 replications. Iirrigation treatments included the check (without irrigation), irrigation at flowering stage, and irrigation at flowering stage and seed filling stage. The nitrogen treatments consisted of the control (no N), applying N to the soil without foliar application, and applying N to the soil with foliar application. The foliar application of urea was applied in the beginning of stem elongation and flowering stages with 2.5% concentration. The result of the first year of experiment showed that the effects of irrigation, nitrogen, and the interaction between the two variables were significant on grain yield. However, the effect of irrigation in the second year was not significant because of high rain fall. The two-year analysis showed that the effect of year was significant on grain yield, the number of secondary branches, and 1000 grain weight, reflecting that the climatic conditions varied in the two years of the experiment. Irrigation at flowering and seed filling stages together with N application to the soil and foliar application treatment had the highest yield (3426 kg/ha). Therefore, irrigation of canola is recommended for the seasons when there is not enough rain at flowering and seed filling stages.

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Iron (Fe) is an essential element for plants, animals, and human. The chemistry of iron in natural systems like soils, particularly in the anaerobic and flooded paddy soils, strongly influences the bioavailability and transformation of various elements and, therefore, plays an important role in bio- and geo-chemical cycles. Mobility and availability of iron in the natural systems is controlled by the adsorption-desorption and dissolutionprecipitation reactions. These reactions are strongly affected by environmental conditions especially proton (pH) and electron (pe) activities. Considering the importance of the adsorption process in controlling equilibrium concentration of Fe (II), we investigated Fe (II) adsorption process on goethite over a wide range of pH and ionic strength. The goethite charging behavior was calculated from acid-base titration at different levels of ionic strength. Titration data revealed pHpzc=9.1 for the goethite. The Fe (II) adsorption isotherms data were analyzed with the CD-MUSIC surface complexation model. Adsorption data were successfully described using two inner-sphere surface complexes, i.e. º FeOHFeOH+ and º FeOHFe (OH)02. The calculated CD values indicated some charge transfer to the surface plane. Total Fe (II) adsorption was increased with increasing pH in response to drop in the surface potential. Mole fraction calculation showed that º FeOHFe (OH)02 was the dominant surface species in the studied pH range. Furthermore, experimental data and model calculations revealed that ionic strength had no considerable effect on Fe (II) adsorption, possibly due to the type of adsorption mechanism. Almost full recovery of the adsorbed Fe (II) rejected possible precipitation of Fe (II), i.e. the dominance of adsorption process.

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In order to study the effects of conversion of the current crop rotations in dry-land wheat farming to continuous wheat on soil erodibility factor in dryland agriculture, three soil series, namely, Sahand (Fluventic Haploxerepts), Rajol Abad (Typic Calcixerepts) and Darab (Calcic Haploxerepts), were selected at Maragheh and Hashtroud regions, northwest of Iran. The treatments consisted of continuous wheat cropping (T1), wheat– chickpea rotation (T2), and wheat–fallow rotation (T3) and were executed for 5 cropping seasons from autumn 2003 to summer 2008. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were taken from the experimental sites on June 2008. Appropriate soil physical and chemical properties such as infiltration rate (IR), wet-aggregate stability (WAS), bulk density (Db), calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), organic carbon (OC), and texture were measured by routine laboratory methods and the K-factor was estimated using the supplied regression equation. Soil IR in T1 (2.01 cm hr-1) was significantly (p<0.05) lower than T2 (4.89 cm hr-1) and T3 (5.27 cm hr-1). Soil WAS in T3 (71.54%) was significantly (p<0.05) greater than T1 (58.89%) and T2 (59.24%). Lowest K-factor mean (2.23 × 10-3 t hMJ-1mm-1) was obtained for T3 treatment and was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of T1 treatment (6.81 × 10-3 t hMJ-1mm-1). The treatments did not havet any significant effect on OC, CCE, and Db. Based on the results obtained, the conversion of wheat–pea or wheat–fallow crop rotations to continuous wheat cropping system in dry-land agriculture in the regions studied may eventually lead to enhanced runoff and soil erosion and, therefore, it is not an appropriate practice.

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To study the effect of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Azotobacter chroococcum on characteristics of plants grown by the seeds produced under drought stress, a study was conducted under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The pot experiment was conducted with three variables in factorial form in a completely randomized design and the field experiment was split factorial in randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments included different irrigation intervals based on 50, 100, and 150mm evaporation from class A pan, three different cultivars, namely, Manokin, Williams, and SRF×T3 Line, and inoculation treatment that consisted of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium japonicum co-inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum, and no seed inoculation (check). In the pot experiments, plants were irrigated with nutrient solutions free of nitrogen. The result of the pot experiments indicated that, in all cultivars, the dry weight of the above-ground parts, the roots, and the whole plant were higher by, respectively, 16%, 23%, and 18% in plants of medium stress condition (100mm irrigation interval) compared with the plants grown by seeds of normal irrigation. Also plants of drought stress seeds had higher number and dry weight of nods. Addition of Azotobater chroococcum to Bradyrhizobium japonicum increased the number and fresh weight of nods compared to inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Results of the field experiments showed that seedlings grown from medium stress seeds of Williams cultivar and inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum had 46% higher plant dry weight than the control.

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Remote sensing technology is a useful tool for spatial and temporal monitoring of some natural phenomenon. Salinization and alkalization are known to be the main causes of soil fertility degradation in regions where land and water resources are improperly managed. in Hamadan province, the total area of saline and sodic lands is estimated at 70000 hectares, which includes 9.5 percent of the total cultivated lands of the province. The objective of this study was to monitor saline and sodic soils using satellite information (landsat-5 and 7). Classification of satellite imagery for salinization and alkalization was carried out by investigating various bands and indices. The supervised classification method was used to classify the images. The soil maps were prepared via geographic information system at 1: 50, 000 scale. Results showed that the area of saline and sodic soils have increased during the last 11 years by 31.9 percent. The change in low to medium salinity class (S0) was 7.9 percent, while in the medium to severe salinity class (S1) it was 31.2 percent. The area of the bare soils that was previously 3005 hectares is now estimated to be 8446 hectares, showing an increase of 181 percent.

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Proper use of saline and sodic soil and water resources is important for increasing crop production in Iran. For this purpose, chemistry models are very helpful in assessing the impact of saline and sodic water and amendment application on soil and plant. In the present study, effect of gypsum on reclamation of sodic soils was investigated at Dorudzan- Marvdasht plain in Fars Province. Moreover, WATSUIT model was used for assessing chemical composition of a soil irrigated with sodic water, (EC=2.17 and SAR=17.1) after application of mined gypsum. The treatments consisted of four gypsum level (0, 3, 6 and 24 meq/l). The experiment was carried out in three replications in 20-m2 plots. Predicted data showed calcium and sulfate concentration increased and soil alkalinity decreased with increasing gypsum rate. Data obtained from the experimental plots indicated that concentration of the ions, salinity (ECe), and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) were underestimated by WATSUIT model, mainly due to the low leaching efficiency in the field condition. During reclamation of a sodic soil, salinity threshold for stabilizing soil structure, magnesium to calcium (Mg/Ca) ratio, and the neutralization of alkaline ions to reach a safe value for soil and crop production should be considered. Three mili-equivalents gypsum per liter was sufficient to provide the appropriate values of ECe and SAR to stabilize soil structure, while, based on the model prediction, more gypsum was required for this purpose. The difference is related to the impurity of the applied mined gypsum used in the study. Both the calculated and the measured data show that, even with applying high rates of gypsum, soil alkalinity does not reach a safe range (<1.5 meq/l). In general, the model predicted that 24meq/l gypsum was the most suitable treatment for reclaiming the soil under the experimental condition.

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