There are different viewpoints in reply to this important question: can limited human language, be used to speak on God, the transcendent and unlimited? Base upon univocality and existential gradation in Mullasadra's transcendent philosophy, considering Divine absoluteness and self-subsistence, God is possessing all existential perfections completely. Then negative qualities are nothing other than negation of imperfection or affirmation of perfection, and the affirmative qualities are just the same and the same as Divine Essence. Considering gradational unity of existence, we understand that sharing in meaning of God's attributes and man's, doesn't require sharing in object and anthropomorphism.Allama Tabatabayi, opposing any humanlike apprehension on God, has taken religious teachings to comprehend negation and affirmation both and relying on traditions, has adopted Divine qualities to be affirmative and incomparable. Then following Sadra, relying on the principles of the unity of the meaning of existence, analogicity of existence, and distinguishing the world of meaning from that of case and regarding the grades of meaning and usage of words, Allama accepts univocation of such qualities as knowledge, power and life between God and man but he denies limitation and restriction of meaning in corporeal grade. It seems that Allama has preferred the negative method and paid less attention to affirmative meanings applicable to God and man both.