Low-Power Linear Regulators are important in medical, communication and military application such as bullets of gun with input supply, Maine network of marine, low-consumption satellite circuits and implantable systems in the alive creature’s body. In this paper, a full integrated linear regulator based on the FCOC technique is proposed. The regulator using three blocks A, B, C and five blocks A, B, C, D, E in the TSMC-0.13mm CMOS technology have been developped. Proposed regulator has been simulated by star-Hspice. Output voltage ripple of three-block design is 3.5mV, while the output current is 20mA at the frequency of 2Hz. Similarly, of five-block design ripple is 1mV. This regulator has good performance in high frequency. Output voltage ripple in three-block and five-block designs is less than 14mV and 3.2 mV respectively at the frequency of 1-100MHz.