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Aras reservoir is situated at 38 km of Poldasht with the capacity of 1350 million m3 water and it is very important for biological and economic exploitation. This study was carried out to determine the water physic- chemical factors of Aras reservoir 7 selective sites were sampled (3 sites in the river, 2 sites at entrance and 2 sites at the outlet of the river) monthly during April to September, 2008. Water samples were transferred to the laboratory under standard condition and examined according to standard method. The results showed that maximum level of Ammonia, Nitrate and Phosphate were observed as 0.582, 49 and 4 mg/l in the river, where maximum level of Nitrite was observed as 0.24 mg/l at reservoir outlet. In addition, maximum of E.C. and T.D.S. were observed as 1070 mmohs/cm and 797 mg/l at entrance and minimum of E.C. and T.D.S. were observed as 128 and 180.7 mg/l at outlet of the river, respectively. The ANOVA Duncan test revealed that the phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, non ionized ammonia factors in different sites and nitrite, nitrate, non ionized ammonia, temperature, pH, TDS and EC in different times of sampling had a significant difference (P<0.05), respectively. Also, qualitative comparing data with available standards revealed that water of Aras reservoir belongs to eutroph waters.

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This study investigate the levels of cadmium, lead, chromium, zinc and iron in the kidney, liver, and pectoral muscle of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) (n=30, 15 male and 15 female) and pochard (Aythya ferina) (n=30, 15 male and 15 female) and water as indicator of metals pollution from southeastern Caspian Sea in winter 2012. In specimens, concentrations of metals were determine by atomic absorbtion spectrophoto meter. In all water stations, concentrations of metals exceeded the thershold level of metals for live aquatic organisms. Lead conccentrations in 1, 2, 6 and 7 stations, cadmium in 1 and 6 statoins, chromium in 6 station, zinc in 1, 6 and 7 stations and iron in 1 station were significantly higher than other stations (P<0/05). Mean metals concentrations in the liver and pectoral muscle, and kidney of mallard follows the sequence: Fe>Zn>Pb>Cd>Cr; Fe>Zn>Pb>Cr>Cd, respectively, while in liver, kidney and pectoral muscle of pochard, the distribution follows the order: Fe>Zn>Pb>Cd>Cr. Gender related and inter specific variations of metals concentrations in analyzed tissues were observed (P<0.05). The levels of metals significantly differed among different tissues in each species (P<0.05). The result of this study can use for monitoring coast of southeastern Caspian Sea.

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Contamination of aquatic ecosystems by heavy metals has become a critical environmental concern due to their potential adverse ecological effects. Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in the structural and functional aspects of aquatic ecosystems by altering water movement regimes, providing shelter to fish and aquatic invertebrates, serving as a food source, and altering water quality by regulating oxygen balance, nutrient cycles, and accumulating heavy metals. The ability to hyperaccumulate heavy metals makes them interesting research candidates, especially for the treatment of industrial effluents and low cost and adaptability of this technology, it is considered by many experts. This study was conducted for bioaccumulation Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu for 4 aquatic plants (Potamogeton crispus), (Ceratophyllum demersum), (Polygonum hydropiper) and (Phragmites australis) in Dez River in 2012. The concentrations of heavy metals in 10 samples of sediments, roots, stems and leaves of aquatic plants were measured. From each station, three sample of surface sediment (to depth 10 cm) with 700 g, remove by plastic vessels. Results showed that, the highest concentrations of Zn were found in 3 stations, that reaching 240.33±20.15- 279.67±30.11ppm in North to South sediments, respectively. The lowest concentrations, related to Cd, with 0.99±0.001- 1.6±0.10 ppm in North to South sediments, respectively. The concentration of heavy metals including Cu, Pb and Cd were less than the amounts reported by international legislation limits but the concentration of Zn was more than the recommended consumption limit. The statistical results showed that, root of (Phragmites australis) and leaves of (Potamogeton crispus), significant different with others plants organs (P<0.05).

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Biotic indices are of the new methods for water quality assessment. Among the various biotic indices, the responses of macro-benthos to organic pollution are more reliable for water quality classification; Because of these organisms are sensitive and vulnerable to pollution. This study was conducted to determine Zaremrud River (Mazandaran-Sari) organic pollution levels using Hilsenhoff family biotic index (HFBI) and BMWP/ASPT biotic index. In this regard, some physic-chemical parameters (pH, DO, TDS, TSS, EC, temperature) which affect on water quality were determined. Six stations were selected at the river and samples were took into account during cold (Winter 2011) and warm (Summer 2012) seasons. In this study, 4 phylums, 6 classes, 12 orders and 27 families were indentified. During cold season, Tubificidae family had the highest density of macrobenthos. During warm season, Baetidae family had the highest density of macrobenthos. During sampling periods, station at upstream (station 1) was in a vantage quality but station 4 showed low quality which affected by fish culture sewage. Mean of HFBI was obtained 5.77±0.87 (SD) which indicated to weak water quality and considerable organic pollution in this river.

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Heavy metal pollution is a problem and the developing in the world. Heavy metals such as lead, copper, cadmium and nickel are among the most common pollutants found in industrial wastewater. The main objective of this study was to determine the efficient removal of heavy metals lead, cadmium, nickel and chromium in aqueous solutions using Duckweed. Also, the inhibitory effect of heavy metals on plant growth was also examined. Applied research project is based on empirical studies. In this study, heavy metal solutions were prepared at concentrations of 10 milligrams per liter. To contact the crockery plant with heavy metal solutions were used. Duck weed Weight (0.8 grams) was added to the containers. After a contact time of 10 and 15 days, the amount of heavy metals remaining in solution was measured by ICP instrument at the Rasht Health Department. After this time Duckweed weight was also measured. The results showed that the contact time of 10 days every 4 heavy metal removal efficiency greater than 15 days. The removal of lead is greatest (87.83%) and the removal of Chromium is lowest (61.94%). The maximum removal of lead and cadmium and nickel is related to. The study also showed that each of the four heavy metals decreased the growth of Duckweed screw. This slowdown is greater for chromium. Heavy metals removal is possible with Duckweed. Factors affecting the rate of removal are appropriate time and Type of metal. The removal of lead is greatest and the removal of Chromium is lowest

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For the determine the expected reactions of pollutants entering the river by the use of mathematical models is essential. These models are able to simulate the effects of existing and future loads and Help managers in their decision making. in the other words, Since the river water quality protection need to additional investments For the wastewater treatment or the collection systems and controls to create a drainage And may lead to limit the development activities in the river basin. Conservation of GarGar River, one of the branches of the Karun River and the water supply for domestic use, drinking, agriculture and aquaculture is the most important. The first step in managing water conservation awareness of the qualitative change them. Therefore, in this study a QUAL2KW mathematical model to simulate GarGar river quality was used. In order to model implement the necessary data for the years 91-1389 of Water and Power Authority, was prepared and In order to model implement the data divided into two categories: The first category (in Persian date Mehr 1389 -esfand 1390) in the calibrated model and The second category (in Persian date Ordibehesht 1391 -esfand 1391), available information was used for testing and verification. NO3 and NH4 parameters in GarGar river the simulation by model. validation results indicate The model have a good agreement with reality And according to studies conducted, The main sources of pollution in the river GarGar centers and villages can be named track wasteeffluent and sewage fish ponds inns and fish farming and agricultural drains.

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Arsenic is a toxic and mportant element because of it is toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic metal. In this study, the concentration of As in the muscle and liver of five species of economic species was measured in 2011. For this study, number of 60 samples of fishes was collected from Azadegan culture collection in Ahvaz and cultural of rainbow trout in Dimeh spring in Shahr-e-kord. Dry digestion method was used to preparing samples and metal concentration measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. As concentration in muscle and liver of Oncorhynchus mykiss, Aristichthys nobilis and Ctenopharyngodon idella showed the significant difference (P<0.05), but the concentration of this element in muscle and liver of Cyprinuscarpio and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix showed no significant difference (P>0.05). The highest concentration of As showed in the liver of Aristichthysnobilis (0.310±0.048 mg/Kg/ww) and the lowest concentration of this element was determined in the muscle of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 0.177±0.023 mg/Kg/ww.

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In this survey investigated water birds fauna in Dez Protected Area in Khuzestan province in 1392. This study is one of the most initial studies in this area. It identified 33 species of birds that concerned to 6 orders and 13 families. Numbers were estimated 10 water birds and 23 shore birds that was including %6.5 of total species, %17.5 of total families and %21 of total orders of declared species in Iran. In this survey, observed species dedicated to %21 species, %54 of families and%85 of orders into Iran water birds. In studied area identified 9 endemic species, 23 migratory species, 3 semi migratory species and 2 crossing migratory species. Also 15 species were seen in all seasons and just 4 species for one season. To observation of bird fauna in Iran showed that species richness was enough high in studied area. In spring attended 26 taxa, summer and winter 25 taxa and autumn 21 taxa. The most frequency of bird's observation in studied area was in winter and the least frequency was in summer. Based on results Dez Protected Area supported abundant species during a year. To observation of rare and world endangered species like as Marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris, Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) and Socotra Cormorant (Phnlacrocorax nigrogularis) and also species that are faced to declining of population like Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) and other species implicated to importance of this habitat and locating on world important birds migration routes. So that present survey is a primary study about Dez Protected Area's bird fauna and because of equality of species richness in year it suggests to do detailed study in order to birds monitoring during a year.

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