Floristic survey of Podol, Lemazan, Bedoo mountain (located in 90 km eastern of Bandar Lengheh, Hormozgan province), with about 45000 hectars area and maximum elevation of 1150 meters above the sea level, and 133.7 milimeter annual precipitation, was the main goal of the present work. The collected specimens were identified using taxonomic methods. List of plant species, life forms, chorotypes and their medicinal values were presented. The results showed that 156 plant species belonging to 130 genera and 43 families of vascular plants grow in the area. Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Brassicaceae with 23, 16, 10, 9 and 8 species are the largest families, and Salvia, Astragalus, Heliotropium and Plantago with 5, 4, 4, 4 and 3 species are the largest genera in the region, respectively. The life forms frequency were 39.1% Therophytes, 24.36% Chamaephytes, 22.44% Hemicryptophytes, 12.18% Phanerophytes and 1.92% Cryptophytes, indicating the sever climate conditions in the region. Also, 35.89% of species are Saharo-Syndian and Irano-Turanian, 30.77% are Saharo-Syndian. Furthermore, 12 endemic species and 64 medicinal species are inhabitate in this region, indicating the importance of flora and vegetation of the studies area.