In this essay, we are to show the impact of Hafez, from different dimensions, on the West and to prove this, we've tracked the following items in mind:First, we have posed the view points of people who have commented on Hafez's poetry and have repaid their debts to Hafez by writing a few texts like: Johann chiir, Tedesko, Baron Von Hummer …Second, those who have inspired by Hafez, comprise the second part of this essay including: Goethe, Dante and Andre Jide.Third, People who have written books about Hafez, like: Clabonde, Lech Genmesky.Fourth, those who have translated Hafez's poetry including: Rackrate, Versilnki, Sicilia.Fifth, people who have written materials, addressing to Hafez and have praised him by comprising poetry, like: Fredrick Junker, Nietzsche, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who altogether testify the worldwide reputation of Hafez.