International sanctions as an international phenomenon have an evolutionary history. UN sanctions after the Cold War have become a well-organized endeavor. Non-polarized international system after the Cold War, the capacity of the United Nations Charter and other international laws provided for international sanctions and the international system have accelerated laying out of norms, principles, rules and procedures aiming at the institutionalization of international sanctions in the form of an international regime. Therefore, the question is that: how international sanctions after the Cold War can be explained as an international regime? To answer this question, international sanctions after the Cold War were studied by using the theory of international regimes in general and Young theory in particular. Different components of international regime of sanctions related to the post-Cold War era including those related to substance, procedures, implementation – monitoring and effectiveness evaluation are examined. Among substantive matters we address, increase in Security Council interventionism, normativization of international relations, introduction of responsibility in to protect concept; the decision-making component includes Interlaken, Bonn – Berlin and Stockholm; processes the executive – regulatory component includes sanctions committees, focal point and Panel of Experts and eventually measurement of effectiveness component examines the feedback of sanctions in light of the objectives of coercion.