Natural perils may be created as a result of natural or human effects. These dangers include phenomena such as earthquake, volcanic activities, earth drift, tropical and sunamic storms, syllables and drought etc. Those events and dangers made by the human activities such as global warming, diffusion of greenhouse gases, destruction of the ozone layer and melting of polar ices etc., though considered as natural perils, may be attributed to the human activities due to his role in increasing their intensity. The established dams on the rivers and draining the wet lands result in the ability of natural areas for extra water absorption and consequently syllable. In all these cases, the people may endanger the ecosystems of plants and animals and the poor people are naturally more vulnerable in such situations.Khomein is located at the end of the southern part of Markazi province and in Zagros heights. Surveying the historical earthquakes of Khomein (in the distance less than 150 km) from 1909 to 2004 shows that there have occurred more than 56 earthquakes with the strength of 3 to 7.4 on the Richter scale. Region faults including the faults of the south of Khomein, Khomein eastern hills, Sarnagh and Gharehkahriz faults and Golpayegan fault that crosses from 5 to 7 Km of southwest of the Khomein southern faults are recognized tobe the major causes for Khomein earthquakes (according to the applied studies, this countis consider relatively dangerous from the view of earthquake intensity). In this research, we have attempted to survey the important causes for earthquakes and the effective geographic elements on the probable losses relating to this county. For acheiving purpose, we utilized the region’s faults maps, statistical and bibliotheca information and focused observations. moreover ecological, geomorphologic, weather, soil, hydrology and seism ability elements of the region and crisis management etc. are so assimilated, that the happening of natural prils in the future seems probable.