Poetry is a form of speech which cannot be controlled by any shadckle and thought and it cannot be led in any specific direction. Therefore, it may not be compatible with the demands of religious and moral issues. Whether religion and high art can be gleaned has long been debated widely among Greek, Persian and Arab scholars. Yet, in every period some poets have tried to use their poetry in order to promote and expand their ideology. NaserKhosroQobadiani, the Persian poet in 5th century (lunar calendar) and Komayt-ibn ZeydAssadi, the Arab poet from Kufa in late Umayyad period, areamong poets who used poetry to teach and call people into their ownreligion. Komayt was a Shiite poet and NaserKhosro, after being internally revolutionized, followed Ismaili cult and started to preach in Khorasan. Komayt changed poetry and introduced a new way called 'logical reasoning, rational discussion and debate'. In his collection of poems called 'Hashemiat', while defending the Alawites and the family of the Prophet Mohammad, he chastises the Umayyad dynasty and calls their government illegal. In the same manner, NaserKhosro while defending the Shiite, tries to defend issues such as proving Imam Ali as the true succession of holy Prophet, calling to Islam supporting Fatemi cult, etc. The issue to be noted is that both poets historically and religiously conscious, and using their utilization of reasons and poetry, try to prove their ideas and thoughts; in other words, before they both want to arouse the audience's feelings, they try to persuade them rationally This may have caused their poetry to be less-valued• artistically and literary, than politically and ideologically.