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If in enlightenment wisdom and the institution derived from it were important and man faced nature, romanticism was a revolt against enlightenment and assumptions coming from it. The exponent of encyclopedia and the enlightenment thinkers were of the view that "wisdom" alone is the right path to understanding of the world and its foresight and other senses are weak. In contrast the romantics were of the view that "feelings" are the authentic sense for understanding, in other words mind accept a path which heart has guided it. The present article wants to examine the Romantic Movement and the grounds for the formation of it in Germany. Romanticism in Germany got an anti-French nature and France was like "the other" for German romantics. The paper also discusses the theory of romantic government and the thinking of Johann Hamann with emphasis on exclusivist aspect of this movement and its confrontation with enlightenment.

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Globalization is a process which has taken place in the past decade and the world community is moving in that direction. This process is taking place in social, political, cultural and technological arena particularly it is expanding in the field of economy.Many thinkers believe that the first move for globalization started in nineteen century. There was considerable increase in the volume of trade during 1870 till 1914 and some called this period the "golden period of economic integration" but later development slowed down this process. These developments were opposition to free trade by national producers, First World War, the Great Recession of 1929-1934 and the tendency of the governments to have independent economic policies.The main aspect of globalization of economy is the process of integration and dependence in different countries. It is in this framework that the North-South relations are discussed. Two important factors of globalization which have direct relations with each other are world target market and the problem of nation-states. The international competition transcends the national boundaries and they become like glass walls which one can see through them. In other words the advances in information technology and communication lead to integration and similarity of pattern of behavior, consumption, way of life and culture among the people of the world. Globalization also includes and affects the relations among political, economic and social units and wide range of interaction among them. Thus the process of globalization of economy has directed the orientation of national economies towards world economy and the activities which were formulated within national framework now are decided on world basis according to need of world markets. It is in this process that the future and the fate of the North and the South countries are tied together.The present article in the light of theoretical framework of globalization and with emphasis on globalization of political economy identifies the opportunities, the deterrent factors and the threats to the growth and development of the world. A world which is called the North-South.

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The main question which the present article discusses is what were the cause and ground of coming to power of Syed Mohammad Khatami (Reform government) in second Khordad 1376/1997? The article tries to base its argument on the theory of “uneven development” of Samuel Huntington. A theory which believes that once the political institution lag behind the social and economic transformation this phenomenon leads to creation of new foundation for political association and formation of new political institutions. The underlying hypothesis is that the uneven development of Hashemi period (Reconstruction period) was the cause of Khatami coming into power. In fact due to social and class mobility along with economic development and consequently the growth of new middle class which happened during this period new expectations and demands were created which were mainly participation in the country’s affairs and determining their political future. But during this period no tangible effort were made to fulfill these demands for political development. In this background the slogans of Khatami which were based on the above said demands led to this fact that a large section of voters cast their votes in favour of Khatami and this culminated to his victory in the seventh presidential elections.

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The disintegration of the Soviet Union brought about a major change in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The countries that became politically independent faced many challenges for their economic development due to the structure of their economy. On the other hand the natural resources which are available in some of these countries acted as an important factor in their economic development. These potentials attracted the regional and extra-regional powers towards this region. Moreover, the location of these countries as landlocked countries, and Russia’s monopoly over energy pipelines led them to search for new partners in order to reduce their dependency. In present article, Turkmenistan a former Soviet republic and Iran a regional actor which has interest in the region’s energy issues are studied. The question which is raised by this article is what role energy plays in relations between Iran and Turkmenistan. The hypothesis is that energy factor has brought closer relationship between the two and has led to the expansion of their relations. The article has examined the position of the two countries in energy reserves in the region and the world, the joint projects, investment of each country in the other country in the field of exploitation and transit of energy resources. This study is based on review and analysis of news, official statistics, books and academic articles about the two countries.

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With the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 the littoral states of the Caspian Sea got independence. These countries got a new and special geopolitics, economic, security and cultural position. The birth of the new states brought a change in international system. The big powers and the littoral and contagious states also faced new problems. The presence of extra-regional powers like the United States and its allies like Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan added to the complicacy of the problems.There are international issues which have its impact on the Caspian Sea region. These issues are the expansion of NATO towards east, the installation of missile defence shield in Eastern Europe with the aim of extension of their influence to the Caspian Sea region. The attitudes of Iran, Russia and China towards the developments of this region are among the important developments which have so far taken place. Some of the observers believe that a new cold war has started. The main question which the present article is raising is what are the obstacles and challenges before the security regime of the Caspian Sea region? The hypothesis of the article emphasizes on the point that the competition of the United States, Russia, China and Iran has created obstacles and challenge for the formation of security regime of the Caspian Sea security regime. The article is also examining the repercussions of these competitions on the process of formation of security regime of the Caspian Sea region.

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After the formation of Israel on 14 May 1948 Iran recognized this regime on de facto basis on 6 March 1950. Israel during the second Pahlavi period considered Iran as its “strategic ally”. Ben Gurion the first Israeli prime minister set its peripheral doctrine on this basis that Israel should join hands with countries like Turkey, Iran and Ethiopia in order to surround the Arab countries. This policy could save Israel from isolation as well as achieve its national security goals. The present article first examines the existing Israeli political parties and the political factions within them and their attitude towards the Islamic Republic of Iran in three period of time. The first period is from the victory of Islamic revolution till the Madrid Peace Conference on 30 October 1991. The second period starts from 30 October 1991 till opening of Iranian case in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the third period is from the opening of the Iranian case in IAEA till date. The question which is raised in the present article is what is the impact of Israeli political parties or coalition of political parties participating in the cabinet of the government on the attitude of Israel towards Iran. The underlying hypothesis is that Israel foreign policy towards Iran has followed a constant and fixed principles and the change in political parties or coalition of political parties constituting the cabinet or the government did not have any impact on continuity of Israel foreign policy towards Iran.

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When the power structure changes in international politics in that situation the possibilities and ground for cooperation and new challenges are created and the pattern of relations among the actors will be adjusted out of traditional structure. In transition from bipolar structure the Americans considered themselves as the triumphant of the cold war and tried to establish their position in international system. The post cold war era created a suitable ground for the implementation of strategic objectives of the United States as the remaining pole of the world order. This referred to the effort of the United States leaders for consolidating their hegemony in post cold war international system. The question which arises is that how can we explain the United States pattern of international order in post cold war era? The underlying hypothesis is that the United States pattern of order in post cold war international order is within the framework of "idea centric order". In idea centric order the hegemony of the single pole designs and manages the world, regional and local dynamics. The idea centric order is based on certain norms, ways, patterns, rules, and criteria which the dominant player formulates, implements and justifies in the direction of its own national interests.

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In spite of the famous grounds of democracy called “the decade of democracy” and even passing of the constitution, the beginning of the decision to set up democracy in Afghanistan is timed with the military attack on Afghanistan and military defeat of the Taliban after September 11, 2001. Taking into consideration the international and regional importance and implications of Afghanistan problem for the neighbouring countries, the present research is examining the question of democracy or in other words better to say “puzzle of democracy” in Afghanistan. After reviewing the theories of democracy in complicated societies and the close connection between ethnicity and democracy in Afghanistan the article divides the view points on democracy in that country into two main groups and then analyzes these two groups view points. In other words since the beginning of the process of democratization there are two distinct thinking on democracy in Afghanistan. The opponents and the critics of establishing democracy in Afghanistan are of the view that the complexities and the obstacles on the way of democracy are due to special socio-economic conditions of this society (the level of literacy, education, health standards, development, etc). They are also of the view that the democratization process itself has created negative outcome for the country. On the other hand the supporters of democratization in Afghanistan by laying emphasis on minimal democracy and liberal values believe that democracy by decentralizing power and political development and resolving the political participation crisis can help reducing the conflicts in Afghanistan.

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