Being aware of the quality of rangeland forage and recognizing their anti-quality characteristics is one of the basic necessities of animal feeding management in rangelands. Therefore, in the current study, forage quality of 23 rangeland species (Acantholimon flexuosum, Agropyron trichophorum, Astragalus capax, Astragalus demavandicus, Astragalus micricephalus, Astragalus vereciferom, Bromus tomentellus, Centaurea aucheri, Centaurea virgata, Chaerophyllum macropodum, Cirsium haussknechtii, Cousinia calocephala, Cousinia esfandiari, Euphorbia denticulate, Festuca ovina, Hypericum scabrum, Nepeta heliotropifolia, Prangus ferulacea, Tanacetum polycephalum, Thymus kotschyanus, Verbascum speciosum, Veronica orientalis and Vinca herbacea) is determined in the vegetation composition of mountainous highland of Alamut in Qazvin province and Badamstan in Zanjan province which represent the growth domains of Iran and Turani. For this purpose, the samples were taken from the species at three stages of growth (vegetative growth, flowering and seeding stage) in 2008. Afterwards, the forage quality parameters were determined. In order to compare species and their growth stages regarding the forage quality indices the one-way ANOVA was used and for finding the sources of variations within groups the Duncan test was employed. The results show that the mean values of crude protein, digestible dry matter and metabolism energy of studied species per unit weight of vegetation at the early stages of rangeland growth (vegetative and flowering) is more and at the final stage (seeding stage) less than the critical level for the maintenance of animal unit. In this regard, the quality of rangeland forage is desirable at early stages of growth; however, some of the studied plants with desirable forage quality attract the attention of animal less than others. Acantholimon flexuosum, Cirsium haussknechtii, Cousinia calocephala and Cousinia esfandiari species for having structural anti-quality components and Centaurea aucheri, Centaurea virgata, Euphorbia denticulate, Hypericum scabrum, Nepeta heliotropifolia, Tanacetum polycephalum, Thymus kotschyanus and Verbascum speciosum species for containing alkaloids, tannins, nitrates, toxic glucosides and sometimes essence attract animal’s attention less than other species. To deal with this issue, management strategies can be employed to help the animal fighting with anti-quality elements to graze on the species while reducing the toxicity and damage caused by the nuisance plants. Results are presented as the basic data for animal and pasture management in the study area and as a means of providing some of the information related to the classification of the quality of pasture plants forage of the country.