One of the important parameter in artificial reproduction of sturgeon is the quality and quantity of male gametes. This study carried out to investigate the quantity of spermatozoa in Persian sturgeon (A. persicus) by determining spermatocrit, counting by hemacitometer and spectrophotometry in 370, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 and 700 nm wavelengths. The result of morphometric studies in Acipenser persicus sperm cell was determined. Mean total length of sperm (mm), mean length of sperm tail, mean length of sperm head, mean width of sperm head was 64.69±4.15 (mm), 55.5±4.17 (mm), 9.44±0.48 (mm) and 2.47 ±0.33 (mm) respectively. In this study, the average milt density was 2.047±1.369 109 sperm/ml and spermatocrit percentage was 10.85±6.53%. The results of spectrophotometry showed that the absorption rate decreases due to increase in wavelengths. There was significant correlation between sperm density and absorption rate in all wavelengths. In Persian sturgeon according to correlation coefficient test, 700 nm wavelength shows more correlation compared to other wavelengths. Also, there was no significant difference between spermatocrite percentage and absorption rate and 700 nm wavelength shows more correlation compared to others. The finding shows that there is significant correlation between spermatocrite, density and light absorption in sperm of Persian sturgeon and all of these techniques can used for measuring sperm concentration in Persian sturgeon.