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To regulate a theoretical framework for analysis is one of the necessities of each research project.In this stage, by mental activity, research process undertakes to analyses data and to review them regarding research hypothesis. One type of these frameworks is based on "Sociology of Knowledge". The article deals with the framework based on view of Karl Mannheim. Sociology of Knowledge view, researching on all kinds of thoughts and systems of ideas, measures their relations to the collection of socio-cultural elements and components, it means, in the context of general life of society and in relation to special social place and situation of groups. In such a theoretical framework of analysis, the researcher determines the specifications and orientations of the contents of different ideas by making connection between them and social forces and their situation and finally gives a systematic approach of the relation between social body and ideas.

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Many specialists and analysts believe that Israel holds the most advanced unclear programme in the Middle East. Israel herself has held an ambiguous positions about her unclear capability and has followed a sort of nuclear policy ambiguity, so that, neither confirms nor denies having unclear arms. Why Israel pursues ambiguous nuclear policy? Such a policy has produced interests for Israel. The most important reasons for such a policy are as followed: 1) to create deterrence against risks which threaten Israeli’s security and interests, and 2) to continue the United States aids to Israel. Israeli’s leaders believe that the continuation of their current ambiguous position is necessary for Israeli’s security, and also, many Israeli’s experts believe that there is no other substitute policy for nuclear ambiguity. The article studies the reasons to pursue such a policy.

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The article tries by following the theory of structuration, to study the religious intellectualism, and the example of Bazargan. The religious intellectuals as one of the Iran’s recent thinking currents, although are themselves the product of transitional social conditions, but, in shaping the political mind and institutions have played role by their theory and action. So as the previous generations of intellectuals could not achieve cohesion in mind and action dimension, there appeared forces who called later on as the religious intellectuals.They claimed a new synthesis of tradition and modernity, and so as they were not satisfied with the existing form of the traditional and modern world, therefore tried to follow a selective way in founding a sort of ideal society and politics on the basis of religious and modern elements. However their action has had important impact on the recent few decades political developments Iran.

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The process of culmination of the role of science, innovation and new technology in creating strategic preferences and the importance of knowledge resources in managing the pioneer organizations have caused that the category of the knowledge management to place in the heart of organizations, strategic lines. However, the subject of knowledge management for the defensive organizations, due to the scientific, technological and innovative nature of the modern wars, has gained additional importance. Therefore, the article assumes to examine the nature and less familiar dimensions of the knowledge management and also to consider the key elements influencing this new scientific discipline. Finally, the article tries to count the influence of this new field on the innovation in the defensive organizations generally, and also defensive innovations in particular.

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To know the problems of students who are an important group in the society and reckoned as future builders is particularly important. One of the student’s social problems is alienation, as a feeling of deprivation of society and culture. The article follows two aims: 1) to realize alienation as inability and abnormality, and 2) to explain the relation between gender, marriage and study with alienation. The researcher has enjoyed the Merton, Durkheim and Seaman’s theories on alienation, and applied them on 118 students of undergraduate at Karaj Azad Islamic University, Faculty of Law and Political Science.

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Discussions between representatives of European Union (France, England, Germany - E3) and Iran, in order to achieve a suitable solution for dissolving Iran’s nuclear crisis has continued since summer 2003. Since the beginning of Iran’s nuclear crisis, EU. has been regarded as an influential partner in Iran’s nuclear discussions, and Iran also has accepted such a fact. Therefore both of the partners have acknowledged the necessity of the continuation of talks. The article examines the role of EU. and it's important place in the process of solving Iran’s nuclear crisis. It has reached to the conclusion that, due to the economic competition between EU. and the U.S.A. in Persian Gulf, EU. could be considered as a suitable alternative in the solution regarding Iran’s nuclear problem.

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The article tries, instead of introducing a comprehensive theory to explain Islamic Revolution ,To show the lack of valididly of such an approach, through recalling of some presumptions of the Revolution. To consider the role of unconscious dimensions of religious beliefs in social and political action attention during the study of Iran’s recent social and political developments. Theory of Ideology, relating the explanation of Islamic Revolution, enjoys particular importance among most of the researchers. In its viewpoint, what differs Iran’s Islamic Revolution from others, is the role of Islam and the formation of an Islamic state. This research has emphasized on the point that the concept of Ideology, due to its reductionist character, has not the ability to cover and explain its subject. The data reject two current assumptions which are used in many of the researches, that is, “antireligious” and “dereligious” tendencies.

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The article investigates the functions of the warrior class or the hero in the ancient and epical time, as it is described in Ferdowsi’s Shahname. Therefore, it studies from a functionalist approach, the role of this class in political activities at the ancient Persian society. That is, the warrior class has been engaged in various activities such as: organizing society, preserving security, helping the king in ruling the country, training the princes for succession, coronation, struggle with the evil, laying down the ethical boundaries, protection of the throne, preventing the king’s oppression and cruelty. The research has also introduced a definition on myth, epic, and king’s policy, and formulated a theory to explain data. Fedowsi’s reasons for composing Shahname has also formed the history chapter of article. Finally, the article comes to its last conclusion.

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Post-Colonial studies is one of the critical approaches of the twentieth century and has been regarded as the continuation of post-structuralism and deconstructionist critique. The origin of post-colonial critique dates back to the postmodern critique and critics such as Derrida and Foucault. The critique, which mainly deconstructs the dual encounters, has prepared a suitable context for post-colonial studies. Nowadays, due to the new communicative media, immigration phenomenon, more than ever has occurred. The wave of new immigrations, as a post-colonial consequence, has been viewed from different points. Immigration literature narrates He life and social, economic and cultural problems of Immigrants, in foreign country. This area of literature and literary critique, which is called “Diaspora”, is regarded one of the new achievements of twenty-first century.

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خستو رحیم


علوم سیاسی

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به رغم اینکه هر ساله در حوزه تاریخ و مطالعات ایران آثار متعددی منتشر می شود و برخی از آنها در لیست کتاب های پر فروش قرار گرفته و مورد توجه مخاطبان عام قرار می گیرند، اما تعداد معدودی از این آثار علاوه بر اینکه قادرند روایتی جذاب از زندگی سیاسی یا رخدادهای تاریخی را به معرض نمایش بگذارند از اعتبار علمی نیز برخوردارند و نویسندگان این آثار سعی دارند چشم اندازهای جدیدی را برای شناخت تاریخی یا سیاسی و اجتماعی پیش روی مخاطبان و جامعه علمی قرار دهند، کم نیستند آثار که در میان مخاطبان عام و بعضا خواص محبوبیت دارند و بدلیل قدرت روایت گری به بکارگیری ادبیات جذابیت زیادی دارند اما در مرز افسانه و واقعیت مخدوش می شود.

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