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The feminist film theory has presented a new approach for breaking the narrative line of movie aiming at increasing the consciousness of female audience about her situation of being the object of camera vision and male gaze. The problem is that such an approach led the feminist movies to face economic failure. In this study, using the creative idea of “feminine joy” in the feminist film theory, this paper tries to produce a kind of reading of two famous Hollywood and Iranian movies named “Thelma and Louise” and “Vaconeshe Panjom” (The fifth Reaction). Our aim is to present a kind of analysis based on active role of women in reading films and an explanation of visual possibilities in movies that have emancipatory effect in rescuing women from being an object of male gaze. This analysis uses the feminist psychoanalytic film theory with an emphasis on the theoretical concept of feminine joy. An active feminine reading of movies by women can inspire the friendship joy and empathic relations in them as active spectators. Therefore, despite the limited success of feminist film theory, applying such an active reading from the women characters of stories facing with masculine gaze and power in mainstream movies, can produce a kind of enjoyment for women spectators that is in contrast to the concepts of masculine joy and feminine objectivity. This is the kind of reading that ca demonstrate the emancipatory dimension of some mainstream movies for women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Most of Iranian comedy films, before and after the revolution, can be categorized as romantic comedies. These films depict romantic relationship between men and women as a funny incident and constitute the Iranian romantic comedy genre. Drawing on genre theory, this paper aims at understanding the relationship between the romantic comedy’s heroes and heroines with their friends, and at finding the real values and beliefs that are reinforced through these interactions. To do so, eleven romantic comedy movies are selected. The moves had been screened on Tehran or other cities’ cinemas for at least a week from 1990 to 2011. A textual analysis was performed on the movies to find binary opposition sets. The analysis reveals that male camaraderie/female friendship serves to show there is no power in sisterhood and supports the social regeneration of patriarchic ideology. The perpetuation of patriarchy demands the dissolution of sisterhood and the romantic comedy genre contributes to that dissolution, suggesting that is impossible for women to ever team up. The Spouse (1994) is the only narrative that does not follow this oppositional pattern. To the contrary, it recognizes and appreciates female friendship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Clay and earthenware statuettes of women are amongst first human artworks of prehistoric era. After historic period the tradition of making women earthenware statuettes continued in Islamic era with special changes. These earthenware statuettes including different method of making and decoration often have made in important Persian pottery centers as Rey and Kashan cities. The Seljuk and Il-khanid periods are amongst important periods of making these earthenware statuettes that because of prohibition of making statuette and figurine in Islamic era, reasons and principles of their making is a strange matter for these periods. The subject matter of this paper is analyzing many of attractive examples of Seljuk and Il-khanid earthenware women statuettes from all directions as making and decorating methods. The basic goal of the paper is recognition of factors that were important in making this kind of statuettes as well as studying their decorations, applications, forms, principles and others impressive factors. This study can help us arrive at a better understanding of position of Iranian Muslim women and their differences with pre-Islamic Iran. In this way few attractive examples of women earthenware statuettes of Seljuk and Il-khanid period have chosen from different museums inside and outside of Iran and then surveyed the factors involved in their making, decorating, using etc. Due to findings of the paper making of women earthenware statuettes on Islamic era especially in Seljukid and Il-khanid periods have been affected by several factors as importance of tribal system in these periods as well as efflorescence of Iranian literature as Bahram and Azadeh story or astrological contexts with female symbols as the Venus.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Conspicuously enough, Millennium Development Goals (UN-MDG) indexes cover the various aspects of economic development in countries. Indeed, MDGs are collected from the World Bank and the IMF indexes that were used for monitoring economics status. Every member of the UN is subjected to report the required data in former designed format and frequency. Furthermore reported data and usage of indexes provide tremendous chance to compare the countries with each other. In 2004, Iran adopted a strategic vision named “Iran 1404” that suggests Iran to be the 1st country in the Middle East and Central Asia region in economic, social, cultural aspects. By using almost 20 years data provided by MDG indexes and the use of ADF and ARIMA time series models the index values of countries in 2015 are estimated and in the result by ranking Iran position among Middle Eastern and central Asian countries in the year 2015 is forecasted. Due to lack of data in some indexes a combination of graphical trend analysis and ARIMA models are used. In conclusion in the year 2015 Iran would be not be in the 5 high rank countries in the 3rd goal of MDG and serious changes in policies are needed to be made.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although divorce affects many parts of the society including spouses, children and, families, the entire social life cycle of individuals, the kind of individuals’ experiences, based on their gender, Subjectivity in the process, degree of involvement. It may be perceived by the individuals as a positive or a negative experience. Given the differences in divorce men’s experiences and the fact that some cultural factors in the Kurdish society reduce woman’s role to an object in the marital life, this study was done to find Kurdish divorced women’s life experience and to arrive at an understanding of their challenges and growth opportunities. Hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used in this study. The number of participants based on purposive sampling includes 19 divorced women in the Saqqez city. The theory developed and proposed by Kaslue and Mezirow was used as the framework for organizing the data and through the individual interviews the following themes were derived: 1. the process of divorce; 2. the consequences of divorce; 3. self-perceptions; 4. personal emotions; 5. behavioral reactions to divorce and 6. attitude toward divorce.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper aims at studying the effects of work/family conflict and family/ work conflict as a result of work alienation. Some theories of Goffman, Duxbury and Higgins, Kirchmeyer and Cohen, Merton, Inglehart and Faunce are applied in the study. The research is conducted through a survey method. Stratified random sampling has been used for selection of the samples. Main data collection method for was questionnaire. A sample of 386 people was selected from the married female employees of government in Ahvaz. Work alienation with respect to two aspects of work/family conflict, family/work conflict was the subject of study. In order to analyze data, the paper used froms of descriptive statistics, significant test, variance analysis, regression analysis and path analysis. The results indicated that work/family conflict and family/work conflict variables directly affect work alienation. Also, the results showed that social-economic status (objective aspect) variable, through work/family conflict and family/work variables, indirectly affect the work alienation. Also, perception of individual about social-economic status (subjective aspect) directly affect the work alienation. The results further showed that there is a significant inverse relationship between age, work experience, career position, urban/rural background variables and work alienation.

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Having glanced at the history of women’s literature in Algeria, we will now study some women’s narratives through the famous writer Assia Djebar’s works with the descriptive- analysis method. The study shows that until the recent century the language and literature has been dominated by the men reflecting the male point of view. However, as war was a major event experienced by women in a particular manner, the necessity for the female narratives and points of view is evident. Assia Djebar is the first Algerian female writer who addresses the independence war in the novel Children of the New World. Highly influential in the history of Algerian Literature, the novel is further proof of women’s talent in writing and eases other women’s entrance to this area. The war is a major and fixed theme throughout the works of Assia Djebar. Not only does Assia Djebar addresses the freedom of Algiers from a female point of view, but she also points out the importance of women’s freedom from social limitations and prejudice which differentiates her works from other war related literature. Furthermore, her portrayal of women’s specific issues, suffering, and their way of resistance signifies the women’s participation in the independence of the country, which has been overlooked or undermined in the works of male writers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study is to examine relationship between cultural globalization and men’s attitude toward the role of women. The method of this study was survey and its tool was questionnaire. The sampling method used in this survey was multi-stage share random sampling. Sample size that was estimated according to Lean Table with 95 percent significance level was 383. After reviewing local and international literature and considering theories about cultural globalization and men’s attitude towards women’s role, a synthesized theoretical framework regarding theories of Giddens and Robertson was formulated. Findings of the bivariate analysis show significant relations between some variables including: reflexivity, sporty life style, scientific cultural life style, awareness of globalization, ICT and traditional life style, inner mass media with Modern Men’s attitude towards women’s role. Moreover, results show significant relations between the reflexivity, traditional life style and inner mass media with Traditional Men’s attitude towards women’s role.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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