Miandasht Wildlife Refuge covers 84435 hectars area, located in southwest of North Khorassan province. Mean annual precipitation is 250 mm and altitude range is 912-1085 m. Plants were collected during 2010-2013 by geodesic and eco-phytosociologic methodology. Totally, 260 taxa belonging to 156 genera and 38 families from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms were identified. The results showed that Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Papilionaceae, Brassicaceae and Poaceae, respectively, with the most number of species, are existed in the region. Astragalus is the most divers genus in flora of Miandasht. Based on Raunkiaer classification, 53.46% of species are therophytes, 18.08% hemicryptophytes, 13.46% chamephytes, 8.85% geophytes and 5.38% phanerophytes. Twenty-four (9.23% of all species) belong to thirteen families are endemic to Iran, that fourteen of them are LR and nine species are DD.The chorologic study of plants, showed that specific elements of Irano - Turanian region with 67.31% of frequency are maximum. Percentages of common elements of IT-SS, IT-M, IT-ES are 11.92%, 3.46% and 4.23%, respectively, threeregional elements 8.46% and ploriregional element 4.62% are of totalnumber of plants.