The US- Iran ties can be discussed based on three perspectives. One of these perspectives refers to what is proposed in Iran, the other in regards to what happens Us, and the last in International System. Some people, in Iran, look at this relation from the political perspective and insist on having ties with US. Some others emphasize no relation with US because of religious and political conditions. The advocates of this opinion believe that the Iran-US ties are tangled up with the revolution's fate and this is because of the existeance of conflicts in Islamic Repulic of Iran's intellectual, fundamental bases and discrepancies in the systems macro strategies with US.There are also different attitudes in US that Some believe that US should optimize its relation with Iran to secure its vital interests. Still, some others believe that US should limit and control Iran, understanding the main reasons of conflicts between Iran and US and correct analysis of the approaches in between, sound recognition of the facts without any exltreme views and repetition in policy- makings and decisions, recognizing the American's guidelines and practical strategic strategies with Islamic Republic of Iran, and establishing immunity against the US undesirable cultural consequences leading to ideological, cultural, and political crises in Iran are the factors that should be taken into consideration.Although, this issue is important because of its very close relation with the Islamic basics and values, but separating the strategic aims from non-strategic ones and prioritizing the Islamic Revolution goals, and taking correct attitude towards the opportunities, threats, obstacles, and foreign and domestic challenges, the present disputes, that exist in public opinions on Iran-US relations can be reduced.