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The center of aesthetics, in Persian literature, lies on the breaking of norms and lingual habits in speech and meaning which is ascertained in the literary array of 'paradox'. Paradox is the concordance of differences, linking the opposite phenomena which make the art noteworthy and create a wonderful work. The word paradox which is of western origin, appeared in Rudaki’s poetry for the first time; and showed itself as 'shathiyat' (boasting words against religious rule) in the works of great Gnostics like Bayazid Bastami and Aynolgozate Hamadani. Poets such as Khagani, Sanaee, Attar, Sa’di, Maulavi, and Hafez have expressed their mental complex images and their internal burning fire with a combination of paradox. Paradox has the main characteristic in the Indian Style which appears in the poems of prominent poets like Kalim Kashani, Saeb and Bidel. The aim of this essay is to recognize paradox and its numerous types in the poetry of Kalim Kashani.

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According to the recorded documents, Persian Literature, since its early times, comparing with other poetry, was rich and fruitful in panegyric and lamentation books about the prophet's household (p.b.u. them) and almost all the poets and writers have tried, by mixing their emotions and feelings, to praise and adore the Prophet's Household and offer valuable works to their holy dynasty; and their ultimate aim was to present their internal love in the mold of poetry and pure expressions to the audience. Therefore we can claim that loving tendency to the Prophet's Household has had very old background and since these expressions have stemmed from the depth of the hearts of their true followers, it has put profound impact on the soul of their readers. We have decided, in this essay, to talk about the Holy Prophet and His Households' characters in Saboor Kashi’s book of poetry.

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The sovereignty of Saljugh kings lasted more than two centuries (470-700) A.H. Ghostamuni or old Baflagunia was conquered by Hessamoddin Choopan who was a great commander attributed to Ghaee tribe. One of the characteristics of Yolug Arsalan court was the attraction and training of scholars and Gnostics and it was the circle of great men such as Ghotboddin Kazeruni and Hessamoddin Hassan ibne Abdolmomen Khoee. Hessamoddin was one of the skillful secretaries and poets in Persian Language and has seven works in prose and poetry about the Saljughs of Rome among which Moltamesat (supplications) is very distinguished. This kind of poetry has been propagated among the literary circles since the 7th century and Hessamoddin Khoee’s Moltamesat is the beginning of new era in the domain of poet's desires which with his special art and taste, has created a simple but glorious work. That's why we can consider Hessamoddin Khoee and the court of Saljughs of Rome the initiators of this kind of verse and determine its structure.In this essay, we'll try to deal with, both, the saljughs and Aal Choopan era and also the beauties and characteristics of "The Moltamesat" of this great poet and writer.

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'The Seven Gatherings' is a collection of Maulana's seven preaches which is an ethic and didactic work and was instructed from the pulpit. It seems that the authorship of 'The Seven Gatherings' is prior to his meeting with Shams. It has a lot of stories and common meanings with the Gnostic and didactic work of 'The Mathnawi Ma’nawi'. Furthermore, some verses from the Mathnawi Ma’nawi and Shams’s lyric poetry, regarding to the senses and meanings, have been added to its text. Shams’s collection of poetry is Maulana’s other work and it is the most distinguished Islamic Gnostic and literary poetry which represent Maulana’s spiritual conditions in the times of joy and restlessness. Semantic similarities of 'the seven gatherings' together with 'mathnawi ma’nawi' and ' the Shams’s lyric poetry' shows that there is a regular stream of thought in different periods of Maulana’s life. One can conclude that Maulana has utilized his poetry to communicate with people in its best way. Studying the semantic similarities of 'the seven gatherings' together with the Mathnawi and Shams’s collection of poetry helps us to understand the great mystic-Shams’s ideas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, short story is the most important literary genre after the poetry, and has extensively spread among the people and in some countries, especially developed ones its frequency is more than others. Short story, as a technical story, has elements like plot, pattern, character, speech, crisis, time, setting, view point, and theme. All these elements move harmoniously and in an organized way around the theme. Persian short story was created by Seyyed Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh, though we can see its manifestations and revolution in the works of Zeinolabedin Maraghei, Mirza Abdorrahim Taleb of and Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Dehkhoda. 'The Once upon a Time' was written in a literary movement whose origin thoroughly lies in the 19th century. 'Farsi is mellifluous' is the first collection of 'Once upon a time' which has basic difference from Persian traditional stories in which story elements have entered its texture. Of course, there are some criticizing about their thorough and useful enterance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iraq witnessed a lot of social and political events in the past century. Most of these happenings had impact on the literary domain. Poets, regarding their wonderful power, set to narrate the problems and reflect their critical ideas in their poetry. Jamil Sedghi Zahavi was one of the men who propounded his critical views in Iraq's socioeconomic setting. He was a great thinker, a competent poet, and a philanthropic reformist; and the works which he left behind confirms this claim. The ode of 'Revolt in the Hell' reflects his ideas. Since the above mentioned poetry represents his political, social, religious and philosophical thoughts, we've decided to deal with an analytical approach to study his thoughts.

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Gnosticism is of Islamic discussions and the Holy Qur'an has comprehensively dealt with it. The Holy Qur'an comprises all knowledge of sciences including esoteric ones. Gnosticism, is the man's movement toward the envisage of God and divinity. Of the main components of Gnosticism in the Holy Qur'an one can allude to knowledge of God (heavens and creatures), monotheism and struggle to approach Allah. It has been tried, in this research, to analyze the verses which explicitly and implicitly contain the Gnostic principles.

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Saghinameh is one of the titles of lyric literature whose precedence is as old as long-winged poetry in Persia.; because this type of poetry, from very early centuries of its birth, has been nourished in the verses Iranian poets and survived up to the present age. Saghinameh, in the length of its literary history of Iran has traversed its themes, mold, rhythm, and its manifestation in the poetry collections and movement and has encountered with prosperity and adversity in its different periods of social life. The central point of this essay is to enumerate its themes and reexplanations, but to increase the readers' information, we've dealt with a brief points of its history, and peripheral aspects of this kind of poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Love is the only prevalent sense that all the masses of people are involved in, relating to their comprehension of it. In a state where the main and central theme of the word revolves around the axis of love and any door of this territory, if opened, surely ends in the rosegarden of love, dealing with this theme not only won't be boring to its writers but also it will be too much agreeable to them. We are to do some comparative survey in love from the view points of some well-known Persian poets such as Sanaee, Hafez, and Wahshi Bafeghi.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Narrative literature has long history in Iran. The folk fictions and myths used to have entertaining aspect and re-narrated and mixed with some historic events. Amir khosrow Dehlavi's innovation and skill have changed 'The Shirin and Khosrow' to a masterpiece in the classic narrative literature. This literary work which from one point of view is in the category of story literature, has a lot of artistic corners and manifestations which deserve to be investigated. The research method is mostly in need of European literary criticism, especially the views of Russian and French structuralists and more than all relies on Theodorof’s narrations who has talked about the genre of the narration of 'The Shirin and Khosrow'. A collection of numerous characteristics puts 'the Shirin and khosrow' in the ranks of stories that lack psychological issue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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