Access to development and life quality improvement are ideals human’s mind. Nowadays development phenomenon besides economic programs contains cultural and social subject. One of the important subjects in development part is women's issues. In these days, even though trend to women's issues in new approaches of development has increased, but in many countries several problems of women are observed. Goal of this research is evaluation of women's position in development programs after revolution and concentration to women's issues. Also, we want to know reflex ions of approaches on goals, policies, model, program's quantitative indices and its implementations (with emphasis on Amartvasen's approaches). Thus, a relevant index has been considered. Applied method is descriptive and analytical. Analyses have been chosen based on theory pattern that is institutionalism with special emphasis on Amartvasen's approaches. Two important and necessary concentrations to women's role in development with Amartvasen's approach is better function observation about potentialities, appropriate condition in education, health, employment in women centric issues and gender inequalities negative role in other inequalities increase. Research results demonstrate so many differences between sen's opinions and first and second development programs. The most important factor in this incompatibility is that these development programs are based on economic growth. Third development program (Gender Empowerment), education, health, employment, policitical participation etc. are based on sen's approach and education, health, employment and political participation are considered. In the fourth development program, women participation development is emphasized and the government must follow program's goals about women. Dominant view in the fourth development program is the idea of gender and development. Improvement of life quality is considered through substantial changes in economic, educational and health parameters. In some cases, women has been given more priority and adapted based on Amartvasen's approach. An overview on human development, gender development and Gender Empowerment indices express during first to fourth development programs, women's situation such as health and education has been relatively improved. Indices show fewer ratios for women. In other cases such as women's income proportion, participation rate in labor force, proportion of parliament's chairs, proportion of high level managerial and legislation hasn’t changed in this period.