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Social capital is a basic concept in contemporary sociology to explain different social spheres along with the increasing complexity and changes in the levels of social life. In the present study, dimensions of family social capital were examined based on different types of family relationships. The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of the mechanisms of family social capital on social deviances by secondary analysis of national social surveys about Iranian values, attitudes and behaviors and general data about deviances and risky behaviors in Iran that had been collected in 2010 and 2011. The results indicated significant relationship between family social capital and general rates of deviance in all provinces of Iran.

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This paper, as a qualitative study, investigates the nature and dimensions of acid attacks based on victim’s experiences. It used grounded theory method according to Straus and Corbin approach. It was initiated by purposeful sampling and continued by applying theoretical sampling. 12 semi-structured interviews with 12 victims leaded to data collection. Interviews were analyzed according to open coding, axial coding and selective coding method.The analysis was conducted based on the following concepts extracted experienced by victims as considerable beauty, the traditional context, substance abuse and mental disorders caused by field conditions; and consequences compromised helplessness and retardation, readjustment and social deprivation categories. Also, burns and loss of beauty, sex and education as mediator conditions in this process were extracted.The study showed that acid attack means physical and psychic injuries for victims. Due to being multi-dimensional (illness, disability and victimization), it requires wide range of strategies at different levels. Social deprivation is the wide-spread consequence of acid attack for all victims despite different successful and unsuccessful ways they use to confront those injuries.

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The present study aims to investigate mechanisms of trust among Iranian users of Facebook social network. Theoretically, the researchers used Efe and Fuchs’s model for intervention of social trust in Iranian users’ action. As the research method, we employed combined data method. So that, using a survey method, two samples were chosen in two stages: first 2437 Iranian internet users, and second, 288 students at Payame Noor University of Tehran. The quantitative data were collected from these two samples. Moreover, through direct and participatory observation and structured interview, we gathered the qualitative data of the research.The results show that the Iranian users of Facebook via visibility rule and reciprocal self-disclosure regulate their interactions with relatives and friends and for trusting foreigners they apply trust strategies of evidence finding. These strategies include finding mutual friends, transparency (creating new profiles with actual identity, visiting others’ profiles before accepting their invitation and self-exposure, reducing the risk of trust (using the visibility rule for limiting access to data or removing non-trustable friends. Also, the findings revealed that being a user of Facebook increases the users’ trust.

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The Purpose of this study is to test the Akers’ social learning theory in explaining academic cheating among university students. Since academic cheating has not been investigated experimentally by this theory in Iranian studies; a structural model was developed based on Akers’ social learning theory in order to show the relationship between latent variables. Survey was applied as the method of this study and a questionnaire was used for gathering data. The study population was composed of male and female students at Hormozgan University in academic year 2013-14. The sample size was 410 people. Proportionate stratified random sampling method was used to distribute questionnaires. Descriptive analysis of the dependent variable showed that the prevalence of academic cheating among students is 97.4 %. So that only 2.6% stated that they never cheated so far. Based on the analysis of the structural model, the fitness of the observed data with the theoretical model was confirmed. The variables of differential association, definitions, reaction and reward had a statistically significant impact on academic cheating; while factors of praise, deterrence and imitation had no statistically significant effect. Finally, the results showed that social learning theory is able to explain academic cheating.

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Domestic violence is one of the important social pathologies that continually manifest despite intellectual and cultural progresses in the society. Among the various kinds of domestic violence; less attention has been paid to women's violence against men. The aim of this research is to sociologically analyze the effect of irregularity in the family level on women's domestic violence against men. This is a survey study and its measurement tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population includes the whole married men in Babolsar city. The statistical sample volume was 384 persons based on Cochran formula. Information was gathered by a questionnaire and through multistage cluster sampling. The results showed that the underlying variables of age, the wife's age, marriage duration, the number of children, the number of woman's marriage and the way of choosing husband has a significant relationship with violence against men. Also the major variables of research (lack of joint consultation, lack of common synchronization, lack of common well-being and lack of common empathy) have direct effect on violence against men. Also considering to structural model (MIMIC) provided, all these variables could explain 33% of alteration of dependent variable, i.e. women's violence against men.

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Medical waste is a serious threat because of its hazardous effects on the human health and environment. This study tries to evaluate the medical waste management in Iran. Also the research seeks to find relationship between medical waste management status with economic and health development. The research's theory framework is based on Ulrich Beck's theory called risky society. Beck argues that we live in the society with risks. These risks mainly are ecological and environmental. Risks are not limited in certain place or time or social class. Risks and threats can influence every country and every social class.The data were collected from the findings of previous studies about medical waste management which were conducted in all provinces in Iran from 2005 to 2012. Then the data were analyzed via SPSS software. The findings detects medical waste generation is very higher than WHO’s standards in 72% of Iranian provinces. Also the research shows that there is no significant relationship between medical waste management status and the provinces economic rank.Ddespite of our common expectancy, the results showed there is no significant relationship between economic development and medical waste management status. Medical waste is a threat and Iranian society without economic rank is a risky society. Medical waste is a serious problem for people and requires government and decision makers’ intervention for resolving the problem.

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The purpose of this paper is to study the experiences of 30 to 49 year- old working girls about Celibacy. The major question of the study is whether re-definition of sexual identity among educated working girls have made them to prefer singleness to marriage.A phenomenological version of qualitative method were applied in the study. The data were collected by using deep interviews. The participants were single working girls aging between 30 to 49 years old who were living in Isfahan. The findings showed that the preference of singleness to marriage in recent decades is affected by mega social conditions in one hand and on the other hand, it is a result of actors’ reaction in social sphere. Working girls in rethinking on traditional stereotyped roles and re-definition of gender identity, have created a new picture for them which have changed their expectations in their lives, as well.Although through choosing Celibacy girls face with many problems, by resisting toward life structural stress they organize their lives as they wish. In fact, chosen singleness means they keep all facilities which had been obtained with much effort by education and job.

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The main purpose of the present study is to find hidden meanings of sexual sin experiences and also to investigating how these meanings are constructed socially. The results of the phenomenological analysis of sexual sin experiences among 7 female participants (Iranian/ Shi’a) who had sexual relation with the opposite sex (out of religious/ legal marriage) indicated that sexual sin experience starts from a simple chat and acquaintance with the opposite sex and in a short time leads to courtship and sexual relations. Secondly, before committing the sin and in the first sexual sin experience, the perpetrator experiences feeling of resistance against the sin, fear of the sin and difficulty in committing the sin. Thirdly, during the process of committing the sin and as a result of sexual arousal, the perpetrator feels sexual pleasure, emotional enjoyment and a kind of primary pleasure, meanwhile the feeling of guilt turns all these pleasures into torture. Embarrassment, inquietude and fear (the fear of God torment and the sin revealing) are feelings of perpetrator during the process of sin commitment. After committing the sin, a sense of doubt and rethinking about the sin and then, inner pressures and regret appear. These pressures are revealed through unpleasant and strange feelings of inquietude, unfaithfulness, regret, being despised and feeling guilty back of one’s conscience. Feeling guilty back of conscience is the most common feeling which leads to repentance and self-justification to decrease these pressures. To recite the marriage vows, to state having sexual relations with the intention of marriage, and to hope to God’s forgiveness are among common justifications after committing the sexual sin. A last, sexual sin repetition normalizes sin and causes a decrease in guilty feelings, and an increase in sin pleasure, and finally it makes some changes in primary sexual beliefs and values.

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Fear of crime is an integral part of modern life and one of the widespread seizures in current world. This study is a meta-analysis study aims to assess factors affecting the fear of crime in Iranian research studies. For this purpose, articles that have been published in Iran in the field of fear of crime were studied, and after eliminating review and library studies, 20 research papers were selected as the statistical population. Using Fisher formula in CMA2 software, standard effect sizes of the studies were calculated and then combined. The findings suggest that interactions and social links with the effect of -0.566, perception of environmental quality with the effect size of 0.305, satisfaction with the police with the effect size of -0.234, are the most important factors affecting the fear of crime in the selected research studies.

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