In this study that has been done from Autumn 2007 until summer 2008 , to identify fish species composition and their abundance , seasonal sampling had been done on the fishes of Agh-Gol and Pir-Salman wetlands and the wetlands areas of Haram-Abad and Gamasiab rivers by electroschoker, cast net and beach seine. According to the results of studying on the 2983 caught fish specimens, 23 species of 4 following families were identified : Minnows (Cyprinidae), River Loaches (Balitoridae), Spiny loaches (Cobitidae) and Mosquito fishes (Poeciliidae) which had 17, 4, 1 and 1 species in the studied region , respectively. In Agh-Gol and Pir-Salman wetlands and in the wetlands areas of Haram-Abad and Gamasiab Rivers, 8, 10, 17 and 19 fish species were identified , respectively. Also 19 species of native and 4 following exotic species were identified :Carassius auratus sspp. , Cyprinus carpio , Pseudorasbora parva and Gambusia holbrooki. In Agh-Gol wetland C. auratus with 82.6%, in Pir-Salman wetland Seminemacheilus sp with 26.9% and Alburnus mossulensis in Haram-Abad and Gamasiab Rivers (wetland areas) respectively with 32.5% and 31.8 % had the maximum abundancy. In all the studied wetlands in this project, A. mossulensis with 28.0%, C. auratus with 12.5% and Capoeta aculeata with 11.7% were the dominant fishes. Among families, Cyprinidae and Balitoridae had constitued 78.4% and 16.8% of the total fish population of Hamedan wet lands respectively . Exotic fishes (4 species) had constituted 16.9% of the total identified specimens. Among identified specimens, Capoeta buhsei , Barbatula kermanshahensis, Squalius lepidus, Acanthobrama marmid, Seminemacheilus sp. and Oxynoemacheilus sp. had the most ecological importance. The results showed that the fish diversity in the main wetlands of the Hamadan Province were average.