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Gomishan mud volcano is located 7 km from Gomishan city and sampling from this mud volcano was performed in August 2013. The temperature of mud was about 38 ± 1 ° C with a pH of 8 ± 1. The measured salinity was 34 g/L. Sodium and chloride were the highest and iron was the lowest ions of the mud. The culture medium for the isolation of moderately halophilic and halotolerant bacteria was used. High viable counts (1 – 3 × 106) were obtained in culture media. A total of 122 isolates were obtained 42 colonies were selected based on primarily morphological and physiological traits and their 16S rRNA sequences were determined. The isolated genera included Halomonas (20%), Arthrobacter (5%), Kocuria (5%), Thalassobacillus (5%), Marinobacter (20%), Paracoccus (5%), Roseovarius (5%), Jeotgalicoccus (5%), Bacillus (15%), and Staphylococcus (15%). Oxidase and catalase enzymes were studied in all isolates and 98. 4% of isolates were positive catalase and 69. 7% were positive oxidase.

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Today inappropriate land use/cover changes due to the growing population of the world are one of the issues that have several consequences. The relative impacts of different types of land use/cover on the groundwater quality are not known yet which should be considered with more details. This study was mainly aimed to investigate the influence of land use /cover changes on the groundwater quality and quantity. The study area covers an area of 317 km² in Mehran plain southwest of Ilam province. Landsat satellite images of 2002 and 2015 were used for mapping the land use/cover layers. Different water parameters of EC, TDS and TH were analyzed to conduct the changes in groundwater quality during 2000-2015. The results of this study showed that the land uses/cover were changes, especially increasing residential land and irrigated agriculture in the northwest and the west of the region. Reducing groundwater quality and quantity could be because of overutilization of groundwater and also using fertilizer for agriculture. This condition will be required a comprehensive management program in the study area.

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Sampling from sediment and environmental factors for investigating the structure and population dynamic of macrobenthos community in 5 stations in lagoon Lipar located 19 k. m. east of chabahar in sistan and balouchestan province from NOV in 2013 to APR in 2014. Mean density of macrobenthos in station 3 with 1441 ind/m2 was maximum during 6 month sampling period and density for stations 5, 4, 2, 1, was 1043, 580, 141 and 108 ind/m2 respectively. Macrobenthos density was also maximum in May with 1078 ind/m2 and 717, 675, 541, 523, 441 ind/m2 was for Feb, Mar, Des, Jan and Apr respectively. Among macrobenthos community only 3 groups, including chironomids with 8873, Foraminifrans and gastropods with 2162 and 10 ind/m2 were abundance respectively. Among environmental factors, salinity (mean: 137± 90 ppt) and temperature (mean: 25± 5O ° C) poss the highest variation. Results show that between macrobenthose and sand grain was a significant correlation (P<0. 05). According to results it seems that the lipaar ecosystem is in stress condition because of high temperature, low rainfall, high evaporation, high content of organic matter and fine grain structures in most stations and sensitive groups under stress condition omitted from the environment and tolerant groups to bad condition exist in ecosystem.

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Nowadays tourism is considered as the most important sustainable developing industries in every society. Studies have shown that place attachment has a major role on the formation of tourists' subjective perceptions which can lead to the increase in number of tourists. So, the aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between Miankale wetland tourists' place attachment and their subjective perceptions and the effect of Miankale wetland tourists' place attachment on their subjective perceptions and the relationship of these variables with demographic factors. Present study is descriptive-analytic survey in term of its research method and the questionnaire has been used as its instrument. The population of this study includes all the tourist visiting Miankale wetland area in 94. The sample population based on Cochran formula has been chosen as 378 ones. Linear regression has been used in order to analyze the relationship between three emotional, functional, and meaning components of place attachment and subjective perceptions, and also T-test and ANOVA have been used in order to analyze how they are different. The results of the correlational tests showed that there is a significant upward relationship between place attachment and subjective perception variables, this means that if place attachment increases the effect of subjective perceptions will increase among tourists. Moreover, the results of linear regression showed that there is a significant relationship between the two emotional and functional components of place attachment and subjective perceptions. The emotional component has a positive effect on the peoples' subjective perceptions from Miankale wetland. The results represents that tourists have positive feelings to Miankale, consider it as a quiet place which can relax there and they like to stay there longer. The functional component, on the other hand, has a negative effect on peoples' subjective perceptions. In addition, it dares to be mentioned that significant differences were found in terms of gender and marital states.

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Study in the spring of 1392, to the knowledge of lake Shormast pollution of heavy metals (lead, copper and cadmium) surface sediment samples, deep blue water and aquatic buttercups Ranunculus fluitans were collected from 4 stations. To extract metals from the samples, the method of determining the concentration of heavy metals by chemical wet digestion and atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) was performed. Data analysis software Spss 19 and one-way ANOVA (ANOVA) was performed. Results showed that the mean levels of lead, copper and cadmium in surface sediment samples collected from different stations to the 177. 25, 33. 08, 11. 20 ppm on a dry weight basis, and the deep sediments of the 30. 80, 14. 60 and 7. 98 ppm on a dry weight basis and aquatic buttercups Ranunculus fluitans water, respectively, 60. 21, 10. 26 and 16. 24 ppm on a dry weight basis and water samples, respectively, 1. 01, 0. 01, 0. 04 ppm is. Statistical comparison of the metals lead, copper and cadmium in deep sediments. Surface water and aquatic plants showed no significant differences. In this study, the mean maximum concentration of heavy metals in surface sediments and the water is minimal. The results showed that the metals lead and cadmium in water samples with standard World Health Organization (WHO) standard of America Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), have been higher.

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This study done to evaluate determine the content of heavy metal of Hg, As, Ni and Cd in Water, surface sediment and 4 aquatic plant species of Karkheh River. Sampling of water, sediment and 4 Aquatic plant species Limna gibba, Vallisneria spiralis, Bacopa monnieri and Ranunculus fluitans of 3 station in north, center and south of Karkheh River in Khuzestan Province were collected in spring season. Heavy metal in water, sediment and leaf of aquatic plant were analyzed using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAnalyst600-AS800, Perkin-Elmer, USA) for water samples and by flame atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer 4100, USA) for sediment and macrophyte samples. Heavy metal in water, sediment and leaf of aquatic plants were analyzed with 30 replicates. In water, the highest content of Hg, Cd, Ni and as 10. 55± 0. 59, 3. 21± 0. 27, 2. 68± 0. 22 and 2. 88± 0. 26 µ g/ L, respectively, and in sediment the highest content of Hg, Cd, Ni and As 20. 22± 0. 96, 5. 03± 0. 26, 6. 57± 0. 76 and 3. 31± 0. 38 µ g/ kg were recorded. The highest and the lowest of Hg content in two aquatic plants R. fluitans and V. spiralis were 9. 71± 0. 96 and 4. 79± 0. 85 µ g/ kg. Cd, Ni and as were higher than the other aquatic plants in B. monnieri: 0. 22± 0. 29 1. 33± 0. 46 and 0. 34± 0. 18 µ g/ kg. The lowest of content Ni and as were showed in L. gibba: 0. 16± 0. 76 and 0. 01± 0. 19 µ g/ kg. Results show that aquatic plant of B. monnieri have potential for absorption Hg and Ni. The Hg level were higher than the limit of INSO and WHO but Cd, Ni and as were lower than the INSO, USEPA and WHO.

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Tourism climate index is an index which systematically specifies the effect of climatic factors on tourism. Statistics recorded in climatology stations are needed in order to use this index. It is suitable to utilize these statistics to analyze tourism climate index in a city or a restricted area, but index analysis according to the stations cannot express the actual state of this tourism index in an area on its own. The state of the spots which do not have (the relevant) statistics needs to be investigated and analyzed. GIS soft wares with the ability of finding middle of spot data to zoned data and middle finding, make it possible to find climatic index for an area on the basis of spot data obtained from our station and analyze them correctly. Pirsalman wetland is situated in Hamedan Province, in Asadabad city and is considered as a seasonal wetland. It looks like a bowel which is at least 1 meter and at most 2 meters in depth. Its water is provided by springs bubbling out of the wetland bed. It is 21 * 15 hectare and 1920 meters above the sea level. Suitable period during which tourists can visit this wetland have been identified by tourism climate index and GIS possibilities in the present study. The data utilized here are from the average of seven climate parameters in synoptic and climatology stations in and around Hamedan Province and Pirsalman wetland in 2010. The Results of this study indicate that tourism climate index is ideal in March and June which means these are the best months of the year for visiting the wetland. This index is excellent in February, April, May and July and it is very good in January. Tourism climate index has an acceptable rank during November, December and August. In October and September, the tourism climate index is marginal.

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Part of the Karun river Ahvaz city limits, the area including the areas suitable for the development of potential qualified tourist user. Tourism is one of the largest and fast growing industries world, tourism industry as a dynamic industrial development with the characteristics of their important role in the economy-based countries. Ecologic value tourism in line with user rivers as a means of achieving this goal. Descriptive analytical and research methods have been tried in this research work using AHP model for the development of tourism in the region. In the first study on the border of the range of topographic map were identified and subsequently the role of height classes, slope, soil texture, density, vegetation, geology, and in this regard to the analysis of the questionnaire to a number of tourism experts from 35 provinces. The weight of each of the criteria in order to put at the disposal of the experts produced a concession after collecting questionnaires and Expert software choice criteria specified for map building priority then towards the integration of GIS with AHP results of the action, and the user can map the direction of tourism. The results of the study that was conducted in 2014-2015 shows that about 93% equivalent to 137858 hectares of area have been very desired for tourism, extensive, 2% equivalent to 3453 hectares of area with desired and 5% equivalent to 7341ha, with possible undesirable and 82% equivalent to137379 hectares of area have be very desired for tourism focus, 17% equivalent to 27792ha area with desired and 1% equivalent to 2211 hectares with power is undesirable.

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