In the studies between religions, the intercession of punishment and salvation are the common issues in the books of major divine religions. This means that those who commit sin will be forgiven from God punishment by the intercessor. This issue is mentioned in the Jewish Bible, for example in the book of Isaiah (chapters 53, items12), the New Testament, Romans (Chapter 5, item 15), and the Holy Quran, Sura Anbiya (verse 28). The intercession of punishment in the Old Testament is attributed to the mercy of God (Numbers, chapter 14), and in the Qur'an to His being clement (Zmr / 53 and Anbiya / 107), merciful (Taha /109 and Maryam / 87), and forgiving (Zmr / 53). But the interpretation of intercession, the quality of the intercessor’s practice and its effect (independent or dependent) on the penalties, the relationship between intercession and monotheism, violation of God's will, rudeness of the guilty, divine justice, and the messages of this issue have not been explained well. In this study, different interpretations of the subject and the related issues have been explained from the viewpoints of religions.