We know Parvin Etesami (1907-1941) as an iranian greatest female poet; she also was the poet who was skillful at ethics and morality. Apart from her political and social poems, she has left some worthwhile moral advice poetry that arisen from his feelings about her surrounding world, and they were written in a simple and expressive language. To understand the effect of Parvin’s mental impressions on her moral advice and recommendations, we should search for the dominant themes of her poems because the poems generally reflect the thoughts and feelings of the poets. Parvin’s sense of anti-cruelty, her consideration to the status of the deprived and oppressed, the decadence and transitivity of the world, death and transitory nature of life, and her sense of insecurity are all what one can infer from the meanings and themes of her poems and enter to her mentalities. under influence of these emotions, Parvin invites herself and others to seizing the opportunity, goodness, giving assistance to the needy, avoiding negligence, vigilance and awareness, freedom from world and worldly attachments, avoiding pride and arrogance, etc. The present article examines four themes observed in the most of Parvin’s poems, namely, the idea of decadence and transitivity of the world, the idea of death, transitory nature of life, sense of insecurity, and their influences on her moral advice.