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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    4 (68)
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Tourism is one of important industrial with suitable cultural and social affects and less Environmental pulloutions. The Natural attractions of each country has an essential role in tourists absorbing & attracting. Iran is one of the big countries with natural & historical attractions that they can be used as most potential for tourism development.Simin valley in south-east of Hamadan city has many natural attractions that can be used to completion of historical and cultural attracts of Hamadan city and increase absorbing of Ecotourists and tourist of natural science.The aim of this research is survey and analysis the natural attractions of Simin valley as a one of the most geotourism potential area in Iran and help to developing the scientific literature about geotourism.In this paper; we used Pr and Ep factors to determine the ecotourism potential, espatialy from geological and geomorphological view by analyizing Geological & Topographical maps, Lab cases and local photos.Result of research show that this area has high potential for ecotourism because of its natural attractions, tribal living patterns, good acess and adjacent with historical Hamadan city. In additional, active tectonic of this area has provided the suitable conditions for survey and recognizing about folding, faulting, magmatite, dykes, pegmatite, batolitization, mineralogical and petro logical study and igneous and metamorphism processes.Thus, this area can be developed to tourism activities and using by ecotuorists & geotourists and scientists of geology and geography.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (68)
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Council is among the oldest traditional principles and one of the most rational methods in the collective life. Even the oldest methods of management in the human community activity have signs of council systems. So the investigators have so far studied different dimensions of council's functions. This investigation is an assessment of rural council performance in Dehestan Aladagh (Bojnourd, Iran). Research method is analytic-descriptive and survey method waz used for collecting data by questionnaire. In order to evaluate rural council performance in rural areas, 225 individuals from 15 villages were randomly selected to fill out the questionnaires. SPSS software, one-sample T-test and correlation coefficient by cross-table were used to analyze the data.The results indicated that the councils were not successful in implement rural hygienic regulations identify rural shortages and also help the people in critical situations.

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    4 (68)
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Administrative divisions as a political- administrative process are done with the goal dividing the country to homogeneous units for coordinated development and manage the national territory to better services. It also provides security, unity and national participant. Accordingly, administrative divisions have an important effect on the administrative- management structure of land and will accelerate the coordinated development of the nation.Because of administrative changes in Zanjan province, the main goal of this research is to study the effect of administrative divisions, pattern on the development of geographic space. The hypothesis is that, promotion of division units has led to the development of geographical space in Zanjan province. In this research, we explained the problem and its dimensions. using descriptive-analytical methodoly. Required information were collected using.The results of the research showed that the effects of administrative divisions on the development of Zanjan province were negative in most areas. Separation of Qazvin has also caused backwardness for Zanjan province. Zanjan province has high capabilities such as: best geographical situation, being located near the most populated centers and industrial axis, being located by the roads, having a large variety of mineral historical and natural tourist attractions, enjoying good weather and fertile plains., All of these have led Zanjan province to play important role in the national - regional development.

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    4 (68)
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Studying the process of growth and development of world's metropolitans shows abnormalities and crisis in residential areas, as one of the most important results of urban development policies. This fact has emerged in the developing countries more obviously and critically and has given way to many political, social and economic problems. Nevertheless, the lack or shortage of quality in urban residential areas is not restricted to the third world countries. This problem in developed countries too; is one of the most critical challenges, which the state should be faced with. Therefore, it should be considered as a universal subject. The review of literature about urban planning in the recent years shows the attention of urban theorizers to the "quality of residential areas" Also a great number of books and articles have been written about it. Meanwhile, the issue of quality in special residential areas (such as high-rise residential complexes) due to their large population, building density and lack of organic relation with urban structure is of great importance and has complicacy in comparison with other residential areas.The main purpose of this research is to study the quality and standards of residential environment in Ekbatan Town (Tehran, Iran) as one of the largest towns of the Middle East and also as one of the most significant high-rise complexes of Tehran. We used Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis Technique and the model of "assessment of residential environment quality".This model has hierarchical structure, having criteria and sub - criteria in different levels. Meanwhile the sub criteria of the last phase of the model were regarded as basis of the questionnaire, which were analyzed according to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the residents. Finally, the results of data analysis and evaluation of the approved moderate standard of living in the chosen area (Ekbatan Town) and approved the existence of relation between the criteria and sub criteria in different levels of the model and the studied sample.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
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The rainfall pattern in Iran mostly occurs in winter, and summer rainfalls occur sporadically and accidently. In this study, the rainfall caused floods in Khorasan Razavi Province occurred in 15 September 2009, and led to flooding in Dargaz and other cities in this province were investigated. To identify this destructive shower, the rain data of the climatology and synoptic slation of that day were used. After determining the quantity of rainfall, thermodynamic properties of the shower were analyzed using the upper-sounding data and diagram skew-t of Mashhad station. Finally using the above atmospheric data obtained from NCEA/NCEP; Atmospheric Sciences Research Center of the United States of America, the synoptic analysis was performed for the observed phenomenon.For this purpose the maps of pressure, level (500ha) and sea level pressure were drawn for two days before the shower and the showery day as 6-hour maps. Synoptic analysis of the maps indicated that thesystem causing of this shower has been created at movement forward northing and east of Azores high pressure and retreating its southern branches by deeper trough of polar low pressure and the interaction with low pressure GANGE created instability and shower in this region.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
  • Pages: 

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Advancing noval perpectives within the field of epistemology and human knowledge has invariablely led to the emergence of new horizons, which, in some cases, have not only augmented our ability to solve the problems confionting human beings, but have also enabled us to look at them from a different angle. As a result, some of these problems have changed concurrently with the replacement of old paradigms with new ones. By the same token, techniques of analysis, research methods and evaluation criteria have undergone substantial modification. Among the perspectives whose introduction into geography and the related sciences has brought about radical changes in problem identification, modes of analysis, research methodology and the relevant literature is spatial perspective. In this connection, geomorphology, as a sub-category of geographical sciences, has not been an exception to this rule.It goes without saying that familiarizing ourselves with the development of spatial perspective and its adoption in geomorphology can help us to get a better understanding of the concept in question. To achive this, we proceeded to select four outstanding geomorphologists and two geographers with a view of analyzing their writings on the concept of space, and thus tracing its evolution and formulation in the domain of geomorphology.The results of this research demonstrate that the concept of space was first introduced explicitly into geomorphology through the writings of Gilbert (1886), who used the term "Plexus" for the purpose. Ironically enough, Gilbert was not familiar with this concept in the form that was formulated later on.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2025

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
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Air travel agencies are considered as one of the basic infrastructures for developing tourism and their level of performance indicates the state of tourism development and its relative services in the society. In accordance with this, the research presented here attempts at spatial analyzing of factors effective on the performance of the air travel agencies in Iran. In, addition to identify factors effective on the performance of these agencies, the aims of this research involve evaluation of their performance development degree in the provinces and prioritization of the mentioned factors for making benefits resulted from the performance of agencies more balanced. The research method is descriptive-analytical, carried out by employing Factor Analysis Models, Distribution Coefficient, Cluster Analysis and Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) and by using SPSS and Arc view software. The findings suggest that out of 51 first indicators, 32 selected indicators which were decreased to 6 significant factors and totally, explained 66.15% of the population variance are effective on the performance of the country's air travel agencies. With regard to the performance development of agencies, Tehran Province is located in high level (suitable performance), 8 provinces are located in the second level (half suitable toward high performance), 11 provinces in the third level (half suitable toward low performance) and 10 provinces in the lowest level (unsuitable performance).To improve the performance of agencies, AHP predicts the role of functional-institutional factor more effective than other factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
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This paper investigates the synoptic effects of cut-off low in severe precipitations in the southwestern and central regions of Iran. At first, five cases of occurrence of cut - off low from the Center of Prediction of Organization of Meteorological Organization were studied and analyzed. For this reason, 21 stations in the southwestern and central regions were investigated. To analyze this effect, we used daily raining statistics of the stations located in the southwest. and center of the country and also the atmosphere maps of the sea surface and the levels of 850, 500 and 300 Hpa. After investigation of their geographical situation, we used weather maps and daily meteorological data of the synoptic stations. Also the instability indexes of Si and Ki for determination of instability degree in Shiraz and Ahwaz stations were investigated. In a 5 day period, synoptic pattern formation and its trends in the weather maps were investigated. The results showed that the main factors of the precipitation production in the region were the establishment of Siberian high pressure system and the formation of intensive cut-off low on the southern Caspian Sea and the central Iran. At the same time, west instability systems clash with this system, change its way and penetrates in to lower latitude so that the west systems get high level of humidity whenever they transit from the south Seas, penetrate from the southwest of the country and make severe precipitations in the southwestern and central regions of Iran.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
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Solutions of limestones in Takht -e- Soleiman region, have created a lot of dolines in differen sizes. Measurement of variables for 36 dolines such as area, perimeter, depth, long diameter, small diameter, circularity index, elongation ratio and height from the sea level can help us to study the dolines by means of cluster analysis method. These measurements and recording the morphometric features of dolines were achieved by field graphic and statistic softwares and field studies. In cluster analysis, by using nearest neighbour distance method, it was tried to classify similar dolines of the area in same groups. Dolines of the study area were classified in 5 groups; so that 32 dolines were located in the first were group, while the dolines so numbered 3, 5, 16 and 21 created an independent group.The first group separately was defined by the the same morphometric features, while the other groups specially the 4th and 5th groups were extremely different. The role of tectonic and erosion factors in the creation and change of dolines in first group was different from the other four groups. Faults have an important role in the formation and evolution of dolines specially the Gosaly and Relali dolines.The concentration of solution and intensification of erosion in the evolution of Drizhchal doline and the factor of height from the sea level play an effective role in Sange Sakhreai doline.

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    4 (68)
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Meanders of delta levels are the most unstable areas of the rivers in coastal geomorphology. In this research, we studied the morphology of rivers located in the north of Hormoz Strait to delineate periodical changes in the rivers, delta pattern. To achieve this, the aerial photos and satellite images, as well as topographic and geologic maps of the studied area were used in GIS format to identify the changing patterns and different channel morphology changes. Using analytical and experimental methods, the effective data on the changes of meanders morphology were analyzed.The major used technique is comparison and analysis of transformation during the sequence of times based on the mentioned methods. The results showed that the ratios of changes and meandering in the dip direction and downstream ward of the deltas has increased. Since the delta plain has a low angle slope and the sediments are fine grained, the meandering has been intensified.The most eminent evidence of dynamic activity of the area includes the presence of crossing, abandoned and numerous channels in these meandering rivers. Generally speaking, these changes are directly the function of changes in sediment texture and then torrential river modes.

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  • Issue: 

    4 (68)
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One of the most important parameters for computation of water balance and preparation of hydrologic models is to analyse the spatial distribution of precipitation. Therefore, any measurement miscalculation has a direct effect on water resource planning. Furthermore, due to the lack of overlap among the meteorological stations, recording of the precipitation, regional measurements or precipitation estimations within the areas among the stations are necessary. To achieve this, there are several methods including interpolation methods. In this study, Kriging (simple and normal) as well as linear regression methods based on digital elevation model were used to evaluate a 20- year annual precipitation data from 23 meteorological stations in Isfahan province. For this purpose, as the first step for each model within the Kriging method, a semivariogram was computed, and by using cross-validation technique, the mapping errors were estimated. As a result, an optimal map was selected from 14basic maps. All steps were carried out using GIS software. At the second step, the precipitation data and the elevations of meteorological stations were recalled using linear regression model through Curve Expert software. To distinguish an optimal model, the results were processed within 16 models. Eventually, the most significant models from the two methods were compared with each other to determine the precipitation spatial distributions for finalizing the interpolation task. The results indicated that Sinusoidal regression function was the most appropriate model for the interpolation of the Isfahan province's precipitation records.

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    4 (68)
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Mineral deposits are natural wealth of every country. Comprehensive and systematic planning for recognizing and assessing of mineral potential leads to the strength of investing in this sector. In this article, the affects of weighting rules in fuzzy inference system on the mineral potential mapping of gold in Takab area have been examined. In the fuzzy inference system, first we designed an objective pattern based on mineral type. Then the effective factors were examined. The factors included geology data, geochemical anomalies and, alterations, which have been extracted from satellite images. In the next stage, we determined the weight of rules and variables. As a result, the factors were combined and the final map was obtained. The researches, which have already been carried out in this ground, did not consider the weights of rule. The results of this research indicated the weight of rules have effective influence on the output accuracy.

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