The application of appropriate technology to increase water use efficiency (WUE) is of crucial importance in water-short regions. Therefore, sprinkler irrigation systems (SISs) are installed in such areas. However, poor design and inadequate maintenance substantially decrease WUE. As it was believed that the SISs in the Mahabad region do not perform satisfactorily, 3 solid sets were selected randomly and their performance was evaluated during 3 field visits. Meteorological characteristics, soil and water quality information, types of agronomic crops, and specifications of the SISs, including pressure and discharge rate at nozzle heads, were collected, and the following criteria were determined: Christiansen’s uniformity coefficient (CUC), distribution uniformity (DU), application efficiency of low quarter (AELQ), potential application efficiency of low quarter (PELQ), application efficiency (AE), and combined efficiency. The results showed that the overall average of the systems for CU, DU, AELQ and PELQ were 66.4, 52.2, 45.8 and 45.8 %, respectively. Furthermore the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL), deep percolation (DP), and overall average losses were 12.2, 13.4 and 25.6 %, respectively. The overall average of application efficiency and combined efficiency were 74.4 and 75.8 %, respectively. The main reason for the low distribution uniformity and unsatisfactory application efficiency in these systems was poor design, especially with regard to the velocity of wind.