Relief Land Uses Has Spatial Important Rather than Other Urban Services in Respect of Activities is Responsible to it. Spatial Distribution of Firefighting Stations Can be so Effective to Reduction in Urban Vulnerability Point of View of Satety Accessibility of Spatial-skeletal Structure and Social, Cultural and Economical Factors. First, Conceptual Model, Effective Criteria in Firefighting Stations Site Selection (Coverage Radius, Population and it Density, Proximity to Pathway Network (Accesses), Land use (Neighborhood Copatible and Incompatible) are Specified and Their Information are Provided. In GIS Environment, Spatial Distribution, Location and Function Radius of Firefighting Existent Stations are Analysed in Shiraz. Consequently, Regions that were out of Existant Stations Coverage Radius, Are Specified. Then by used Hierarchy Processing Model and it Compilation with GIS Ability for Regions that were out of Existent Stations Coverage Radius, the new Sites of Stations are proffered. The new Sites of Offered Stations and Existent Stations are Covered all of Shiraz with Attention to Site-selection Preference and Based on Standard of Firefighting Automobiles Receiving to Fire Sites (that is 3 Minutes in World and 5 Minutes in Iran). Result Reveal Existent Stations in Shiraz are not enough for Covering of all of This City. Then Appointment for Regions that were out of Existent Stations Coverage Radius, the new Sites of Stations are proffered.