The purpose of this study was to check the possibility of callus and somatic embryogenesis in date palm cv. Khazravi using different explants including leaves, green fruit, immature seed, endosperm and green fruit pericarp. In the culture of leaves in the medium contains different plant growth regulators including 2, 4-D, BAP and TDZ, highest callus induction was achieved in medium supplemented with, 5 mg.L-1 2, 4-D, 2 mg.L-1 BAP and 4 mg.L-1 TDZ, and in treatment with 5 mg.L-1 2, 4-D, 1 mg.L-1 BAP and 4 mg.L-1 TDZ. By using explant of immature fruit, found that when two growths regulative, TDZ and 2, 4-D in amount of 5 mg.L-1 are in the culture medium callugenesis and embryogenesis was achieved. The endosperm cultivation with pericarp and embryo in the same medium showed that the presence of two growth regulators 2, 4-D and TDZ have been useful for callus production. Also in endosperm with zygotic embryo culture, embryo development and the root and shoot were formed after three months. Endosperm culture, in the culture medium containing various auxins and pericarp culture showed no any reactions. In general, these results showed that in date palm cv. Khazravi, treating the explants of leave and immature fruits with appropriate concentrations of plant growth regulators auxin and cytokinin, can induce callus and embryo.