Social values have been a central concept in social sciences. Social values are crucial in explaining both personality and social organizations. As individuals and groups differ in their values, they can be studied to characterize societies and individuals, trace changes over time and explain motivations, attitudes and behavior. Over recent years, Iranian women have acquired new roles. They have achieved jobs and attended diverse social areas. The main research question was whether women's modern development oriented values differ across diverse jobs. In other words this research endeavored to explain the effect of women's job status on their development value orientations. This study particularly emphasized those values which sociologists predicted for the developing societies. Modern theorists from Karl Marx to Daniel Bell have argued that economic development brings pervasive cultural changes, but others from Max Weber to Samuel Huntington, have claimed that cultural values have enduring and autonomous influence on societies. This study built on sociological and socio-psychological theories. The present investigation was more particularly concerned with value types including rationality, globalization, universalism and science-seeking, life satisfaction, tendency to dynamic employment. This survey research sampled 534 women from Shiraz comprising employed women (n=86), housewives (n=257) and students (n=186). They were all administered a questionnaire but 522 questionnaires were returned. The face validity and construct validity of the questionnaire (using factor analysis) was established. Besides, its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's Alpha. Reliability indexes for all scales were above 0.70. The results of the study indicated that there was no significant difference between the three groups as regards rationality, science-seeking and life satisfaction. As such, it implied that employment as a modern experience could not provide women with essential insights. Thus development oriented values are not different in these groups. However it was shown that there was a significant difference among these groups with respect to globalization, science-seeking and tendency to dynamic employment.