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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was conducted to determine six heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd and Hg) concentrations in water (during four seasons) at eight transects (Astara, Anzali, Sefidroud, Tonekabon, Nowshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad and Turkman) in the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea in 2010-2011. 93 samples of water were collected at 10, 50 and 100 meters depths. All samples were prepared by extracting processes and then determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) instrument. Results of current study showed that maximum values of Zn, Ni, Pb and Hg were observed inspring and for Cd was inwinter. Also, at the west and center regions were more contaminatedthanthe east part. Annual mean contents and standard error (±SE) of water were registered 2.10±0.59, 1.64±0.18, 0.68±0.10, 0.11±0.01 mg/l and 3.30±0.40 mg/l for Ni, Pb, Cd, Zn and Hg, respectively. The mean values of the examined heavy metals with percentage (in parenthesis) in water samples during four seasons were obtained in this order Ni (46.3%) >Pb (39.1%) >Cu (15.0%) >Zn (2.5%) >Hg (1.0%). In conclusion, the results revealed that in the most transects the heavy metal concentrations of water were above the threshold levels associated with the toxicological effects and the regulatory limits (ANZECC, MPL and UKMPA) which represented polluted condition in this area. In addition, correlation between environmental parameters and heavy metals showed that the addition of different resources of metals, different behavior of bio-geochemical behavior was influenced on their concentrations.

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Common Kilka are distributed along the Caspian Sea, but at the depth less than 50m has more density. The fish is caught in commercial fisheries, but unlike previous decades, it is the main catch in the coasts of Iran. This study was conducted in the Kilka commercial catch area around the Anzali Port. A diet survey was conducted on 320 individuals of Kilka from summer 2011 to spring 2012, seasonally. The weight, length and age showed variation with 5.15-14.29 g (9.30±1.66); 8.3-12.9 cm (11.27±0.75) and 3-7 old years (4.82±0.86). The results showed that 26.87% of common Kilka had empty tract, and Copepods, Balanidae (Balanuscypris and larvae), Cladocera, Parasites (Nematoda & Trematoda) and Azolla were observedin the gut of fish. The number of prey were 94.5, 3.0, 1.8 percent for Copepods, Balanus (larvae) and Balanus (cypris), respectively and copepods with 61.6 percent as main food, Balanus (cypris) with 48.3 percent as second food item were considered. Also the other types of food were consumed randomly. For common Kilka the relative length of gut 0.73±0.11 and fullness intensive index 115.01±63.01 were estimated. The frequency of prey, fullness intensive index and relative length of gut did not show differences in unlike seasons and ages. In a conclusion, it can be expressed that in comparison with last studies, diversity of food for this fish was more limited, also fullness intensity index was decreased.

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The current study was done with the aim of evaluating the effects of the essential oils extracted from Menthalongifolia, Saturejahortensis, Zataria multiflora on some hematological parameters insterletfish (Acipenserruthenus).The essential oils were added to daily diet (1%) for one month and cellular and humoral immunity parameters were studied at the end of the experiment. The results indicated that the percent of neutrophils has been increased in test groups, especially for Zataria multiflora and Menthalongifolia, compared to the control group (P£0.05), however no significant difference was observed for leukocytes among different groups. Number of phagocytic bacteria in test groups was also higher than the control group (P<0.05). The results also indicated an increase in lysozyme level in test groups with a statistical difference between the fish fed by Saturejahortensis and control group (P£0.05). Principally, the results represented the increase of some cellular and humoral immune parameters of starlet following administration of the essential oil of the above-mentioned plants; accordingly using the studied essential oils especiallySaturejahortensis and Zataria multiflora for this fish species is recommended.

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In this study, the effect of beach-seine catching activitieson changes of sediment structure of bed in Rudsar and Chaboksar areas were investigated. Samplesof sedimentwere taken monthly with a Van Veen grabcoveringa surface area of 225 cm2 from seining and non-fishing areas of Rudsar and Chaboksar stations in depths of 3, 6 and 10 meters with 3 repetitions in each depth, in autumn and winter 2011.The results show a significant difference between the percentage of silt-clayinthe various sampling depths of seining area and the percentage of silt-clay in the various sampling depths of non-fishing area, in each of Rudsar and Chaboksar stations and each of autumn and winter seasons (P<0.05). So that, the amount of silt-clay in seining area has been more than the amount of silt-clay in non-fishing area. In the Rudsar station, the amount of Total Organic Matter of the seining area were 2.6 and 2.2 percent in autumn and winter, respectively, and these amounts for non-fishing area were 2.3 percent in autumn and 1.7 percent in winter. Also in the Chaboksar station, the amount of Total Organic Matter of the seining area were 2.5 and 2.2 percent in autumn and winter, respectively, and these amounts for non-fishing area were 1.5 percent in autumn and 1.3 percent in winter. Results indicateda significant difference between the amounts of Total Organic Matter in seining and non-fishing areas (P<0.05). Also, the amount of Organic Matter has significant and positive correlation with the percentage of silt-clay. The results of this study show the sedimenttexture of seining areas in the various sampling depths are different form non-fishing areas.

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Severe winds area natural occurrence that plays a main role on aquatic animal environment and is desired as a risk for navigators in marine ecosystems. The purpose of this study is to predict the occurrence of extreme winds in the coasts of Bushehr. Therefore, uses a statistical model to analyze the details of the series (Partial series) has been performed. Thus, the statistics of daily maximum wind speed marine meteorological station at Bushehr during 1977-2010 was provided. Data accuracy and homogeneity test sequences (Run test) was conducted. In this model, the average frequency of extreme winds is between 3 to 5 times per year, the forecasts are based. Thus, the basic wind speed of 18 meters per second was determined. Monitored data in the matrix (Matlab), suggesting that the total frequency of occurrence of gusts with speeds equal to or greater than the base rate, the period of 139 days (average annual fourth day), respectively. Meanwhile, in 1992 with a 20-day of extreme wind had the highest frequency of occurrence. The frequency range of monthly and seasonal storms in August and September represent the lowest and May had the windiest days. Most windy Season is winter (39 percent) and the summer has lowest (2%). Windy day forecast shows the probability of occurrence of 99% over the period of a year, so speed gusts of 22 meters per second more. The model for coastal Bushehr fastest winds in a hundred-year return period is predicted to be 35.41 m/s increase.

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This study was carried out to comparison heavy metals accumulation (Zn), (Cu), (Cd) and (Pb) in muscle and shell of Litopenaeusvannamei and Metapenaeusaffinis in 2013. Thus, 6 kg M. affinis from coast of Bahrekan and 6 kg L. vannamei collected from site of Delvar in Bushehr Province. Preparation of samples was doneand digested using nitric acid and Zn using flame system and Cu, Cd and Pb using graphite oven of absorption spectrophotometer were measured. Results of all heavy metals in muscle and shell in M. affiniswerehigher significantly (P<0.05) than inL. vannamei unlike to Pb (P>0.05). Metals in shell of two species were higher than muscle, thus showed significant difference (P<0.05) except for Pb (P>0.05). Results showed higher mean (±SD) concentrations of Zn were observed in shell and muscle of M. affinis (44.6±15.67 and 38.6±12.85 mg/kg) and in L. vannamei (40.6±13.66 and 34±9.52 mg/kg) and lower concentrations of Cd were observed. Sequence of concentration of heavy metals in two species and their organs followed the order of Zn> Cu>Pb> Cd.

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Since Konarakcrab island is a landfill of Chabhar and Konarak cities, study on the effect of pollutions on animals of this region is high important. This study was conducted to identification and introduction species that attend at intertide areas & identification different groups Polychaeta, appointment distribution and density of intertidal polychaetes in Konarak Crab Island. In this study, we examined Population Structure of the Polychaete worms in Konarak Crab Island. Sampled during four seasons (June to March) in 2013 and took three stations along the coast, At each station, three areas of high, medium and low tide samples were taken. Three samples of sediment from each region for the isolation and examinPolychaeta and an sample of sediments were taken for grain size and TOM analysis by quadrat 50×50 cm.One of the study stations is Landfall of the Chabahar and Konarak rubbish and three station has been Wastewater Discharge Konarak Industrial Estate therefore influence of pollution on organisms in this area to have high importance. however at recent years on Polychaeta little research has been done in this area. In total, 40 species of polychaetes belonging to28 genera and 24 families were recorded. Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA indicated significant differences between the abundance of polychaetes in sampling terms (p<0.05) and sampling stations (p<0.01). To intention studing polychaetes diversity situation was calculated. Shannon, Simpson, Margalof indices at each station. Highest and lowest diversityindicated in the second station (testimonial station) and the first station (pollution station), respectively. December and June are allocated maximum & minimum diversity that can attribute to fluctuations due monsoon situation. Sampling periods can indicate dominance of polychaetes in the polluted area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, the effect of 17b- estradiol on haematological indices in juvenile stellate sturgeon (Acipenserstellatus) was investigated. For this, 120 juvenile stellate sturgeons with an average weight of 40.9±1.1 g were divided to 2 treatments (20 fish/tank). Juvenile stellate sturgeon, Acipenserstellatus were intraperitoneally injected with estradiol-17b (E2; 0 and 5 mg/kg fish). The duration of the experiment was considered for 7 months and at the end of the experiment, 5 fish were randomly sampled for measuring haematological indices including number of red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Results showed that hematological features of E2-treated fish showed significant reduction in number of red blood cells, haemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (P<0.05), but no significant changes were observed in number of white blood cells, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (P>0.05). These results revealed that the injection of E2 could cause anaemia in stellate sturgeon.

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