When the “car” as a symbol of modernism made its entry on the urban scenes of Iran, the first laws and projects were set up to facilitate its entry. Entrance of car in such fabric destroyed many values: safety, intimacy, peace, culture of each district as well as architectural and historical values, harmony with the territory and much other things. Our related officials continued to reproduce and recopy the western models without preliminary studies for rebuilding of the cities in Iran and without holding account that the “position” and the “subject” of plans in European cities differed from those of Iranian cities. Then it was decided to create detailed and master plans. The plans which were set up in Iran with two decades of shift compared to their western models followed their ordinary course until the revolution of 1979. Consequently their name changed but their contents remained intact. Nowadays, all that relates to the questions of layout of the streets in old organic fabrics comes under the responsibility of the detailed plans. These plans were prepared without sufficient studies. They are not really detailed and are merely used to widen the routes and the avenues in order to facilitate using the car. Widenings were carried out without taking account of fabric, of the characteristics and the existing values and result in destruction and retreat of the axes of the passages. This existing plans only contain the situation of the ways on which are imposed the broad and geometrical avenues. The concept of the detailed plan or the urban plan is erroneous and incompatible with fabrics having a historical and old values. Nowadays, historical spaces and the old routes are not accessible any more by cars where passages for pedestrians and a number of public transport facilities and bikeways appear to be augmented. One does not destroy these spaces any more, to make passages for cars and they even try to compensate the errors made in the past. The result: the current plans and regulations intervening in the layout of the streets and olden urban fabrics are in a criticizable situation. Passed for the certain time, saying true, this system failed. To solve this problem it is necessary to take account of two essential aspects. It is important to carry out changes in the regulations, the programs and the plans concerning, while keeping a new glance in order to create specific plans thus revising the regulations for preparing and executing the plans, because the procedure of preparation and execution of such plans differs with which now exists and requires a new definition.