Data envelopment analysis DEA exactly evaluates the efficiency score by using the mathematical models. As the evaluation has done by mathematical models do not achieve exact results, so many papers have suggested for modification of these models. As we know basic models in such as CCR envelopment model or multiplier model of that construct an efficiency frontier and based on this frontier, efficiency score is evaluated. Basic models in DEA such as CCR -envelopment model or multiplier model construct an efficiency frontier based on observed DMUs and evaluation on each DMU is done by comparing with this frontier. This frontier may be a weak or strong one. The procedure proposed by Zhu, Morita and Chen (2003) maintain the efficient frontier while evaluating each DMU in Fc È NFc .Since this modified method according to SCSC solutions, considers several hypothetical hyper planes as a frontier, it is capable of solving a variety of problems. So it is suggested that, efficiency measure for a DMU or its projection which is located on a weak efficient frontier, can be obtained by bounds that reached by SCSC solutions. It can be done only by solving the problem once. This method have been developed to deal with the number of problems which would be solved and evaluate efficiency score for all observed DMUs same as the procedure proposed by Zhu, Morita and Chen.