Laser guidance, is one of the most common methods in guided weapons. Due to the high precision of this method and its spot-shaped collision ability, it is widely used in modern warfare. The main part of these weapons is laser seeker, which can guide the weapons to hit the target, based on the beams reflected from it. As a defensive action toward these weapons, and in order to deceive and distract the weapons route from its main paths and orientation toward the false target, a second reflective laser can be used. In this article, in order to achieve the specifications of the deceptive laser, first, the behavior of laser-guided weapons detector is simulated, then the detector testing system is designed and implemented. Based on simulations and tests, information on the dimensions, power, and time of laser beam decoding was obtained as follows. Changing the laser beam's dimensions of deception relative to the main beam has no effect on the detector's performance. To deceive the laser-guided weapon detector, only the laser beam power should increase the deception to the original laser beam. The more the laser beam decrypts in the early stages of the attack, the more likely it is to deception the operation. In the case where the power of the main beam and the deception beam is equal, the total deviation of the detector depends on the average deviation of each of the beams. If the laser beam's ratio of deception to the original laser beam is tripled, the detector will be more affected by the deception laser.