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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The comparative literature is a science that persues relationship between the different nation's literature during various historical periods in a variety of subjects including: hackwork sorts academies, schools, objects, pulchritudinous issues of hackworks and so on. This literary branch was established by Wilmain in the early 20th century in France. Arabic literature got acquainted with comparative literature after the Napoleon's attack to Egypt and getting familiar to occident's culture and literature. Comparative works in Egypt commenced with Refaeh Tahtavei, Ali Mobarak, Sheikh Hosain Morsefi and etc. Then some people like Najib Haddad, Rouhi Khaledi, Khalil Hendavi and Fakhri Abolsaoud were involved in this field. Later, Abdol Razagh Hamideh, Ibrahim Salameh and Najib Aghighi compiled hackworks entitled “Adab Al Mogharen”, although none of them were tenacious according to the proper principles and doctorines of comparative literature. Therefore, Arab comparative literature correlates with Ghonaimi Helal's designation. Mohammad Ghonaimi Helal was born in 1916 in Egypt. He finished his primary educations in his hometown and then in Cairo. In 1945, he was off to France for learning Comparative Literature. And in 1952, he returned to Egypt whereas he got his Doctorate Certificate in comparative literature and began to teach this major at Egyptian universities. He compiled “Al adab al Mogharen” book in 1953 and was reputable as the founder of comparative literature. He was influenced by his French professors: Van Tieghem and Guyard, while essaying his book in this field. It is noted that he based his book completely concordant with, the proper principles of comparative literature. He also compiled other works and did a great job for prospering Arabic Literature in academic cycles. His impact on the others is divided into two subgroups: first, his influence on his pupils and their works; second the impact of his subjective-comparative essays on the posterities.

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Many of the linguists, have defined the syllable structure of Persian as consisting an obligatory consonant in onset, a vowel in the head position and one or two optional consonants in coda. In this respect, there isn’t the possibility of existing two adjacent vowels in two successive syllables in Persian. It’s believed by many that Persian has some ways, specially adding a consonant, for preventing the adjacency of vowels.In this article, by an empirical study on the basis of data from 50 male and female Persian native speakers (18-25), the properties of Glottal stop and the way of its appearance between two vowels are studied both in slow and continuous speech and their results are compared together.It seems that, at least in rapid and continuous speech, there is a possibility of omitting glottal stop and letting two vowels in successive syllables be adjacent. Regarding this phenomenon, the sound system of Persian and its syllable structure in continuous speech is different.

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This research aims to study the phonotactics of Old Persian, based on Kent (1953) studies and verify the syllable structure in this language. Then sonority sequencing principle is being verified. For this purpose, all the consonant sequences in Old Persian texts in different positions of the words were extracted. According to syllabification principles, consonant clusters are identified and compared with sonority sequencing principle. Based on the data obtained, except when each of s and ŝ is present in the clusters, data are confirmed to the sonority sequencing principle and the syllable structure in Old Persian is (c)(c)(c) v (c)(c).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper examines Munasabah and or conceptual and contextual chaining in the Quranic stories in general and, the story of Jonah, in particular. First, it is said that whether there is a relation among the (omitted)verses with themselves on one side, (omitted) and among the (omitted) suras, on the other. Then, having reviewed the background of Elm-al Munasebah in Islamic tradition, the conceptual and contextual chaining is introduced: “A linguistic mechanism that is concerned with the construction of texts, their textuality and their network of semantic relations”. This kind of chaining, then, is examined in Jonah's story. Being interapolated in other stories, the story has some correspondence with other six stories with regard to conceptual chaining. Finally, it is said that through some items such as punning as well as the repetition of some concepts such as patience and supplication, we can (omitted)find the internal relation not only (omitted) between Jonah's story and the other Quranic stories, but also (and) more importantly, between these stories and the story of the Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) (omitted) himself with regard to conceptual and and contextual chaining.

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In this present article, the authors attempt to study the Iranian students’ different learning styles in learning foreign languages. For this purpose, different styles of learning were studied, after having dealt with the categories of learning, styles and strategies of learning. The authors also tried to find the most current learning styles and the reasons of the tendency for these styles.   Then a theoretical study was carried out followed by a field study on 60 Iranian English and French language learners (aged 20-25 years) on an advanced level in foreign languages. This field study is based on a questionnaire consisting of 30 questions. The questions contained 6 different parameters of learning styles including, learning through reading, listening, writing, speaking, watching and learning by doing. After collecting and analyzing the data results of the questionnaire, it was concluded that among all the different learning styles of advanced level language learners, speaking was the trendiest and the less preferred was listening. In this study, after presenting the results of the different learning styles, the reasons of their trendiness were also approached.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Among the modern literary theories, “semiotics” has been very influential in determining the nature and function of texts. In his book “Semiotics of Poetry” (1978), Michael Riffaterre introduced a semiotic theory for reading poetry which was widely used by contemporary critics.The present article, after introducing Riffaterre’s approach, makes use of it for reading a poem by Iranian poet Forough Farrokhzad. The final goal, presupposing the theoretical and practical merits of this approach, is an attempt for a deeper reading of the above-mentioned poem. We hope that the findings of the research will encourage the reading of Modern Persian Poetry by using Riffaterre’s approach and the approaches alike, and in this way, will create the occasion of a creative readings of these poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iconicity, as a fundamental concept in cognitive linguistics, emphasizes the existence of motivation between the form and meaning of language structures and signifies a relationship which represents any kind of correspondence, analogy or resemblance between a sign form and what it stands for. In the cognitive approach to linguistics, language is considered a part of cognitive system, which mirrors the conceptual organization as well as the world inside the speaker's mind. According to this view, the outside world experience and cognition are reflected in language structure, and language forms are completely associated with the semantic structures they are supposed to manifest. Among the most noticeable models of this approach is the Cognitive Grammar model. This grammar posits a symbolic nature for language and assumes language to be a set of symbolic units which symbolize meaning and thought. It is believed in this model that language structures are motivated through cognitive processes and the existence of iconic and motivated structures in language is considered quite natural by this approach. Causative structures are among the motivated structures in a language. Thus the present research looks into the 5 types of diagrammatic iconicity peculiar to the grammatical structures of Modern Persian (Farsi) causatives from the Cognitive Grammar point of view. Findings indicate that Persian causative structures reflect all 5 types of diagrammatic iconicity (distance, independence, order, complexity and categorization) one way or another. Therefore, it is concluded that such causative categories should be recognized as “causative icons” in Modern Persian.

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This study starts in the ancient time and continues to the postmodern era. In a general classification, we have concerned the classic, modern and post modern narration of the world. This classification does not mean that with the emergence of the modern thought and art, the classic thought and art have vanished. Nor does it mean that with the emergence of the postmodern thought and art, the modern and classic thought and art have disappeared. This is unreasonable and definitely in contrast with the postmodern outcomes and ideas. In this research, the main purpose is to clarify the change of narration throughout the history from the ancient time to the postmodern era. We tried to study the narration changes along with the linguistic and artistic examples and to show how the linguistic and artistic narrations have undergone changes through the time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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