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Whether during the Cold War or after Cold War, missile capabilities has been used as a means of deterrence and containment of military and specifically missile capabilities of the rival countries and for increasing the relative power over the competitors. In other words, the missile has as an efficient tool to control their power and increase their own power has been used by international actors. The missile defense shield plan in East Europe and Middle East aim to maintaining America's hegemony in the Western Hemisphere. Therefore, America's off-shore balancing strategy and alliances with actors of East Europe and Middle East regions seeks to curb and control Russia and Iran as a potential regional hegemonys through the deployment of a missile defense shield near their for controlling its potential power. In this regard, this article tries to answer these questions by applying the theory of realism that what the purpose of extends missile defense shield in Europe and Middle East and how it has affected the control of Russian and Irainian power? The hypothesis is that America's missile defense shield maintains America regional hegemony and curbs Russian and Irainian rising military and missile power in Eurasia and Middle East. The study is based on descriptive-analytical research.

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After the disappearance of the twelfth Imam, disagreement arose among Shiite scholars about how to reach a religious verdict. Some scholars believed that because religion is complete, all needs of the religious people have been referred to in Sunnah and Hadith. On the other hand, some scholars brought about the necessity of Islamic scholars' Ijtihad in Hadith. This disagreement was reflected particularly in the Safavids era and resulted in the appearance of Akhbari and Usuli schools. In this research, as well as using comparative method, library-based method will be used to collect data and comparative method will be applied to understand and explicate those data. Each of these schools' whose ideas are reflected in the thoughts of Vahid Behbahani and Muhammad Amin al-Astarabadi’ s, approaches the issue of government differently since one of them emphasizes wisdom and another narration. We will review these two schools and their approach to government in this research.

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The existence of closeness and proximity feeling and social acceptance among the ethnic groups of Iran in general, and the relatives between Persian and Turkmen, in particular, is considered as one of the most reliable ways of achieving solidarity and social consensus in Iran. This article, by adopting a sociological approach, investigates the extent of social distance of the residents of eastern Golestan province (which is Turkmen and Persian ethnicity) of Iranian ethnicities and the factors affecting it. . In this research, the meaning of social distance is the tendency of members of an ethnic to accept or reject the members of other ethnics. This tendency includes cognitive, emotional and preparation for action. Therefore, an appropriate conceptual framework has been adjusted for analysis by reviewing the views and theories of the level of sociology and social psychology and empirical available sources. A survey method is used for implementing the research and questionnaire was used to collect data. An interview with a sample of 399 residents of the cities of Golestan province shows that the respondents have the minimum social distance with the Persian and the maximum distance with the Turkmen. In summing up the hierarchy of ethnic preferences, among the respondents respectively, are Persian, Turkmen, Baluch and Turk ethnics. The research findings show inadequate sociological-based approaches in studying and analyzing ethnic differences in Iran. Findings of current research show that there is a social distance problem between ethnic groups in Iran. Therefore, the importance and necessity of adopting and formulating appropriate ethnic policy in Iran has been considered and emphasized in order to reduce these distances.

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Haji Sayari Mahdi

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The four domains of "thought, science, life and spirituality", form the major fields of the Islamic-Iranian pattern of progress as an upstream document for all the country's plans and perspective documents. The present paper, by emphasizing the interconnection and synergy of these four fundamental elements, is trying to explain the role of fundamental spatial planning to the realization of the goals and requirements of spirituality in this model. The major methodology of this research is the mixed methodology and the use of the case-based method and the basic theory. Findings of this research indicate that the goals of the Islamic-Iranian pattern of progress in the field of spirituality, affect the fundamental spatial planning of its "human" component to a large extent. This effect is more in the collective dimension than the individual dimension. This is also true in the "space" component of the fundamental spatial planning. Also in the area of spirituality, the emphasis on the fundamental spatial planning, is in the "local level". Also In the "activity" component of the fundamental spatial planning, the goals of the model in the field of spirituality, affect this component to a large extent. Also, the requirements of the Islamic-Iranian pattern of progress in the area of spirituality, affect the three components of "human", "space" and "activity" of the fundamental spatial planning to a large extent; In general, it can be said that the Islamic-Iranian pattern of progress seems to have a profound effect on the fundamental spatial planning, especially in the orientations and requirements that the spatial planning needs to consider.

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Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country that has a geopolitical location despite its low area. The Lebanese community consists of ethnic, racial, linguistic and religious minorities and this kind of ethnic and religious expansion has been the cause of the rift, split, tension and struggles in the history of the country. In fact, every member of the Lebanese community is more than a national figure, with an emphasis on the Infranational elements, especially ethnicity and religion; defines himself as Sunni, Shi'a, or a Maronite Christian. Undoubtedly, in such a society, on the one hand, the crisis of identity affects all levels of society and, on the other hand, people are alien to their political system; one cannot expect the country to suffer from a crisis and political instability. This research examines the question of "How did the ethnic cleavage affect Lebanon's political instability? The descriptive-analytical method analyzes the hypothesis that the existence of sectarianism and the overriding sectarian and ethnic identity of the nation have played a decisive role in the continuation of the political crisis in Lebanon. The findings confirm the validity of the above claim, suggesting that the ethnic-religious gaps were the most important factor in the formation and continuation of the political crisis in Lebanon, which led to weakening the government and the inaction of political institutions, civil wars. In which the spirit of collective and ethnic identities governs not the spirit of national identity.

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China and Iran are both old and civilized countries in Asia, and have had very close ties throughout history, and have been neighbors of some time in history. Recalling the historical trend of relations between Iran and China is of great value and importance, which has had dramatic effects on the economic, political and cultural spheres of the two countries. Hence, the study of the place of culture in the relations between the two countries is important. The purpose of this study is to study the status of culture in the relationship between the two important Asian countries and its related effects. The main question of the research is how culture plays a role in relations between the two countries. The research hypothesis suggests that culture in the process of historical relations between Iran and China has led to the formation of a common cultural heritage between the two countries. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method and constructivist approach in international relations, utilizing field studies and observations as well as library collection, suggesting that the common cultural heritage formed between the two countries leads to the convergence of the two countries In various areas, according to the contradictions between the two countries.

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After second World war, world powers with two conflicting ideology, in the shape of U. S. A and U. S. S. R (West and East) come into view & were embarked upon choosing of ideology & military partners. "Whoever is not with us, is against us" has been their slogan; therefore there were many concerns in the terrifying atmosphere of that era. Colonialism & exploitation of poor countries were opposing & no one really knew that what will be the future of the bombs that unbelievably had destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki. In these conditions, with the intention & with power of some of the third worlds revolutionary leaders, such as Nehru, Nasser, Tito, Sukarno, and Nkrumah… the world witnessed the birth of an organization with the slogan of Non Alignment to the powers. The Non Aligned movement held their first formal summit meeting at the leader’ s level with the attendance of 25 countries (1961) in Yugoslavia with Tito as the host. Then the summit is held every three years in one of the member countries as a host. At the present, Non Aligned Movement (NAM), with 120 members, after the general assembly of united Nation is the biggest diplomatic gathering in the world. Since 1961 this movement has held 16 conferences at the leader’ s level. In general, some criticisms on can be held on action of Non alignment movement, after the cold war in political, Economic and military dimensions the role of (NAM) in new international changes and the Islamic Republic of Iran's view point to the future of (NAM) will be discussed and analyzed.

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Given that individuals and political elites have relatively stable intellectual principles, their intellectual and philosophical foundations and the cultural values and values of a society will surely have an impact on the shaping of their foreign policy views. Therefore, knowledge of the intellectual foundations and philosophical thought of political leaders and politicians can be fruitful in examining the foreign policy of each country. It can be said that the link between cultural variables and foreign policy was studied in three ways: studying beliefs and myths, images and perceptions, and ultimately habits and attitudes. And this culture is influenced by the beliefs, myths, rules and norms on the thoughts and behavior of politicians. Therefore, regarding the People's Republic of China, as a case study, the question is whether the historical context and the intellectual foundations of Confucius and other common ideas in this country have influenced its foreign policy. Or, if played, This influence can be seen in which part of its foreign policy. .

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Scientific development is one of the most important pillars of the development and development of countries and plays an essential role in the growth of the political, economic, social and cultural spheres of the countries. in this regard, Iran needs scientific development in order to achieve its comprehensive development. Unfortunately, many factors and obstacles have caused Iranian scientific development, especially in the field of humanities. The purpose of this article is to study and explain the structural and political barriers of Iran's scientific development within the framework of institutionalism theory. the findings show that structural factors such as the multiplicity of decision centers in scientific development, university structure and the rules of promotion of professors, along with the influence of political factors on the selection of heads of universities, faculties and professors, the policy of the expansion of universities and also The method of attracting students, especially in graduate studies, is one of the most important barriers to scientific development in the field of humanities. In order to overcome these obstacles, the attention and efforts of all decision-makers and decision-makers of the country's scientific field to eliminate the structural and political barriers to scientific development in the field of humanities are necessary.

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