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The political and international relation's experts have not been able too define the European Union (EU) in legal and political terms. The reality is that the EU's charter is not clearly defined and due to this, most Europeans desire the exit of their countries through referendum. The purpose of this article is to present an EU new interpretation. The author believes that this union can be gradually substituted by a "Subsidiary Union".The titles such as federation, confederation, and even empire, republic, or a collection of countries are used for EU and all have failed to illuminate the true nature of this union. EU has never been a country, but a unique phenomenon.EU has avoided to become a country and the members of this union do not like this title and the centre of all these discrepancies arise from the fact that EU in contrast to practical experiences, political theories and philosophies insists on not becoming a country. Why is it so? The reasons are clear. On the one hand, the union's members have fear towards transferring their sovereignty and on the other hand, the other minor and major members know this unpleasant truth that it is probable to lose their sovereignty in globalization process. Unity and partnership are the only ways to save themselves from this. Therefore, the members try to establish a society of European countries that do not change into a country and simultaneously defend the members and their sovereignties. The realization of this idea is still a secret among politicians. This study analyzes this secret.

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The US- Iran ties can be discussed based on three perspectives. One of these perspectives refers to what is proposed in Iran, the other in regards to what happens Us, and the last in International System. Some people, in Iran, look at this relation from the political perspective and insist on having ties with US. Some others emphasize no relation with US because of religious and political conditions. The advocates of this opinion believe that the Iran-US ties are tangled up with the revolution's fate and this is because of the existeance of conflicts in Islamic Repulic of Iran's intellectual, fundamental bases and discrepancies in the systems macro strategies with US.There are also different attitudes in US that Some believe that US should optimize its relation with Iran to secure its vital interests. Still, some others believe that US should limit and control Iran, understanding the main reasons of conflicts between Iran and US and correct analysis of the approaches in between, sound recognition of the facts without any exltreme views and repetition in policy- makings and decisions, recognizing the American's guidelines and practical strategic strategies with Islamic Republic of Iran, and establishing immunity against the US undesirable cultural consequences leading to ideological, cultural, and political crises in Iran are the factors that should be taken into consideration.Although, this issue is important because of its very close relation with the Islamic basics and values, but separating the strategic aims from non-strategic ones and prioritizing the Islamic Revolution goals, and taking correct attitude towards the opportunities, threats, obstacles, and foreign and domestic challenges, the present disputes, that exist in public opinions on Iran-US relations can be reduced.

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The vast and all-out Isreal's invasion to Lebanon in June 2006 which lasted for thirty three days can be considered as a turning point in Arab- Isreaeli conflicts. This war which is actually the sixth war between the two nations is longer, unique, and outstanding in different dimensions when compared with other previous of Israel wars. This is due to Isreal's unattainable predetermined goals before this heavy war and within US support. It is a clear example of a very severe repetition of failure in withdrawing from South of Lebanon in 2000. In this way, the Islamic Resistance warriors defeated the great Isreal invasion and consequently the domestic equations in Lebanon, Isreal, and the region changed, and new and fundamental developments occurred. This war has had both military and political ties impact on Iran, a country which has had close spiritual and political ties with Hezbollah.The main focus of this study is to see the effects of this thirty three- days war on Iran's regional status. The results reveal that the positive effects of this war in different dimensions have led to strengthening and promoting Iran's status in both regional and international levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article points to a permanent concern in ME's security which is called 'crisis recreation' and emphasizes on that as a central nucleus. The major focus of this study is to understand the nature of this super crisis and its recreation in other critical ME'S conditions. In Contrast to common approaches namely International Society the or British School of International Relations in which in spite of structural obstacles, convergence and public discipline are attainable, this article proposes a neorealistic approach within the conceptual framework of anarchy in international system. In this way, although, there are a series the common cultural-historical values and geopolitical-economic interests among ME states to materialize convergence and public discipline, the ME structure seems to be conflicting and anarchic.The theoretical approach of this study considers this anarchic structure as the consequence of the Zionist's incomplete forming regime, and categorizes the main origin of all these disputes on this political fact. It is supposed that this phenomenon in other levels of governmental and non-governmental performers is recreated and caused the genesis of disordered structures. The concept of super crisis implies realigod a central point which has a feature and can recreate other forms of challenges in the ME. The the Greater Middle East plan cannot be reveals in the presence of this crisis. [Adopting a reductionist approach towards this critical structure in the region helps to understand the reasons of unfulfilled great ME project].

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The middle East (ME) has witnessed the end of US hegemony. The White House, after the September 11 has introduced Islam as the biggest challenge the West's tradition and the 21st century's national security and the ME as a location for the armed and political Islam and hoping to overturn the independent governments unilaterally and fullfilling reforms in dependent governments to guarantee its unobjectionable domination. Today, the political stimulating powers in ME are Islamism and Militarism.The purpose of this paper is to show that in the contemioorary ME, nowadays, some distinctive features of political and strategic disputes between the two conservative and radical explicit opposition with the West's interferences in this region gronps is evident. Thus, the West headed by the US confronts any kind ideological and political resistance of Islamists and tries to scramble the security atmosphere of the region.

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Today, the security of each country does not refer to its strength, power and structure, but to its nature, international and national interactions and developments. In other words, the security statuse of each country is related to its international and regional security. This article tries to make the I.R.I. security threats in Southern Coucasus clear based on I.R.I geopolitical and geostrategic location in southern Caucasus, its stance in relation with other southern caucasus's countries, and finally, Iran's impression of regional security in the same region.

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The September 11 has led to a dramatic change in the from and essexce of international system, and even in it's concepts. This event can be assumed as the end of transition period in international system and US foreign policy. This event paved the ground for the creation of a new enemy called, terrorism, and made it possible for the US to benefit from this to solve its problems in international system.This event also made a different condition for US foreign policy system and provided it with a good excuse to attack Iraq in  for fighting against terrorism and destroying the of mass destruction weapons. However, it seems that along with these goals, the act of gaining access to Iraq's rich oil resources has been among the hidden plans of US war in Iraq. In other words, Iraq's crisis has had a close connection to oil resources of this country and oil has been one of the most significant objectives the US invasim.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ethinthity is the most important feature of the political structure of Lebanon It means the existance of lingual, ethnic, and religious minorities which has had undeniable effect on Lebanon's government and policy. Shiites, Sunnis, Marounis Christians, and Darvuzis are the ethnic and religious minorities each of following its own specific benefits and objectives and domestic policies. The Lebanon issue will be more complicated when the national players get the support of regional and transregional supporters directly or indirectly it seems that a very close relationship between the goals and benefits of the national and international that a players has been established.

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