The Anzali wetland is an international wetland on the southern coast of Caspian Sea at north of Iran country. Nowadays this wetland is degraded and utrification is done in many part of it. The destructive process from the out to inside the wetland is more sensible so it is important to determine the wetland buffer zones accord to the scientific and systematic approachs. In order to determine wetland buffer zone in the year 2008 around to 500 meters from the wetland five buffer zones with 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m width were considered. The Anzali wetlands include east part. Water body, Siahkashim, Selke and Sorkhankol divided to 13 regions and by hierarchical cluster analysis base on bird number, threatened bird and fish species number, COD, T-P and T-N concentration in water and total area of agricultural and residential land uses in each buffer zone, those regions divided to five homogenous classes. Classes were compared together and base on the sensitivity of each class the buffer zone proposed between 100 up to 500 m. The proposed buffer zones around the Housainbekande and Selke is 500 m, south of the western part, central and eastern part of the wetland and Anzali port is 400m, Siahkeshim 300m, Sourkhankol 200m and north of the western part of the wetland is 100m.