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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Small towns and their role in special planning of the developing countries included in the strategies of urban development. Global experience in this field indicate the fact that solving the problems of big cities is in debt to the serious support of small towns. At a local level too, the spread of development to rural areas is guaranteed by the development of small towns. Small towns in Iran are in the center of the relationship between rural areas and urban districts. These cities not only play an important role in the progression of agriculture as a center for service distribution and a market for the croops, but also are considered a major factor in commercializing agriculture in rural areas. The main concern of the present study is to recognize and describe the role of small towns -like Razan- in local development and to provide suggestion based on the previous experiences. With regard to the hypotheses and discussed viewpoints in this field, the function of Razan town in local development is studied. In this direction, in addition to the literature regarding local development, scientific methods, factorization method, and numerical Taxonomy model are used. The results show that although Razan from the viewpoint of urban development and the variety of urban functions is considered a developed town and has caused such a sense of development to permeat through the area and to establish new relationships as well as stability in local settlements and spacial organization among the area, it has encountered lots of problem and shortages and in order to achieve an idea condition in which all settlement districts enjoy the development equally, it needs to trek a long way. In this direction, one should pay attention to both the innercity role of Razan and its function in local development to let the town provide services and facilities for its residents and help the whole vicinity develop successfully. Therefore, the urban and local structure should develop in an integrated systematic manner to let Razan provide desired services and facilities for its residents and consequently help the whole vicintly develop.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Traditional architecture of Iran have been adapted with climatic characteristics for hundreds of years. This article will review the principles of compatibility of the architecture principles with the cold climate in Hamedan. The main goal if the cold climate residents is prevention from waste of heat and maximum use of solar energy, and the general urban texture, density and type of materials used in this climate prove it. The present study, the data taken from meteorological organization of Hamedan province over a 27-year period. Mahoney table and bioclimatic pattern chart for access to proper principles of construction and implementation architecture compatible with the Hamedan cold climate and achieve human thermal comfort are used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 9191

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Natural perils may be created as a result of natural or human effects. These dangers include phenomena such as earthquake, volcanic activities, earth drift, tropical and sunamic storms, syllables and drought etc. Those events and dangers made by the human activities such as global warming, diffusion of greenhouse gases, destruction of the ozone layer and melting of polar ices etc., though considered as natural perils, may be attributed to the human activities due to his role in increasing their intensity. The established dams on the rivers and draining the wet lands result in the ability of natural areas for extra water absorption and consequently syllable. In all these cases, the people may endanger the ecosystems of plants and animals and the poor people are naturally more vulnerable in such situations.Khomein is located at the end of the southern part of Markazi province and in Zagros heights. Surveying the historical earthquakes of Khomein (in the distance less than 150 km) from 1909 to 2004 shows that there have occurred more than 56 earthquakes with the strength of 3 to 7.4 on the Richter scale. Region faults including the faults of the south of Khomein, Khomein eastern hills, Sarnagh and Gharehkahriz faults and Golpayegan fault that crosses from 5 to 7 Km of southwest of the Khomein southern faults are recognized tobe the major causes for Khomein earthquakes (according to the applied studies, this countis consider relatively dangerous from the view of earthquake intensity). In this research, we have attempted to survey the important causes for earthquakes and the effective geographic elements on the probable losses relating to this county. For acheiving purpose, we utilized the region’s faults maps, statistical and bibliotheca information and focused observations. moreover ecological, geomorphologic, weather, soil, hydrology and seism ability elements of the region and crisis management etc. are so assimilated, that the happening of natural prils in the future seems probable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2977

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Evaluation and measurement of the degree of development of societies have always been one of the goals and concerns of local and national programmers in au countries around the world. Development as one of the praised keywords in the literature concerning a social or economic progress has been clarified and analyzed in many cases. Progressive and attractive nature of the development debates has led to planning various method for measuring and grading it in various geographic scales. Now adays, local policy makers and programmers, without a clear picture of the level of development of the units affected by theirs decisions, csnnot locate the priorities or solve the problems. The present study is mainly focused on recognition of deprired areas and planning for reducing the gap between neighboring areas to achieve a balanced development. It also has tired to compare the degree of relative development in different cities in Mazandaran province and rating them in the province by using the classification technique of numerical Taxonomy. The research method is descriptive and analytical and based on statistics data. Hence, the datum concerning 2q different in dices of economic- social development for 16 different cities were gathered and reviewed. Then by using the technique of numerical Taxonomy and with the help of "celxe" and "spss" software, granding the cities based on their degree of development was done. Accordingly, Sari was rated the first and Tonekabon the last among the cities. Therefore, alongside with a movement from the center to the marginal areas of the province, the degree of lake of development increases. There is no doubt that in such conditions, the development policies of Mazandaran province should be re- established.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2521

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Drought and wetyears are considered fluctuations of trainfull attributed to dry and semi-dry climates, which are influenced by oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon. Among the factors influencing a climate on a global scale, ENSO causes major changes in rainfull distribution over train and space. In Northern coast of the Persian Gulf, there is a diversity concerning the time and space distribution of rainfull. The present study has tried to study the ENSO effect on thrainfull pattern in synoptic station in booshehr from 1965 to 2005 by using multivariate ENSO index (MEI). Trough Persian correlation method, became apparent that only in October and November, there is a meaningful relation between monthly amount of MEI and rainfull. In a year to year study, it was recognized that in 16 out of 40 years of the study period, there is a meaningful relation between rainful and MEI. The number of these years is equal to the number of wetyears in booshehr station scince the number 16 driven from Persian correlation method is in harmony with the number of wetyears driven from standard precipitation index (SPI). It can be concluded that the droughts and wetyears in synoptic station in booshehr is influenced by ENSO oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon in a meaningful way. Also, based on the linear model Y= b0 + b1 x + b2 x2 + … it was with the coefficient of 7.42 between MEI values and rainful in booshehr station, and for estimating droughts and wetyears the linear model Y=-0.12.6+ -0.2.a* x+ -0.42.7*x^2+ 6*x^3+ -17.4*x^4 Can be estimated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1388

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Human activities and changes in the landscape of have resulted in a temperature difference between rural areas and city district, the phenomenon called Urban Heat Island (UHI) usually happening in large cities as a problem resulting from urban pollution. This paper has tried to study this problem. The aim of this paper is to study the temperature difference in the city and its surrounding areas to draw a temperature map by the geographical information system software. The research has used meteorological data collected in 10 stations (2 synoptic stations and 8other established stations. By doing researches in different areas of the city and collecting data for 5 months, the result of this paper has shown that a temperature difference of 5-6.4C is recognized between the central point of UHI and the surrounding areas in the cold weather and 3-5.6C in the warm weather.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 970

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In this study, we have analyzed the climate of Gorgan by using climatic methods and then according to the trends of climatic elements during a 17-year period, the future climate of Gorgan has been studied. Climatic elements have been predicted up to year 2015. To the study changes and the types of trends, lineal Regression was used during a 50 year statistical period (1956-2005). We used the software SPSS and EXCEL for statistical analysis. We also used WRPLOT View software for studying the wind speed. Temperature, precipitation, relativehumidity, frost, wind, Z-standard temperature and precipitation, and climate classification are the parameters that are studied in this paper. The results of analyzing the statistics are as followings: Gorgans temperature is almost steady and has little changes. Precipitation has a meaningfull decreasing trend in all seasons. Relative humidity has a meaning full increasing trend. Frost dose not have a ditinct trend. Western and south western winds are predominatnt winds of Gorgan and the wind speed is usually between11 to 17 knots. By analyzing Z-standard for temperature and precipitation, it became clear that Gorgan climate has changed in 1972. Also Gorgan climate is studied based on Koppen method, Mediterranean weather and Semi-Humid moderate Emberger method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5353

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Along with the formation and development of human societies and gradual increase of gap between man and nature and the happening of vicissitudes of life, an urge for a better and continues relationship between man and his surroundings was felt. Tust then man sought a solwtion through which and by establishing nature like spaced in cities he could improve his relationship with nature. The outcome of such an effort was the formation of gardens according to the needs, cultural features and the climatic potentials of every society. The present study has tired to analyze the users opinions concerning the use of the pattern of Persian garden in the parks of Semnan city. The research method was mensurative and based on the datum driven from questionnaires answered by some 300 people and analyzed by "spss" software. The result show that most people agree with the establishment of such parks in Semnan city. Nearly all the users agreed on the presence of water and the vegetation designed based on the landscape criteria of a Persian garden. Studies indicate that the two above mentioned elements have had an important role in the formation of a Persian garden and modification of improper climatic conditions. Paying attention to the fact that Semnan has a semi-desert climate, one can feel that the presence of these two elements not only modifies the climatic conditions of Semnan, but increases the use of such parke by people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1041

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Intense centeralization and imbalance are among the features of the third world countries and one considered the consequences of polar growth policy. As a result of this policy, limited number of regions play the key roles and other regions have marginal functions. Lack of balance between rural and urban centers in various fields with regards to social, economic, and cultural aspects has resulted in the disorder of spatial system of settlements on the one hand, and uncontrolled and growing development of first class cities on the other. Immigration caused by this process to first class cities from smaller size cities in return has caused underdevelopment in smaller size cities. As an instance of this process, imbalance of spatial structure of Sistan and Baluchestan province can be mentioned. Polarization of population in Zahedan region as well as centralization of economic activities and social services has resulted in an illogical hierarchy of the rate of settlement. This study hypothesizes that style of polarized planning and the variety of planning used in this region has led to the imbalance of space in the state of Sistan and Baluchestan province. This article makes use of Scalogram model and library documentation together with statistical analysis of data to deal with the issue at hand. Efforts have been made to propose strategies for fighting imbalance in the district of Sistan and Baluchestan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2004

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