The topic of this research is not confined to the widely-known conception of environment, which is defined as everything that encompasses or encircles the human being like creatures and natural appearances and beings. But it views the environment as it is the human being and everything which encircles or surrounds him. Because there is no logical reason to take the human being outside the environment or not to consider him a part of it, whereas he is the most important part of it, and its goodness and good position is connected with his goodness, good state and position. Whereas his corruption and not protecting or safeguarding him, psychologically, mentally, and physically by developing or growing his capabilities is considered the biggest corruption in the environment.The vicegerency (khilafah) or trust (amanah) which is the responsibility of the human being on the earth means , the attention and care given for the human being first, then taking care of the other beings and creatures. Of course, this will not be achieved except for guiding him to the upright methodology in building or constructing the globe, and understanding what is willed by Allah Almighty of the whole existence.The caliphate (khilafah) or being vicegerent on the earth in the Islamic conception means being charged with responsibility to build up the globe and to safeguard the environment, and this is to be in return of his being endowed with the bounties and subjugating the globe for his service, bliss, and happiness.Subjugation (taskhir) of the globe is the human’s utilization of the bounties and good and fruitful things and objects of the globe. Therefore there is no right to any human being-according to the Islamic systematic law-to exploit this benefit or advantage for only himself other than the others, on both levels or dimensions of time and place. In fact, the purpose of this research is to clarify the views, attitude and jurisprudential rulings of Islam, where it makes the human being responsible for protecting and safeguarding his human environment. He should practically participate and cooperate with the others and not to corrupt, spoil, or misuse the elements, means, and affairs of the environment. Islam, too, calls human beings to growing, real reform, and development. It continually calls human being to coexisting, understanding, cooperation, and fruitful productivity. So Allah, through Islam and Islamic teaching has drawn up the plan, projects laws, and provided them for the whole universe, for heavens, and the earth, and human being, the necessaries and essential prerequisites for good life, and ordered them to make use of and benefit from the bounties properly, and cooperate with the others with kindness, favour, and affection, showing for them through the prophets the upright laws and ways. The paper clarifies what is mentioned in the Shar‘i texts which delineate the Islamic view of existence like khilafah, subjugation, duty and right, plan and building. safeguarding and affection, utility and beauty, and so on. Allah Almighty says: "And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah" (5:2).