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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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از مهمترین خصوصیات ویژه یک برنامه اصلاح نبات در دورن جامعه گیاهی، فراهم بودن نوع و میزان تنوع ژنتیکی است. علاه بر دید عینی و ابزار ژنتیکی که جهت شناخت تنوع گیاهی استفاده می شوند، از روش های آماری میتوان جهت غربال گری و دسته بندی تنوع ژنتیکی بهره گرفت. جهت ارزیابی تنوع ژنتیکی گیاه شوید (Anethum graveolens)، ده ژرم پلاسم در طی آزمایشی بصورت طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. تجزیه واریانس تفاوت معنی داری (a£0.01) را برای کلیه صفات مورفولوژی بجز وزن هزار دانه نشان داد. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که بین ژرم پلاسم های شوید از نظر صفات مورفولوژیکی تنوع بالایی وجود دارد، به طوری که تجزیه خوشه ای ژرم پلاسم های مذکور را بر اساس نحوه رشد صفات در چهار گروه متفاوت قرار داد. و نشان داد اگر چه ژرم پلاسم ها از نظر جغرافیایی، مناطق رشد متفاوتی دارند ولی از نظر رفتار رشد، بعضی از آنها در یک گروه مشترک قرار می گیرند. و با توجه به این شیوه تجزیه و تحلیل مشخص شد که ژرم پلاسم هایی نظیر ورامین، همدان و دزفول با بیشترین توزیع میزان کاروون در بافت های خود، بویژه بذوردر یک گروه مجزا قرار می گیرند.

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در این تحقیقبذور دو گونه مهم مرتعی با دزهای 3، 6، 15، 20، 30، 50، 100 و 150 گری پرتو گاما تیمار شده و تاثیر آن بر برخی صفات جوانه زنی در آزمایشگاه مرتعداری، دانشکده منابع طبیعی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس بررسی گردید. این تحقیق در بهمن ماه سال 1390 انجام و بذور پرتودهی شده در یک طرح آزمایشی برای هر گونه به صورت کاملا تصادفی در 3 تکرار 50 تایی در داخل پتری دیش کشت شدند و صفات جوانه زنی آنها ارزیابی شد. نتایج بدست آمده نشان دهنده عدم تاثیر معنی دار پرتو گاما بر کلیه صفات مورد بررسی گونه B.tomentellus است. در رابطه با گونه A. elongatum دز 6 گری بیشترین تاثیر مثبت را بر پارامتر سرعت جوانه زنیایجاد کرد که با تیمار شاهد (p<0.05) اختلاف معنی دار نشان داد و از 5.77 به 7.89 بذر در روزافزایش یافت. همچنین شاخص بنیه نیز برای این گونه در دز 30 گری بالاترین عدد را داشت به طوری که از 89.83 در تیمار شاهد به 118.11 افزایش یافت. بعلاوه وزن ترریشه چه و ساقه چه نیز در این تیمار بالاترین عدد را داشت در حالی که بالاترین مقدار وزن خشک ریشه چه مربوط به تیمار 20 گری بود و در وزن خشک ساقه چه تفاوتی بین تیمارها مشاهده نشد. در ارزیابی کلی، دزهای 100 و 150 گری سبب بروز تاثیر منفی در صفات مورد بررسی شدند. در مجموع نتایج بدست آمده نشان دهنده تفاوت تاثیر گذاری شدت های مختلف پرتو گاما در بذور دوگونه ی مورد بررسی است.

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Plant Productions

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Yew plant is major source of Taxol, highly effective anti cancer medicine, and cell culture is one way to increase its production. A factorial experiment using B5 as base medium was designed to obtain a proper hormonal and antioxidant composition in callus induction media for European yew existing in Iran. Four different hormonal mixes including 1) 4.5 mg/l 2,4-D, lmg/l kinetin and 0.33 mg/l GA3; 2) 2 mg/l NAA, 0.2 mg/l 2,4-D and 0.2 mg/l kin; 3) 2 mg/12,4-D, 0.5 mg/l NAA and 0.5 mg/l GA3; and 4) 2 mg/l 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/l NAA and 0.5 mg/l kin as the first factor, and two different antioxidants PVP and ascorbic acid as the second factor were conducted on complete random design with 8 replications during 2 months periods. The percentage of callus induction and total callus weight were measured and the ratio of callus weight increment was calculated. Hormonal compositions and the interaction between 2 factors significantly affected percentage of callus induction during the first period, but no significant effect was observed for antioxidants alone. No significant difference observed between total callus weights during the first period, but significant effects were shown for hormonal mixtures, antioxidants, and their interaction observed during the second period. The ratios of callus weight increment also was significantly different between hormonal mixtures and antioxidants. Therefore, tissue culture process should follow out by two steps with two media; in first 2,4-D have to use to maximize callus induction, but need to permit induced calli to grow sufficiently during thereafter months on medium with NAA instead 2,4-D, to obtain high quality calli. Ascorbic acid has to use in any media as antioxidant.

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Plant Productions

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Arospirillum is one of the plant growth-promoting bacteria which is in the rhizosphere and the intercellular of the cereals and other plant roots. One of the characteristics of this bacterium, considered in this study, was its effect on the germination ability of inoculated seeds. In this research, 58 Arospirillum isolates were isolated from 38 samples of soils and canola roots from the different regions of Golestan province, Iran and then they were compared to select superior growth promoting isolates. The effect of inoculation with 4 superior isolates along with control (no ninoculated) was evaluated on some germination parameters of canola seeds (Hayola 401) in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 8 replications. Results showed that germination percentage, average of germination time and germination rate were significantly different (p<0.01) among various isolates. The inoculation of canola seeds germination percentage and germination rate decreased and germination time increased as compared to the control. AC34-III isolate produced the minimum amount of auxin, so the lowest germination percentage and germination rate were attributed to it compared with other isolates. Moreover the higher auxin- producing isolate (Ac43-III) showed the maximum germination percentage that was introduced as the best bacterial treatment.

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Plant Productions

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To evaluate the effects of water quality and adjuvant (ammonium sulfate) in glyphosate herbicide efficiency, a factorial experiment based on RCBD with three replications was conducted at Research Garden of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand in 2010- 2011. Experimental factors were different water quality in three levels of medium hard water with 2950 ppm, hard water with 4774 ppm total soluble concentration, and listilled water (soft water) glyphosate (roundup) dose in four levels including 2, 4, 6 and 8 lit.ha-1 and using and not using the adjuvant (ammonium sulfate at 6 kg.ha-1), The results showed that raising herbicide dose increased the reduction density percentage of broad and narrow leaf weeds. Application of soft water with herbicide had the most reduction density percent and showed significant differences with other waters, so that the most and the lowest reduction density percentages with average 93 and 10.88 percent belonged to soft water with glyphosate dose of 8 lit.ha-1 and hard water with glyphosate dose of 2 lit.ha-1, respectively. But this application between doses of 6 and 8 lit.ha-1 with soft water was no nsignificant. Also, results showed that application of ammonium sulfate with hard water on reduction density percentage was no nsignificant, but had more effect on broad leaves species compar with narrow leaves. Totally, the effect of different factors on reduction density percentage increased over time. Generally with regard to economic and environmental factors, spraying 6 Iit.ha-1 of glyphosate with high quality water can be recommended for adequate control of barberry garden weeds.

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Plant Productions

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In order to determine the potassium critical level in date palm leaf, fertilizer experiments with four treatments from 4 levels of potassium, including: 0, 250, 500 and 750g K from potassium sulfate source were carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications on 24 date palm (c.v Sayer) in Khuzestan Province. Potassium critical level in date palm leaf was determined by Cate- Nelson graphical method and quantitative data and qualitative characteristics were analyzed using SPSS statistical program and the means of data were compared using Duncan’s Multiple rang test. Potassium critical level in date palm leaf, 0.95 percent, was determined by Cate- Nelson graphical method. Also, the results showed that potassium treatments had a significant effect on yield and some quantitative characteristics such as weight, diameter and volume of fresh fruit, weight of pulp and pulp to seed ratio of fresh fruit.

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Plant Productions

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The potential of three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to enhance the production of essential oil and plant growth parameter was investigated in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). The experiment was done in randomized complete block design with four treatments and four replications. Sweet basil is one of the most important plants in lamiaceae that is used as a spice and a culinary and medicinal herb. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can enhance the plant growth and development through the increase in nutrient uptake, plant hormones, reduce environment stress and increase resistant to pathogens. In this experiment, three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the control (no mycorrhiza) were tested on sweet basil plant. The plant was planted in pots and grew in greenhouse, and after 90 days that plant go to the flowering stage that is the peak of essential oil content, the plants were harvested and the growth parameter and essential oil content were measured. Results showed that the growth parameter like fresh and dry weight of plant, plant height, number of leaves and branches, root fresh and dry weight and essential oil content were higher than control in all mycorrhizal treatment, and among them the Glomus intra radices was the most effective treatment to increase the growth parameter, and oil content of Ocimum basilicum plant and the G.mosseae had the least effect. These results demonstrate that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi concomitantly increase essential oil production and biomass in an herbaceous species rich in commercially valued essential oils. Therefore, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi potentially represent an alternative way of promoting growth of this important medicinal herb, as natural ways of growing such crops are currently highly sought after in the herbal industry.

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Plant Productions

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In this study seeds of two important rangeland species were treated with 3, 6, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100 and 150 Gy of gamma ray and its effect on germination traits was investigated in range management laboratory of Natural Resources Faculty of Tarbiat Modares University. This investigation was performed in Bahman (January, 2011), and irradiated seeds were sown in Petri in a completely randomized experimental design for each species with 3 replications of 50 seeds dishes, and then germination traits were evaluated. The results showed that gamma ray had no significant effect on germination traits of B.tomentellus. About the seeds of A.elongatum, the dose of 6 Gy had the most positive effect on the parameter of germination speed that had significant difference with non- irradiated seeds (p<0.05), and this parameter increased from 5.77 to 7.89 (seeds/day). Also, the vigority index of this grass was higher in 30Gy treatment and increased from 89.83 in non-irradiated seeds to 118.11 in treated seeds. Likewise, the wet weight of seedling’s root and shoot was higher in these treat too; however, the highest number of seedling’s root dry weight was related to 20 gray treat, and there was no significant difference in seedling’s shoot wet weight. In general, 100 and 150 Gy of gamma ray had negative effect on germination traits This results show that the effect of gamma ray varies on seeds of the two investigated species.

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The most important composition character within a plant breeding program is to have type and amount of genetic diversity. In addition to using a visual approach and genetic tools to discern plant variation, application of statistical methods can be utilized to screen and classify genetic differences among plants within a plant population. A was study set up as a randomized complete block design with three replications to evaluate the genetic diversity of ten different dill (Anethuprogrammm graveolens) germplasms. Analysis of variance showed significant differences (a = 0.01) among germplasms regarding the plant characters. Results elucidated the existence of great morphological/phytochemical variation among these germplasms. Application of principle components analysis has led the germplasms into four main classes based on the characters growth performance. Although, germplasms have geographically different growing conditions, some of those classified in a similar group according to their growing and plant diversity. Further analysis could categorize some of germplasms such as Varamin, Hamadan and Dezful into a distinct group having the highest rate of Carvon concentration in their tissues, especially in the seeds.

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Plant Productions

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To study the effect of 5- aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on some physiological responses of sweet pepper under drought stress, a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with 5- aminolevulinic acid and water deficit stress treatments was carried out in the greenhouse of the agricultural faculty of llam University. Levels of water deficit stress were stress free conditions (irrigation within the field capacity), moderate stress (irrigation within the 60% field capacity) and severe water deficit stress (irrigation within the 30% field capacity). Four concentrations of AL Aincluding 0 (control), 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mM were applied as foliar application at three to four-leaf stage. The results showed that with increasing ALA concentrations, catalase activity, proline content, relative water content, dry weight, flower and fruit number increased but electrolyte leakage (EL) decreased. The lowest EL and the highest proline content, relative water content, fruit number and shoots fresh weight were observed at 1 mM of ALA while the highest catalase activity, dry weight and flower number were obtained with application of 0.5 mM ALA. Water deficit stress decreased relative water content, fresh and dry weight, flower and fruits numbers, but increased EL, proline content and catalase activity. ALA with increasing of catalase activity and reducing of EL reduced the stress effects on plant growth and yield. According the results of this experiment, through the impact on growth characteristics and biochemical and physiological parameters, ALA provides better water deficit stress tolerance in pepper plants.

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Plant Productions

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Strawberry is one of the most important small fruits in Iran and the world. Identification of elite cultivars according to morphological characteristics is an important task in any breeding programs of strawberry in Iran. For evaluation of morphological characteristics, the available strawberry cultivars in Iran, 15 daughter’s plants of commercial strawberries, were cultivated in the greenhouse using hydroponic system. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among cultivars for all the traits. Results showed that the means obtained from some evaluated traits such as leaf number, branch crown number, stolon number and truss number per plant were 11.18, 4.81, 9.00 and 2.89, respectively. Total yield of cultivars varied from 45.83 to 322.9 g/plant and 4 cultivars (Aliso, Selva, Paros and Gaviota) yielded more than 250 g/plant, while cultivar Blackmore, Fresno and Kordestan produced less than 100g/plant. The amounts of fruit firmness indicated that ‘Camarosa’ fruits were firmer than others cultivars. By factor analysis, the characteristics were divided in to seven factors and included 14 characteristics that accounted for 90.24% of total variations. Also, cluster analysis classified the cultivars in to seven distinct groups. The means of all evaluated characteristics of the fourth group were higher than those of the total means. The cultivars of “Kordestan” and “Sequia” were placed in a distinct group. According to our results, strawberry cultivars had high variations in quantitative and qualitative traits and were suitable for breeding program of strawberry in Iran.

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To study the effect of putresine and some essential nutrients foliar application on yield and physiological characters of wheat, an experiment was conducted during 2010-2011 growing season at research field of Shahid Charnran University as split plots based on randomized compelet block design. Results showed that putresine, Boron and Molybdenum foliar application during tillering+rbooting growth stages significantly increased grain yield in Charnran and Star. Using putresine significantly increased Leaf Area Duration (LAD) and Leaf Area Index (LAI). Foliar application of nutrients resulted in more CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance as against control condition (without foliar application of nutrients), so leaf temperature significantly decreased. The highest respiration rate was observed in control and the lowest was measured in putresine treatment during tillering+rbooting. Foliar application increased both effective grain filling period and speed of grain filling. The speed of grain filling in control condition of Charnran cultivar was 91.27 mg.d-1 while application of putresine during tillering and booting stages increased that to 145.09 mg.d-1. Because of early spring hight temperatures in Ahvaz as one of the limiting factors in yield of wheat crop, it seems that foliar application of nutrients could be effective in increasing of net assimilation, LAD, LAI, stomatal conductance, grain filling period and grain yield.

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In order to study the effect of heat stress during grain filling period on yield, yield components, grain filling rate and duration, a field experiment was carried out during 2010-2011 growing season in Ahvaz conditions, as factorial based on randomized block with three replicates. The experimental factors consisted of 10 mid maturity bread wheat genotypes (Charnran, Atrak, Aflak, Dez, Falat, Darab2, Kavir, Pishtaz, S-78-11, S-83-3) and two sowing dates, including the optimum (12 Nov.) and late sowing date (21 Dec.). The results showed that in late sowing date, yield and yield components were reduced significantly in all genotypes. Atrak and Pishtaz had the minimum (8.2 %) and maximum (26.3%) reduction of grain yield, respectively. In late sowing date, Kavir and Charnran had the highest (584.3 and 579.8 g.m-2, respectively) and Pishtaz had the lowest (446.3 g.m-2) grain yield. Based on the heat susceptibility index among all genotypes, Atrak was heat- tolerant, Charnran, Kavir, Dez, Falat and Aflak were moderately tolerant and S-78- 11, S-83-3, Darab2 and Pishtaz were heat- susceptible. The shortening of effective grain filling period in late sowing date resulted in reduction of thousand-grain weight and increase in grain filling rate could not compensate for .grain filling period reduction. Overall, it seems that only the higher grain growth rate under heat stress during grain filling period cannot contribute to the higher grain yield and other factors such as grain filling period and number of grains per spike seem to be more important.

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In order to study the effect of integrated chemical and biological fertilizer in competition with weeds on accumulation and remobilization of dry matter, a field study was conducted at 2010-2011 in Agricultural Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz. The experimental design was split-plot based on randomized complete block with 3 replications. The main plot included 5 integrated nutrient managements and the sub-plot also included 3 competitions intensity. Lengths and dry weight of main stem internodes and dry matter remobilization efficiency were calculated. Our results showed dry matter accumulation and translocation efficiency was changed by changing the chemical fertilizer ratio in integrated treatments. The treatment of 50% chemical fertilizer with biological fertilizer had the highest translocation efficiency (43.30), percent of dry matter translocation (51.10), and also, dry matter translocation (2.09). Different integrated nutrient management treatments had higher effect on dry matters translocation efficiency than weed competition treatments. In addition, weight changed more than length in all 3 types of stem internodes. Finally, our results showed that integrated VS. biological methods had more consisted sitvation for wheat in ternods characters.

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