This research paper examines the role of wisdom in the social and political conduct of the Prophet Mohammad. Rationality based on the revelation had a special place in the Prophet life. He could in all aspects of their personal, social, government and politics, war and defense, promote and teach religion and morality, and away from any hasty decision to hire faculty of wisdom, prudence, respect the interests of Islam and Muslims in matters of speculation, to take the initiative and leadership of the Nation of Islam and formed the Islamic government and to establish an Islamic State by examining the circumstances of time and place, fixed principles of reason and logic based on divine revelation, strategy and policy change in the affairs of Muslims to build the infra and superstructures. Examples of the Prophet's political and religious wisdom to convey and propagate religion, hardships and endurance, economic and branches surrounded AbuTaleb, the first and second Aghabe modular, composed of political Islam, war and Hodybihe peace, foreign policy, and selected and introduced her successor at the end of his holy life is Shown.