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Language teaching literature shows an isolation and independency between pronunciation and writing.  In this paper, focusing on the pronunciation errors of Persian language learners, we test the hypothesis if there is a significant relationship between Pronunciation and writing errors of the same learners. In this regard, it is emphasized that these two categories have a lot in common, and reinforcing of one leads to the reinforcing of the other. First, the data collected from oral speech of the learners are listed. Then the repeated errors in vowels, consonants and phonetic processes are extracted and presented along with some examples. Next, the subjects are asked to compose writings in different topics. Errors extracted from these data are presented in charts and tables, along with the frequencies of each. Formal comparison and statistical analysis of t-student showed that writing errors in the pronunciation field are not simply a performance error in language production, rather they are resulted from competence of the learner. Proving our hypothesis, it is emphasized that pronunciation and writing are two sides of the same coin, therefore, it is suggested that using communicative approach, a kind of complementary attitude in teaching pronunciation and writing, is taken in the teaching methods and the composing styles of Persian language teaching textbooks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Story utterances are means for expressing sayings and thoughts, and a suitable situation for promoting story incidents that establish a wide part of every story, the "narrator" should represent the utterances in a way that the reader gets familiarized with the story deeply. Therefore, stylistics of story utterances is necessary for better understanding of the story. Styles of representing story utterances, which comes from the relationship between the narrator and the story characters, are divided into five types: direct speech, indirect speech, free direct speech, free indirect speech, and narrative report of utterances. The present article deals with descriptive and analytic styles of "Assabbar" novel (1976), while it presents a complete statistics population of story utterances. The findings showed that utterances in the order of direct speech style, narrative report of utterances and free direct speech style have the most frequency in this novel. The narrator allows characters to connect with the reader by using direct speech and free direct speech styles, and familiarize them with the political, social and cultural problems of their society, because these two styles cause intimacy between the reader and the characters, and transfer the message of the writer to the reader in a good way. Sometimes, the narrator establishes control over the time of the story incidents, and advances them with a narrative report.

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    2 (18)
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Given the important and fundamental role of culture in the way of thinking and reasoning of individuals in a society, this study intends to investigate the concept of culture in order to explore the cultural differences between the West and Iran, and to show that some data collection methods are not suitable for the context of Iran, which are wrongly utilized by Iranian researchers and students. In comparison with the West, the Iranian culture is considered to be indirect, relational, multiple, context-driven, modest, and inductive. These features put the application of some research tools such as questionnaires, retrospection (a kind of thinking aloud technique), and diaries (a research technique for collecting personal experiences of individuals) into question in the Iranian context. In the end, the results are analyzed and discussed in the context of Iran, and some suggestions are made for further research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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In this paper, we analyze the grammatical category of satellite, which was introduced at first by Talmy in his semantic – typological researches. Satellite is a closed – class category that includes any constituent other than a nominal complement that is in a sister relation to the verb root. Talmy categorizes world's languages into two main typological categories: languages, which show framing concepts such as path, aspect, etc. on the verb, are verb – framing languages, and languages, which show framing concepts on the satellites, are satellite – framing languages. In this study, satellite, its formal representations and the semantic concepts expressed by it, are analyzed. It was found that the main form of satellite in Persian has been the verbal prefixes in the past periods, and now it is the verb - assistant element in Persian compound verbs. It can be said that a kind of lexicalization has taken place in this category. That is, the concepts, which were previously expressed by bound morphemes (prefixes), are now expressed by free morphemes (verb assistant in compound verbs). It was also indicated that Persian language in some cases is compatible with satellite – framing and, in some other cases, with verb – framing languages. So it is suggested that this classification works better if defined as a continuum with satellite – framing languages at one end, and verb – framing languages at the other end, and that languages can be anywhere on this continuum or even be moving toward one of the ends of the continuum.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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Despite of discussion of “repetition”, which is simple and minor and, in the rhetoric, it is a disruptive factor of eloquence, but the rhetorical of speech is subject to repetition. The secret of repetition in Quran phrases and words is known due to forward and backward words. While in Quran, there is not any useless repetition. Although in Quran, some phrases are sometimes repeated, repetitions are not boring and are commensurate with the features of each chapter as if one can say in each chapter repeated parts have a new meaning. End goal of repeating is to emphasize on the subject and make it bigger to show its importance. Further, if we put repetition in Quran in this class, there will be not any disruptive in relation. If repetition is because of ordering and dividing such as «وجاء ربک والملک صفا صفا», the purpose is not emphasizing an hyperbole. Sometimes, from music point of view, its cause is also important, and contemporary definition of repeat is not different from ancients. However, if repetition is because of situation, rhetorical is the condition not because of disability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3214

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    2 (18)
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Nafsat-al-Masdur by Shahab-al-din Mohammad Zeidary Nasavi, is one of the Persian euphemistic masterpieces. An examination of the structure of this text, from the perspective of language, reveals that the poetic and emotive functions of the text are more highlighted than the historical information. From a linguistic standpoint, a message could either be directed towards the addressor or the message itself. Therefore, the addressee is basically confronted with a literary text whose language often has an emotive function. As a result, the addressee understands the author's soliloquy all the time. On the other hand, the author, through using his regular extra-regularity, produces numerous musical parallelisms and invigorates the internal music of a lyrical text, which is an essential component of any lyrical text. The pinnacle of lyrical language in Nafsat-o-al-Masdoor is where the author adds poetic and emotive functions to his text and makes use of a variety of parallelisms. In such cases, where the author expresses his spontaneous overflow of feelings in a given poetic and lyrical text, the prose of the book is quite simple and eloquent. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of lyrical language focusing on the structure of Nafsat-al-Masdur.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2022

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    2 (18)
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While writing a literal or educational text, especially for children, it is very important to know the characteristics of the readers. Children's literature and educational professionals believe that using difficult vocabulary or structures in a text will eliminate the reader's motivation, so using simple structures and core vocabulary is very important. Core vocabulary means a list of words that have high frequency in use, and everyone (in an age level) can understand their meaning. In this research, we study the usage of core vocabulary in 20 texts from “Roshde Noamuz” magazine according to Nematzade et al (2011). The results of this research can be fruitful in writing and translating children's texts. We further aim to find vocabulary that all Iranian children can understand its meaning to use in literal and educational texts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1287

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    2 (18)
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During the last two decades, in psycholinguistic studies, particular attention has been focused on bilingual speakers in order to understand the cognitive relation between the two languages, especially in terms of their activation and retrieval. One of the most important reasons is that language processing and the speed of word retrieval are different between bilinguals and monolinguals. In this study, the speed of language processing and noun-verb retrieval in either of L1 and L2 and between L1 and L2 (Persian and English) were investigated through picture naming task in 42 BA students of English Language and Literature of Allameh Tabatabaee University. According to the results of this study, in inter-languages mode, the speed of verb processing and retrieval in English is significantly more than that in Persian. Moreover, in intra-languages mode, in Persian, the speed of noun processing and retrieval is significantly more than the speed of verb processing and retrieval. In the next stage, the results were analyzed by considering the gender variable. With respect to the purposes of this research in investigating the cognitive differences in the speed of word processing and retrieval in L1 and L2, a superior cognitive performance can be concluded in females.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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One of the language functions is making communication among thoughts and beliefs. This language function is regarded as a part of social and communicative events as writing of editorials. Texts of editorials, not only through a chain of sentences but also through a hierarchical structure are organized. This structure is divided into units, called "episode", which has an integrated nature either structurally or semantically, and its borders are verbally clear. As episodes are assumed as discourse semantic units, we must define them in according to semantic terms such as propositions. The problem and goal of this study is to recognize propositional levels in the west's editorials texts on Iran's nuclear activity. On this basis, by using Van Dijk's episodic model (1981) and analytical method, we tried to analyze one sample of Independent editorial about the nuclear activity of Iran, published in Britain, to answer this question, "how we can describe the organizing process of editorials in an integrated model of propositions". This study shows that general macropropositions are manifested in the first thematic sentences and provide a summary of the text, which is America's policy toward the nuclear activity of Iran. Subtheme of the text, which is about the opinions and reactions of powerful governments and also that of Iran toward this policy, is presented in the paragraphs and the general structure of the text, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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The present article has studied the syntactic errors made by Lak students in Farsi learning/using. At first, types of errors and their occurrence positions were recognized based on Corder (1975) classification. Then, strong and moderate versions of Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis were considered in data analysis. The results indicated that the moderate version had the dominant role in second language learning. Although this article shows that language learners are affected by some interlingual transfers, the context of learning is the main factor in language learning. Grammatical errors such as overgeneralization, false analogy, approximation and circumlocution were not highly occurred. So interlingual errors and communicative strategies were not the main sources of errors. The findings also indicated that the more the proficiency the target language, the less will be occurrence of errors. This illustrates that errors are rule-governed and this fact is very important in error analysis researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1193

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    2 (18)
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Teaching every language has got its own special hindrances and features. Undoubtedly, teaching Arabic Language in Iranian schools is not excluded from this fact. Some of the hindrances of learning Arabic language are refered to the content order of the school books. Especially teaching Arabic high language in grade one seems to be a difficult job for some reasons such as the students' enterance to a new stage. If the different components of the books' content get realized and catagorized, the understanding and explication would be easier. Thus analizing the content of Arabic high school book in grade one can be an important step towards identification of its weaknesses. This article aims to evaluate the Arabaic high school book in grade one on the basis of content analysis patterns and arrangement criteria relying on Content Analysis Approach, which is a resaerch method for objective, quantitative and organized discription of superficial contents in communications. The research was descriptive-analytic. The results showed that considering These patterns and criteria, this school book has been highly successful in accurately performing the principles of edunation planning and content arrangement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In second language didactics, language learning strategies have been identified for numerous languages, and factors such as age, gender, motivation, intelligence, as well as the level of language skills for utilizing these strategies have been analyzed. However, in Persian didactics as a second language, no such research has been conducted yet. Therefore, in order to analysis the relationship between nationality and application of strategies among foreign Persian learners, the present research was conducted based on Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. Both inferential statistics and statistical tests showed that on average, the use of language learning strategies among different nationalities is quite similar with negligible variances. Whereas, descriptive statistics showed that the order of priorities of Persian learners of different nationalities is dissimilar. In addition, the results of this research suggest that Persian learners of different nationalities generally use cognitive and social strategies more so than other strategies.

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