The aim of this study was to examine sport commitment model in women participating in sport activities. The population of this study consisted of all women (N=6000) who participated in sport activities in Mashhad Municipality.526 subjects were studied as the sample. The demographic and sport commitment model (Scanlan, 1993) questionnaires were used to collect the data. Findings indicated that sport commitment and sport enjoyment had a positive and significant relationship with involvement opportunities, personal investment, health attitude and social constraints, but no relationship with involvement alternatives. Path analysis test showed that social constraints, involvement opportunities, involvement alternatives, personal investments and sport enjoyment had direct and indirect effects on sport commitment, but health attitude just had an indirect effect on sport commitment. In this model, sport enjoyment played a role as a mediator variable. Also, the section of total effect indicated that involvement opportunities had the largest effect on sport commitment (b=0.38). R-square of endogenous variables indicated that %60 and %61 of sport enjoyment and commitment variances respectively was predictable by exogenous variables. Finally, the model showed a good fit to the data.